Google Adsense Is Disable?  I have checked my primary Google Adsense account a few minutes ago with my verified account at the Google Adsense twice and found the explanation as follows :
Google Adsense cannot be accessed

What happen to this? What happen to my account at the Google Adsense today. The Google Adsense cannot be accessed by me.  I try to find out what happen by searching for its diagnostic but I did not give good explanations.

I am very confuse about this.  I cannot log in my verified account at the Google Adsense with my primary GMAIL address, but I am able to check my inboxs at the GMAIL .

If the Google Adsense used the GMAIL as a key, and if the system of the Google Adsense used the GMAIL, my primary GMAIL should not also be accessed either. I should not be abble to access both : GMAIL and the Google Adsense.   What happens?

Then I changed my primary email with my second one. Could I add however that my second email has been rejected by the Google Adsense It works. The Google Adsense can detect my second email has been rejected by the adsense. You could have seen the image as follows :
Google Adsense cannot be accessed

I am confusing about this.  What happen to my primary and accepted Google Adsense account? How about you guys?  Have you checked your Google Adsense account today? Did you get the notification just like I had?. (Asep Haryono)

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