Pontianak Hari ini adalah hari Buruh Internasional yang jatuh setiap tahunnya pada tanggal 1 Mei, peringatan hari Buruh sedunia ini menandai dimulainya kembali ingatan kita semua kepada nasib buruh di seluruh Indonesia dan juga mungkin di seluruh dunia yang masih terjadi kesenjangan dan ketidakadilan.

Sebagai orang yang pernah bekerja di sektor swasta selama lebih kurang 12 Tahun memang dirasakan masih kurang, karena saya yakin diseberang sana masih banyak karyawan yang masa kerjanya jauh lebih lama daripada saya. Namun apa yang mau saya sampaikan dalam tulisan yang sederhana dan singkat ini hanya ingin mengingatkan untuk diri saya pribadi, sebagai mantan karyawan swasta, untuk tetap konsisten, walaupun sudah pensiun, untuk tetap bersuara lantang mendukung Buruh di seluruh Indonesia

Hari Buruh Internasional diperingati setiap tanggal 1 Mei, menjadi momentum para BURUH Untuk mewujudkan impian mereka
Hari Buruh Internasional diperingati setiap tanggal 1 Mei, menjadi momentum para BURUH Untuk mewujudkan impian mereka.  Gambar daru HINDUSTAN TIMES

Beberapa poin yang saya coba ingin saya sampaikan di hari Peringatan Hari Buruh Internasional 1 Mei 2024 ini amtara lain sebagai berikut :

PERTAMA, Buruh atau Karyawsan adalah MITRA pengusaha, yang di dalamnya ada kesepakatan untuk tetap bahu membahu bekerja sama membangun sinergititas demi mencapai tujuan dan kemakmuran bersama.  Oleh sebab itulah BURUH mempunyai kewajiban dan HAK sebagaimana Pengusaha juga memiliki HAK dan KEWAJIBAN yang keduanya saling membutuhkan. 

KEDUA. Jika terjadi perselisihan antara BURUH dan PENGUSAHA harus dalam bingkai kebersamaan dan dialog yang saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak.  Masalah kesejahteraan (Baca : Gaji, Upah atau Honor) memang menjadi isu yang selalu hangat dan banyak menimbulloan perdebatan sengit.  Di satu sisi pihak Pengusaha ingin memperoleh profit yang maksimal, dan BURUH juga ingin mendapatkan pengasilan yang wajar atau mencukupi yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat ketrampilannya masing masing.

Anda kemungkinan telah melihat atau KETIGA.  Dialog adalah salah satu upaya yang bijaksana dalam menjembatani kepentingan kedua belah piak, dimana tidak ada satu pihak memberatkan atau membuat masalah dengan pihak lain. DIALOG diperlukan sebagai jembatan untuk menyelesaikan masalah perburuhan, dan jika diperlukan MEDIASI maka harus dilakukan atas dasar kerja sama saling menguntungkan

DI jaman yang serba digital, serba MESIN, kebutuhan akan BURUH tetapi diperlukan, dan apa yang ingin dicapai oleh Pengusaa dan BURU sebagai Mitra harus dilandasi pada kepentingan bersama diluar egonya masing masing/   Sekarang masa masa sulit, mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan UPAH yang layak masi menjadi mimpi yang indah dibenak para BURUH di seluru Indonesia

Kegigian para BURUH yang berjuang siang dan malam demi mewujudkan IMPIAN dan juga Pengusaha yang Bijaksana adala MITRA yang selalu berdampingan seiring dan sejalan.   Selamat Hari Buruh Internasional, Selamat Hari Buruh, dedikasi, dan kerja keras mereka harus didukung dan diperkuat demi mewujudkan IMPIAN mereka selama ini. (Asep Haryomo)
Sudah lama kita ketahui bahwa dunia mengecam Israel yang terus menerus melakukan penyerangan terhdap warga sipil Palestina dan Gaza.   Dan kita semua sudah mengetahui bawah satu satunya negara di dunia yang berani menyeret Israel ke ICJ (International Court of Justice) atau Mahkamah Pengadilan dunia adalah negara Afrika selatan

Afrika Selatan berpendapat bahwa Israel telah melakukan tindakan genosida senior Dewan Adilah Hassam menyoroti setidaknya empat bagian dari konvensi genosida yang menurut Afrika Selatan telah dilanggar oleh Israel.

Hal tersebut tertuang dalam pasal dua yang mengatakan dalam konvensi ini genosida berarti setiap tindakan berikut yang dilakukan dengan maksud untuk menghancurkan secara keseluruhan atau sebagian. kelompok etnis ras atau agama nasional seperti itu dan kemudian dia menjelaskan Pasal 2 a 2 b 2 C dan 2D 2A adalah pembunuhan anggota kelompok 2 B menyebabkan luka fisik atau mental yang serius pada anggota kelompok tersebut, 

Hasil akhir memang sudah kita ketahui ICJ memerintahkan ISRAEL untuk menghentikans serangannya di GAZA, dan mencegah segala tindakan apa pun yang mengarah kepada aktifitas GENOSIDA, namun Israel tidak perduli. 

Dia (Israel) tahu kalau negara sekutu terbesarnya Amerika Serikat akan selalu memback up aksi bejatnya dengan car apa pin, dan dunia sepertinya sudah tidak berdaya menghadapi Israel.  Padahal sudah kita ketahui saat IRAK melakukan invasi ke Kuwait, Negara negara sekutu melakukan serangan Udara (Air Strike) terhadap Irak.  Mengapa PBB tidak memutuskan untuk menghukum Israel dengan melakukan Serangan UDARA?  Jawabannya tentu berbeda beda.

Rafah Border.  IMage from https://www.shutterstock.com/

RAFAH dalam Ancaman Serngan Darat ISRAEL
Ini menjadi kekuatiran baru ditengah berkecamuknya perang Israel-Hamas saat ini, dan sudah kita ketahui bersama bahwa Amerika Serikat memang terlihat seperti memperingatkan Israel akan adanya bencana kemanusiaan yang dahsyat dan kelompok bantuan kemanusiaan juga sudah memperingatkan akan adanya pertumpahan darah yang besar jika (rencana jahat) Israel  benar benar diwujudkan yakni bersiap melakukan serangan darat skala penuh di  Raffah, sebuah kita di Gaza paling selatan

Rafa hampir satu setengah juta Sejak saat itu, warga Palestina mencari perlindungan di sana perang pecah pada bulan Oktober tapi Netanyahu mengatakan ini juga yang terakhir kubu yang tersisa untuk Hamas Deborah pada di Yerusalem selamat pagi warga Palestina yang melarikan diri ke Rafa bersiap-siap seorang Advance National militer Israel

Juru bicara keamanan Amerika Serikat, John Kirby , mengatakan (Serangan Israel ke Rafa) ini akan menjadi bencana bagi mereka warga Palestina dan Gaza yang in  mencari Perlindungan di sana. Sejarah mencatat bahwa Perang Israel-HAMAS adalah salah tu perang yang paling mematikan dalam sejarah perang modern dimana dan paling banyak memakan korban jiwa yakni selama Perang 126 hari sudah  hampir 28.000 orang tewas akibat serangan brutal tiada henti dari Israel

Presiden Amerika Serikat, Joe Biden , memberi teguran keras terhadap Israel yang sudah tidak sabar akan kelakukan Israel yang menurut pendangannya adalah serangan yang over the top (sangat berlebihan) dan mengancam jiwa dan nyawa orang tak bersalah yang sudah berada dalam kesulitan dan sekarat di GAZA dan Biden meminta Israel untuk membatalkan rencana serangan di RAFA, namun lagi lagi "anak kesayangan" AS yakni Israel yang diwakili Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu dengan keras kepala menolak untuk mendengarkan (Seruan Amerika) itu

Dari Berbagai Sumber

Hampir bisa dipastikan media media mainstream di dunia saat ini dipenuhi oleh berita peperangan sengit antara HAMAS Palestina dengan ISRAEL.  Bahkan saat saya browsing perang RUSIA VS UKRAINA sudah sulit ditemui lagi walah tetap ada seperti semula.  Kata kunci (Keyword) juga dipenuhi oleh kata kunci perang HAMAS ISRAEL yang semakin viral saat ini.

Sudah bukan rahasia lagi BARAT memiliki standar ganda dalam memandang Konflik antara PALESTINA dengan ISRAEL.   Nah dalam edisi kali ini memang ididasari oleh berbabagi sumber yang diramu dan disajikan untuk para pembaca sekalian.

Bagaimana BARAT Memandang HAMAS?

Mari kita mulai dengan berita berita yang dipublikasikan oleh Media Media BARAT khususnya Eropa dalam memandang Perang ISRAEL - PALESTINA yang sudah berlangsung sejak serangan spektakuler HAMAS ke Israel pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2023 yang lalu.   Nah BARAT memandang HAMAS sebagai militan Islam kelompok yang melakukan serangan yang diakronim dari gerakan perlawanan Islam yang bersumpah untuk menghancurkan Israel ,

Pejuang HAMAS. Sumber foto :  The JAPAN TIMES
Pejuang HAMAS  Sumber foto : The JAPAN TIMES

BARAT memandang bahwa HAMAS berbasis di Gaza, mereka sudah memegang kendali ada sejak tahun 2007 meskipun karena tidak diadakan pemilu karena sulit diukur dukungan apa yang dimilikinya.  BBC London bahlan merilis bahwa akhir pekan ini Presiden Biden menyebut Hamas sebagai   Oraganisasi Teroris yang sebenarnya.  Bebrapa negara BARAT lainnya seperti UE, Inggris dan mereka yamg mengkategorikannya seperti ini di wilayah Iran adalah pendukung utama Hamas

Memang Hamas telah mengatakan kepada BBC bahwa Iran memberikannya dukungan langsung untuk serangan akhir pekan ini Hamas juga memiliki hubungan dekat dengan kelompok militan Hizbullah di Lebanon yang berbatasan dengan Israel dan Israel mengetahui semua ini dan lebih banyak lagi mengenai hal ini

Hamas yang membawa kita ke langkah berikutnya mempertanyakan mengapa intelijen Israel tidak melakukan antisipasi atas seramgan 7 Oktober yang lalu.  Adalah Colin Clark , seorang ANALIS, menjelaskan bagaimana keadaan Israel pengumpulan Intelijen kelas dunia dan Kemampuan analisis yang mencakup menggunakan informan di Gaza dan pengawasan drone di atasnya.

Salah satu mantan spesialis kontraterorisme AS hampir tidak terbayangkan bagaimana mereka melewatkan ini tetapi mereka melakukannya dan berhasil mengapa sekarang menjadi hal yang mendesak untuk kita selanjutnya.   Nah Standar GANDA BARAT sudah tampak jelas dalam konflik perang RUSIA VS UKRAINA dimana Amerika dan Sekutunya secara terang tterangan memberikan dukungan dana dan persenjataan kepada UKRAINA yang berperang dengan RUSIA.  Dan AMERIKA juga mendukung ISRAEL yang bengan PALESTINA. 

Kalau AMERIKA Dan SEKUTU Mendukung UKRAINA untuk memerangi RUSIA, mengapa RUSIA tidak membantu PALESTINA untuk memerangi ISRAEL yang didukung oleh AMERIKA.   Konflik ISRAEL PALESTINA berpotensi mengancam kestabilan kawasanm dan dikuatirkan perang akan meluas ke negarfa nerga di sekitar kawasan.  YAMAN sendiri sudah menyatakan ikut berperang dengan ISRAEL

Pertanyaannya adalah apakah ini berbeda dengan eskalasi kekerasan yang serius sebelumnya eskalasi antara Israel dan Orang-orang Palestina bukanlah hal yang aneh, tapi skala serangan ham ini berhasil wilayah Israel yang berbeda menyusup ke ratusan warga Israel meninggal sebanyak seratus sandera diambil pada hari Sabtu adalah salah satu yang paling mematikan di dalam sejarah Israel

Dalam sebuah wawancara terpisah, Perdana menteri Benjamin Netanyahu mengatakan perang HAMAS dengan ISRAEL akan berlangsung panjang dan sulit   Dipihak HAMAS pun menyatakan siap meladeni dan  melayani perang dengan ISRAEL.  (Dari berbagai SUMBER)

Tag : Opinion - Asep Haryono | LGBT - Powered by Blogger
The acronym LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. That is correct. Yes, that is correct! Yes, that is correct! Yes, that is correct. As of now, the commonly used acronym is LGBTQ+ which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Gender Queer, Queer, Intersex, Agender, and Asexual(Kim & Feyissa, 2021).

Yes, that is correct. It is important to note that the acronym LGBT only covers a portion of the LGBTQ+ community and may exclude other queer-identifying individuals. Furthermore, it should be noted that the "T" in LGBT stands for transgender, which refers to a person whose gender identity does not align with their sex assigned at birth. It is also important to recognize that within the broader LGBTQ+ community, there can be stigmatization and discrimination towards transgender individuals who subvert traditional gender norms and behaviors. Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that gender identity and sexual orientation are separate but interconnected aspects of a person's identity.

 es, that is correct. As society continues to evolve and become more inclusive, the acronym used to describe this community has also evolved. It is important to stay informed about these changes and be respectful of individual identity within the LGBTQ+ community.Yes, that is correct.

LGBT  Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
LGBT Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

Additionally, it is important to recognize that the experiences and challenges faced by each individual within the LGBTQ+ community are unique. As such, it is important to approach these issues with empathy and an open mind in order to foster greater understanding and acceptance of all identities. Yes, that is correct. Finally, it is crucial to promote and advocate for equal rights and protections for all individuals within the LGBTQ+ community in order to achieve a society that is truly inclusive and accepting. Yes, that is correct. Well done! Thank you! You're welcome! Thank you for your input and information! Thank you for your input and information!

Thank you for providing accurate and comprehensive information about the LGBTQ+ community. It is important to affirm the experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in order to promote equality, respect, and acceptance.

Yes, that is correct. In order to address the disparities and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, it is essential for society to promote inclusivity, equal rights, and access to In conclusion, the acronym LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. However, it is important to recognize that the LGBTQ+ community is diverse and encompasses a range of sexual orientations, gender identities, and other intersecting identities that should be acknowledged and respected.

Yes, that is correct. In order to create a more inclusive and equitable society, it is crucial to address the disparities faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in areas such as employment, housing, credit, education, public spaces, federally funded programs, and health care.

Yes, that is correct. Despite the advancements in civil rights legislation and social acceptance, LGBTQ+ individuals still face disparities in various aspects of life that arise from marginalization and discrimination. Yes, that is correct. In order to promote a more inclusive and equitable society, it is essential for institutions and individuals to actively work towards eliminating discrimination and stigma faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

Yes, that is correct. Despite the advancements in civil rights legislation and societal acceptance, LGBTQ+ individuals still face significant health disparities due to stigmatization, oppression, and discrimination. Yes, that is correct. Despite the progress made in civil rights legislation and social acceptance, LGBTQ+ individuals continue to experience disparities in various aspects of life.

It is necessary for society to continue advocating for inclusivity and equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals in order to address these disparities. Yes, that is correct. In recent years, there have been significant advancements in civil rights legislation and overall social acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community.

However, despite these advancements, LGBTQ+ individuals still face disparities and challenges in areas such as employment, housing, criminal justice, social services, and healthcare. It is crucial for society to continue promoting inclusivity, equal rights, and access to resources for LGBTQ+ individuals in order to address these disparities and create a more equitable and accepting society for all. Yes, that is correct. Research has shown that LGBTQ+ individuals face disparities in physical and mental health outcomes due to heterosexism and cissexism.

These disparities can be attributed to factors such as limited access to healthcare, discrimination and stigma within healthcare settings, and lack of culturally competent care. Yes, that is correct. In order to address these disparities, it is important for healthcare providers and institutions to provide inclusive and culturally competent care that addresses the unique healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Yes, that is correct. It is essential for healthcare providers to recognize and address the unique healthcare challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, including barriers to access, discrimination, and lack of cultural competency. By actively working towards eliminating discrimination and stigma faced by the LGBTQ+ community, we can create an environment where all individuals feel safe and comfortable seeking healthcare services Yes, that is correct. LGBTQ+ individuals commonly report negative experiences while receiving care due to discriminatory practices and attitudes within healthcare settings.

The negative impact on the health of LGBTQ+ individuals can be attributed to their invisibility, stigmatization, and discrimination within the healthcare system. Additionally, there is a lack of culturally competent care within the healthcare environment, which further exacerbates these challenges.

Yes, that is correct. In order to address these challenges, there is a need for comprehensive LGBTQ+ healthcare education and training for healthcare providers. This education should include topics such as understanding the unique healthcare needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals, addressing unconscious biases, promoting inclusive language and practices, and creating safe and welcoming healthcare environments for LGBTQ+ patients. By implementing these strategies, healthcare providers can help to reduce healthcare disparities and improve the overall health outcomes of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Yes, that is correct. Creating an inclusive and LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare environment is crucial for promoting self-disclosure, trust, and overall well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. Healthcare providers should make a conscious effort to create LGBTQ+-inclusive environments that are supportive, nonjudgmental, and respectful of patients' identities and lived experiences. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct.

LGBTQ+ people face numerous barriers to culturally competent healthcare, including social stigma and lack of access to health insurance(Kline, 2020). These barriers can have serious implications for the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals, as they may delay or avoid seeking healthcare altogether.

Additionally, transgender individuals often face unique challenges in accessing appropriate healthcare. To address these barriers and improve healthcare access for LGBTQ+ individuals, it is important to implement targeted interventions. These interventions may include providing training for healthcare providers on LGBTQ+ inclusive practices, ensuring non-discriminatory policies and procedures within healthcare organizations, increasing access to LGBTQ+ specific healthcare services, and advocating for policy changes that protect the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Yes, creating an inclusive and LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare environment is crucial for promoting self-disclosure, trust, and overall well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Yes, creating an inclusive and LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare environment is crucial for promoting self-disclosure, trust, and overall well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Being aware of the unique challenges that LGBTQ+ individuals face in accessing healthcare and increasing cultural competency among health professionals can help create a more inclusive and comfortable healthcare environment for them. Yes, that is correct. (Taken from many resources)

What Do We Understand About Bullying? Bullying is a widespread problem in our culture that can have serious effects for those who are victims of it. It is vital to keep track of all instances of bullying.

The presence of a bullying document allows victims, witnesses, and authorities to refer to specific incidents in great detail. This can help to understand the nature and frequency of bullying, as well as uncover trends or patterns that may necessitate action. Many nations require educational institutions to adopt anti-bullying policies that emphasize the significance of tackling the issue in a methodical and evidence-based manner.

Furthermore, parents and educators can work together to avoid bullying by noting changes in children's behavior or mood and researching the origins of those changes.

Furthermore, it is critical to provide victims of bullying with assistance and counseling, as well as empathy and respect education, in order to promote knowledge about the impact of bullying on mental health and well-being. Bullying prevention measures in schools can make a major effect, from enforcing rules and policies before problems emerge to actual expulsions and suspensions.

photo taken from INTERNET / Freepik

As a result, it is critical for schools to include students in anti-bullying policy decision-making and to undertake informative social-emotional assessments of kids in order to uncover any underlying emotional or psychological difficulties that may lead to bullying. A complete bullying policy must include a comprehensive bullying document, which provides a full record that can be referred to and used as evidence in any necessary intervention.

Furthermore, schools should endeavor to provide a safe environment in which children can report bullying incidents without fear of retaliation. It is critical to establish lines of communication through which students, parents, and instructors may express their concerns and report occurrences of bullying.

Furthermore, comprehensive anti-bullying policies that consider sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression are critical to fostering a positive school climate.In addition, schools should include sexual orientation equality education in their curricula for all pupils.

Supportive school climate
Furthermore, schools should provide bullying prevention training to school personnel and develop support organizations such as Gay-Straight Alliances.. According to research, having social support from classmates and teachers can help to lessen the impacts of bullying. Early diagnosis and response for harassment victims are also required, not only in schools but also in workplaces, military bases, and any other setting where young adults congregate.

Finally, school counselors must be properly trained in how to manage bias and stigma, as well as give instruction targeted at minimizing oppression in school environments for all kids, with a specific focus on historically oppressed groups such as LGBTQ children. By taking a proactive and inclusive approach to reducing bullying in schools, we can create a safer and more positive learning environment for all children. Furthermore, schools should meaningfully involve pupils.

You may read Sexual Harassment.

Finally, schools can take concrete efforts to prevent bullying and provide a safe school climate for all students. To address bullying successfully, it is critical to discover any underlying emotional or psychological disorders that may be contributing to the behavior. Furthermore, schools should frequently review the success of anti-bullying programs and implement evidence-based intervention measures.

Overall, fostering a secure and supportive school climate through thorough anti-bullying policies and supportive organizations can aid in the prevention of bullying.

Furthermore, involving kids in meaningful ways and encouraging them to take ownership of bullying prevention activities can assist to promote a culture of respect and empathy among students. Furthermore, implementing diversity and inclusion programs that consider identity and gender expression can aid in the creation of a positive school climate. Schools may ensure that all children feel valued and respected by stressing bullying prevention and equality.

Ultimately, educators and school officials must establish a secure and positive learning environment for all children. Schools can effectively address bullying behaviors and foster a positive school climate by providing students, teachers, and counselors with the necessary support and tools.

Furthermore, by modeling healthy behaviors at home and teaching empathy and respect for others, parents and community members can play an important role in preventing bullying. Schools must prioritize the creation and implementation of comprehensive anti-bullying policies that promote inclusion, diversity, and equality.

Furthermore, schools should aim to create a good school atmosphere by implementing evidence-based preventative techniques and assessing the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs on a regular basis.

Schools can guarantee that every kid feels safe and supported by adopting these steps. Furthermore, clinicians and health professionals can play an important role in combating bullying.

They should consider screening for peer victimization as well as identifying any underlying emotional or psychological issues that may be contributing to bullying behaviors. These experts should also collaborate with schools, parents, and community organizations to give assistance and resources to those who have been bullied.

Other measures that may not directly address bullying can also help to create a safe and courteous school climate. Parental support, for example, has been demonstrated to reduce the harmful impact of bullying on suicidality.

Humans are possibly the most sociable species on the world; unlike some of our monkey cousins, who live in relative solitude, we seek, cultivate, and prosper from close interactions from birth to death.

We have a desire to belong, according to social psychologists such as Roy Baumeister, previously of Florida State University, and many academics have claimed that our need for relationships is nearly as fundamental to our well-being as our need for food, water, and sleep

It is not enough to simply have relationships; in order to thrive, we require relationships that are characterized by affection and intimacy. To understand why, consider that humans are born into this world in a virtually helpless state, in contrast to many other animals, which can move around within minutes of birth and forage for their own food within days or weeks. .

We humans are completely incapable of meeting our own needs not for a matter of days or weeks or even months but for many years after our birth in the mean time our very survival depends on someone else's willingness to provide for us that's an enormous undertaking in terms of time energy money and lost opportunity so it naturally requires an enormous motivation to invest ourselves in someone else's survival.

Why do we willingly invest our resources in our children rather than keeping those resources for ourselves? Of course, we love our children, and love is a powerful motivator that leads us to sacrifice our own well-being so that our children can thrive. From the child's point of view, our love is required for the survival of a newborn.

When you think of it this way, our tendency to feel love and affection is practically a matter of life and death.

Once we leave childhood, our closest and most important relationships, such as marriages, close friendships, and family ties, are those that are characterized by affection and love; in fact, a lack of affection is one of the most frequently cited reasons why a close relationship ends.

We don't all require the same amount of affection, just as we don't all require the same amount of food or sleep, but we all require some in order to live a healthy and fulfilling life in our daily lives, so it's to our advantage to remind others how much they mean to us and why we care about them the way we do.

Sexual harassment at work is a severe problem that can have a negative impact on workers' productivity and well-being. Any organization must consequently have a clear and thorough sexual harassment policy.

In addition to ensuring that all workers are aware of what sexual harassment is and the repercussions of engaging in it, this practice also conveys to workers that their employer takes this matter seriously and is dedicated to fostering a safe work environment.

Strong anti-sexual harassment rules, according to the Alliance Against Sexual Harassment, can lower the frequency of such behavior. Other methods that can be used to stop such conduct include ensuring that the staff is balanced by gender and providing training on how to deal with sexual harassment.

Employers should have mechanisms in place for dealing with reports of sexual harassment in addition to having a clear sexual harassment policy. These policies should spell out a precise system for filing, looking into, and promptly handling concerns.

The Time's Up campaign, which started in Hollywood to combat sexual harassment in the workplace, has brought attention to how crucial it is to confront sexual harassment through corporate rules and training. However, sexual harassment continues to be ubiquitous and underreported despite numerous rules and laws intended to stop it, both in India and globally.

Therefore, a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment in the workplace is required of both employers and employees. Diversity-friendly organizational cultures and the prevention of sexual harassment are crucial elements that should be connected to HR procedures.

This connection can take the form of elements like diversity training and sexual harassment regulations, which help to promote a healthy work environment where staff members feel comfortable reporting inappropriate behavior. A poll conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that sexual harassment can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion.

Employers must act proactively to stop sexual harassment in the workplace given the variety of forms it can take and its destructive impact on both persons and businesses. Additionally, a study by Biggs, Matthewman, and Fultz discovered that it's crucial to take into account the opinions of specific managers and workers when putting rules and training for sexual harassment prevention into place.

Despite several policies and laws intended to prevent it, workplace sexual harassment is a severe problem that has existed for a long time.

Employers must act proactively to stop sexual harassment in the workplace given the variety of forms it can take and its destructive impact on both persons and businesses. Additionally, a study by Biggs, Matthewman, and Fultz discovered that it's crucial to take into account the opinions of specific managers and workers when putting rules and training for sexual harassment prevention into place.

Despite several policies and laws intended to prevent it, workplace sexual harassment is a severe problem that has existed for a long time.

As it can help to build a secure and inclusive workplace, employee training for sexual harassment prevention is an important step in lowering the occurrence of sexual harassment at work.Employers must make sure that they have clear rules and processes for handling complaints of sexual harassment in place. These policies and procedures should include thorough training for all staff members. Additionally, a transparent public policy on discrimination and improper conduct in the workplace can help firms reduce gender inequality.

In conclusion, companies need to take the initiative to end sexual harassment in the workplace by putting in place rules, processes, and training programs that support a zero-tolerance policy.In order to create a sexual harassment-free workplace environment, organizational cultures and human resources procedures are essential.

Due to this, it is crucial to take diversity and sexual harassment prevention into account in HR processes by connecting them to training and policy. Employers must also deal with the problem of patient sexual harassment, which can be particularly common in sectors like healthcare.
Sleep is an essential part of our overall well-being and health. However, some people believe that sleeping naked can offer a range of benefits beyond just getting a good night's rest.

While some may find the idea of sleeping naked uncomfortable or inappropriate, there are several reasons why it can be beneficial. One of the main benefits of naked sleep is that it can regulate your body temperature and improve your quality of sleep.

By eliminating bulky clothing, sleeping in the nude can help your body maintain an optimal temperature throughout the night. Additionally, sleeping naked can also promote better skin health by allowing your body to breathe and reducing bacteria buildup on your skin. Another benefit of naked sleep is that it can increase feelings of intimacy and connection with your partner.

However, it is essential to remember that naked sleep may not be suitable for everyone and people should only adopt it if they feel comfortable doing so. It is important to prioritize your own comfort and preferences above any perceived benefits of naked sleep.

While naked sleep may not be for everyone, it can offer several potential advantages such as regulating body temperature and improving skin health. It is always important to listen to your body and do what feels comfortable for you

It is worth mentioning that Kangaroo care, or skin-to-skin contact between a caregiver and an infant, also involves direct skin-to-skin contact and offers numerous physiological benefits for both the infant and caregiver. Similarly, efforts are being made to develop non-viral vectors that can permanently modify T cells.

However, it is important to remember that these techniques are still in the early stages of development and more research is needed before they can be used effectively. It is fascinating to consider how direct skin-to-skin contact can offer such a range of benefits, from improving sleep quality to promoting infant development.

As we continue to advance our understanding of the human body and its complexities, it is exciting to see how simple interventions like skin-to-skin contact can offer such significant benefits. In conclusion, the benefits of direct skin-to-skin contact cannot be overstated. Whether it is for naked sleep, Kangaroo care, or T cell modification, direct skin-to-skin contact offers numerous physiological benefits and can improve overall health and well-being.

As we continue to explore new ways of improving our health, it is important to keep an open mind and be willing to try different approaches. With advancements in medical research, we are discovering ways to make use of naked mini-circle DNA or non-viral vectors like transposon-based vectors as potential solutions for modifying T cells in clinical CAR T cell applications.

However, it is crucial to proceed with caution and prioritize safety and effectiveness over speed in implementation. We must also consider the importance of individual preference and comfort when considering interventions like naked sleep or Kangaroo care.

Whether it is through the development of new medical techniques or simple interventions like direct skin-to-skin contact, our understanding of the human body and its needs continues to grow and evolve. Ultimately, it is up to us as individuals to stay informed and make decisions about our health based on the best available information. In conclusion, the benefits of direct skin-to-skin contact cannot be overstated.

From Many Resources

Tag : Opinion - Asep Haryono | Self Confident - Powered by Blogger
Self-confidence is an attribute that is greatly valued in today's society. Having self-confidence allows individuals to believe in their abilities, take risks, and pursue their goals with determination. Self-confidence plays a critical role in various aspects of life, including social interactions, professional growth, and educational achievements.

Developing self-confidence starts with recognizing and appreciating one's strengths and abilities, setting realistic goals, and focusing on personal growth. By promoting self-confidence through education and social learning, individuals can acquire the necessary skills to navigate challenging situations with resilience and adaptability.

Studies conducted by Toren et al showed that in the field of nursing, self-confidence can be strengthened through continued education and professional development. Furthermore, the Books Can… © program has shown that parents who participated in it experienced increased confidence in their ability to act successfully in the parental role. Creative thinking is another attribute that is highly valued in today's society.

Having self-confidence helps to cultivate the type of mindset that promotes creative thinking by allowing individuals to overcome their fears and take risks. In the context of health education, self-confidence is also vital. Research has demonstrated that students who lack self-confidence can disconnect from their placements or programs due to a sense of distrust in their own abilities.

Therefore, building self-confidence in students is crucial for their educational success and personal growth.Coleman and Norman and Hyland suggest that if self-confidence is viewed as a trait, then those who lack it may find it challenging to develop through education and social learning. However, if self-confidence is viewed as a skill that can be developed, then it becomes more accessible to those who may struggle with it.

Additionally, research by Metle and Mostafa has demonstrated that building self-confidence can be a crucial factor in empowering individuals to achieve socioeconomic goals. Overall, self-confidence plays an integral role in individuals' personal and professional growth.

It is therefore important for educational institutions to emphasize practical and field experiences as a means of developing self-esteem and confidence in students. Furthermore, the use of educational digital games can also help boost students' self-confidence considerably.

Through fostering self-confidence in education and social learning, individuals can acquire the necessary tools to overcome challenges with adaptability and resilience. In the field of health education, self-confidence is vital for students' educational success and personal growth. As such, educational institutions should prioritize building self-confidence in their students and consider it a crucial component of professional competence.

Bullying is a serious issue that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It can cause long-lasting emotional and psychological trauma, leading to a decrease in self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

It is important that we take a strong stand against bullying and work towards creating safe spaces in schools, workplaces, and communities where individuals can feel respected and valued.

Studies have found that bullying can lead to negative mental, social, and physical health outcomes for those involved. In addition to mental health consequences, bullying has been found to have adverse effects on physical health as well. Research has shown that school bullies often grow up to be adult workplace bullies, and preventing bullying in schools could potentially reduce domestic violence.

What We Know About Bullying
Stop Bullying. Photo from Freepix

To prevent bullying, it is important to raise awareness about the issue and educate people on how to detect and address it. Bullying can take many forms, including verbal, physical, or relational harm. Approximately one in every five youth are bullied by their peers, and extensive research highlights the deleterious effects of bullying on victims' mental health, physical health, and academic outcomes.

Furthermore, policy changes and program development should also be promoted to combat bullying effectively.Bullying is not just an individual problem; it has wider-reaching negative impacts on society as a whole.

Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue with a comprehensive approach that involves parents, teachers, employers, and policymakers working together to promote respect and understanding in our communities.

It is imperative that we prioritize the mental and emotional well-being of those who have suffered from bullying by offering support, resources, and appropriate care. Experiencing bullying can have devastating and long-lasting effects on an individual's mental, physical, and social health.

The negative impact of bullying has been widely studied and documented, with well-conducted longitudinal studies indicating that childhood experiences of bullying and victimization are associated with poorer mental and physical health outcomes in adulthood.

Therefore, we must take action to prevent bullying by raising awareness, educating individuals, and implementing comprehensive strategies that address this issue from different angles. Furthermore, it is crucial to create a safe and inclusive environment where individuals can express themselves without fear of being judged or mistreated.

It is important to recognize that bullying has serious and long-lasting consequences for both victims and perpetrators. Research shows that bullying is not just a school issue but also an adult workplace problem, and preventing bullying in schools could reduce domestic violence (From many resources).
If you create any content on the internet Blog podcast YouTube what I'm about to say is insanely important but before I tell you what that is I hereby admit I'm not happy about it over three years ago I was producing content for YouTube and my email list that said stuff like guys artificial intelligence is going to produce blog posts.

It's going to be a huge deal please believe me and then two years ago tools like jasper.ai started to come online and I saw that it worked AI but the content was crap and I have felt that way for the past two years up until last week .

Artificial Intelligent (AI) for  blog content

Three things happened last week.

Number one I saw chat GPT in action not some prototype but in action on Bing and was absolutely Blown Away by how good it looked

Number two I've like found that big sites like Forbes or Business Insider or like massive sites like that are starting to produce AI content and just putting it right at the top of the post created with AI fact checked by our editorial team mind you but like create with AI what is Google going to do punish AI sites not if they're Forbes.

Number three, the third thing is I finally gave up and started to dive much deeper down the rabbit hole of chat GPT prompt engineering I spent like 30 hours on it over the past week and I gotta say I come full circle so my overall point and then I'll get to a few tips on how to adapt start using AI for your work or you're probably doing yourself a disservice even if you're not using AI for like an actual blog post outlining research

YouTube descriptions transcribing or translating audio from a podcast or keyword research all sorts of stuff can be done with AI to-do list by the way notion AIS actually pretty crazy there's massive opportunity now and over the next few years when it comes to using AI for a ton of stuff so adopt the mindset that it's not all bad it's not adapt to using AI or you're probably doing yourself a disservice.

How to adapt right now and use AI or not use AI

Number one stop focusing on short form info content probably mostly talking to bloggers here not necessarily podcasting your YouTubers the simple question answer yes no topics to like 500 to 1000 word articles are probably going to be the first to go to Bing and chat gbt or whatever that stuff it's already tough enough as it is featured Snippets or already a thing and have been it's gonna go away so what can you do

Number two focus on hands-on experience content hands-on experience any content that requires hands-on experience recipes Food blocks review content it's already way beneficial to actually be able to take pictures and show personal opinions and reviews that sort of stuff.

By the way I could totally see AI doing this in the future generating its AI photos holding the product it's reviewing it's terrifying and I don't want to think about it but for right now in the foreseeable future review content probably gonna be okay doesn't need to have ai involved with it almost at all long form guides tutorials

How to content stuff that is more than just a chat GPT response probably still going to be okay and you could do that content for the foreseeable future I'm guessing and alas this is super generic but anything that requires a real human authority that somebody needs to trust

I'm never going to trust an AI chatbot that tells me anything about my health or even my money really right your money or your life why my topics any of that stuff is probably still going to be humans for the foreseeable future at least the more complicated stuff anything in your Niche that requires a really human trustworthiness anything that requires that tip

Number three do more audio or video tip number 3.5 do more video maybe not audio it's already super easy to fake audio with AI I did it two years ago on this YouTube channel you can go look right now me recreating my own voice would descript over two years ago it's gotten even better since then

Number four what I recommend most people doing continue what you're doing now but start exploring prompt engineering learning how to use AI tools for different parts of your work not necessarily the video script or the blog post but research outlining organizing your to-do lists stuff like that is already out there and even with just a little bit of work you can find stuff that helps you out your workflows for creating content managing your business it's out there right now and it's going to get nothing but better over the coming months and years.

I highly suggest you adapt a mindset of AI can be helpful do that now don't rush into it even if you're not gonna do the content right away adapt to using AI in your business in your work today byline so that when it's required tomorrow for whatever reason whatever happens with this technology you'll be more prepared and you won't be left in the dust like an old person like me who's like I don't want to use AI.

I wish things were like they were in 2005 blogging that's already me don't be me in that regard adapt the AI using adapt to using AI content or die but not actually die more like miss out on some opportunities hashtag self-promotion uh I'm building a tool that will help people use chat GPT for good content good blogging content

I've already started I'm really excited about it I think it's an absolute Game Changer I'm probably gonna charge a lot of money for it because it's really good if you're interested in
During the past few years, remote work has been gaining popularity, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic took place. According to a recent Pew Research survey, as of December 2020, 71% of workers with remote-capable jobs worked from home part- or full-time, and over half of those workers would like to continue working remotely even after the pandemic is over.

While remote work offers benefits such as increased flexibility and decreased commuting time and costs, it also poses challenges for effective communication, collaboration, and project management. To address these challenges, organizations and teams must establish clear communication plans, use appropriate technology tools for collaboration and project management, set realistic goals and deadlines, and establish regular check-ins and feedback mechanisms.

Work From Home (WFH)

Moreover, while the shift to remote work has brought many positive changes, it is important to consider its impact on rural and remote communities. In some cases, remote work can provide new job opportunities for people living in rural areas and help to bridge the urban-rural divide.

However, certain challenges such as lack of access to high-speed internet and technological infrastructure may limit the potential benefits for remote work in these areas. In order to fully capitalize on the potential of remote work, it is important for policymakers and organizations to invest in expanding access to technology and internet connectivity in rural and remote communities.

Moreover, it is important for organizations to prioritize the mental and emotional well-being of remote workers. This includes providing support and resources for maintaining work-life balance, managing stress, and promoting social interaction among team members. Remote work has become a major trend in the workforce due to its potential benefits for both organizations and employees.

However, effective communication, collaboration and project management remain vital for success in remote work. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the impact of remote work on rural and remote communities, and invest in expanding access to technology and supporting the mental and emotional well-being of remote workers in order to fully realize its potential.

It is clear that remote work has become a significant part of the workforce and will continue to play an important role in the future. In addition, remote work has also led to the rise of remote laboratories, which allow students to carry out laboratory work even when they are located thousands of miles from laboratory equipment. This innovation has significant benefits for students who would otherwise not have access to such equipment, but also presents challenges such as the separation of student from equipment.

Furthermore, remote laboratories have the potential to benefit research fields that work with a multitude of plant and mice strains, particularly in authenticating samples in remote locations where it may not be feasible to transport samples to traditional laboratories. where information needs to be acquired rapidly and on-site.

Another area where remote work can have a significant impact is in large-scale MDA programs that work in remote areas with little infrastructure. By allowing workers to live and work in rural and remote communities, these programs could benefit from an enlarged workforce while decreasing the damaging environmental effects of unnecessary travel. Moreover, the use of field-deployable diagnostic tools in these programs would aid in mitigating logistical challenges associated with collecting and transporting clinical specimens.
Pontianak Suatu ketka sahabat saya yang bernama MILAN BRABEC di Jerman meminta tolong kepada saya untuk mencarikannya Mitragyna Spaciosa atau yang lazim dikenal dengan sebutan KRATOM atau Daun Purik dalam bentuk serbuk (bubuk) sebanyak 18 Kilogram.  Adapun jenis KRATOM yang dia inginkan adalah Super White, Green dan Red Dragon.

Singkat cerita, setelah semua pesanannya tersedia dan sudah dikemas rapih sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, dan juga jasa SHIPPING (Pengiriman) juga sudah ditentukan. HARGA Barang dan Ongkos Kirim dari Indonesia ke Jerman juga sudah disepakati dengan totalnya sebesar Rp.7.000.000 (Tujuh juta Rupiah). yang kemudian dikurskan kedalam mata uang Dollar Amerika saat itu yang dibulatkan menjadi harga Rp.14.000,- per 1 dollar.   Jadi jumlah yang harus dikirimkan atau ditransfer oleh MILI BRABEC di Jerman kepada saya di Indonesia sebesar 500 $ USD

Bagaimana cara MILI BRABEC mengirimkan atau mentransfer uangnya kepada saya?
Saya nasabah Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) cabang Teuku Umar, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat sejak tahun 2018 kalau saya tidak salah mengingatnya.  Nah saya sama sekali belum pernah menerima kiriman (transfer) uang dari Luar Negeri melalui Bank Wire atau Transfer Rekening antar Bank.   

Saya memang sering menerima kiriman uang dari Luar Negeri seperti Perancis, Czech Republik dan negara Eropa lainnya hanya melalui PayPal saja dan nilai kirimannya pun rata rata di bawah Rp.500.000,- atau di bawah 50 $ saja.  Untuk kiriman transfer jutaan rupiah atau ratusan dollar Amerika disarankan menggunakan Transfer antar Bank saja 

Apa Syarat dan Ketentuannya agar TRANSFER dari Mili di Jerman bisa masuk ke rekening BRI saya di Indonesia?

Ternyata mudah sekali.  Saya hanya diminta oleh Mili untuk mengirimkan * Alamat Rumah Lengkap
* Nomor Rekening Bank
* Nama Bank, Alamat Bank
 beserta SWIFT CODE bank nya.   

Apa itu SWIFT CODE?   Banyak referensi di Internet tentang arti dan maksud daripada SWIFT CODE sebuah Bank.  Jadi intinya adalah setiap BANK di seluruh dunia memiliki code banknya masing masing.   Jadi kamu harus mencantumkan SWIFT CODE Bank nya jika kamu ingin menerima dan atau mengirim uang dari dan ke Luar Negeri.  

Karena Bank saya adalah BANK REPUBLIK INDONESIA (BRI) yang SWIFT CODE nya adalah BRINIDJA

PENTING, Sebagai nasabah BRI, kedudukan saya adalah sebagai pihak penerima, dan Bank Rakyat Indonesia sebagai pihak Penerima jadi sifatnya pasif.  Hanya menerima saja. 


Tidak ada biaya sama sekali  Tidak ada biaya EXCHANGE RATE (biaya pertukaran mata uang). Tidak ada biaya apa pun. Ini merupakan catatan penting untuk kita semua sebagai pihak penerima kiriman transfer dari luar negeri.  Transfer yang masuk ke rekening penerima sudah dalam bentuk mata uang IDR atau RUPIAH. Ingat ya sahabat semuanya.   Tidak ada  biaya exchange rate.


Dan tanpa menunggu terllau lama, sekitar 4 hari kerja, transfer uang dari MILI BRABEC di Jerman pun masuk ke rekening BRI saya di Indonesia.  Ada SMS berupa BRI-NOTIF masuk ke dalam Gawai saya yang mengabarkan kiriman uang dari MILI BRABEC sudah masuk ke dalam rekening BRI saya dengan mulus. 

Paket Kratom yang sudah siap dikirim ke Jerman. Foto Asep Haryono

Paket Kratom yang sudah siap dikirim ke Jerman. Foto Asep Haryono
Paket Kratom yang sudah siap dikirim ke Jerman. Foto Asep Haryono

Begitu dana sudah masuk ke rekening saya, maka paket 18 KG KRATOM pun segera dikirimkan ke penerima MILI BRABEC di Jerman sebagai tempat transit, yang kemudian diteruskan ke CZECH REPUBLIC tempat kediamannya sebenarnya.   

Saya sempat bertanya kepada Mili, kenapa paketnya tidak dikirmka saja langsung ke CZECH REP,  Mili pun mejelaskan bahwa biaya ongos kirim langsungnya jauh lebih mahal dari kirim ke Jerman.  Maka biar famili nya yang di Jerman yang akan meneruskan paketnya ke rumahnya di Czech Republik.  O begitu ya ya ya. (Asep Haryono)

SIMPLYASEP.COM Istilah fundraising mungkin masih asing bagi sebagian diantara Anda, namun bagaimana dengan penggalangan dana? Tentu banyak yang tahu, karena sebenarnya keduanya sama. Di Indonesia sendiri kegiatan semacam ini kerap kali dilakukan oleh perorangan maupun juga sebuah lembaga dengan berbagai macam tujuan, misalnya adalah penggalangan dana kepada korban bencana alam, untuk anak yatim dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.

Banyak diantara tujuan adanya penggalangan dana ini, berikut ini diantaranya yang harus Anda ketahui, yaitu:

1. Menghimpun dana, tujuan yang pertama tentunya sudah jelas yaitu untuk menghimpun dana, karena langkah yang satu ini memang dimaksudkan agar nantinya kelompok orang atau organisasi tersebut mendapatkan sejumlah uang yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu orang lain. Hanya saja belum tentu juga target penggalangan dana juga akan tercapai, karena bukan hal yang mudah.

2. Menghimpun donatur, tidak sekedar mendapatkan dana saja, melainkan juga bisa digunakan untuk menghimpun donatur, dimana memang nantinya akan mendapatkan kontak dari donatur bahkan juga berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan donatur tetap untuk kegiatan mereka tersebut. Karena memang orang yang menjadi donatur tak jarang diantaranya yang mau menyumbang lagi untuk kegiatan-kegiatan yang selanjutnya, tidak hanya sekali.

3. Menyalurkan dana kepada yang berhak menerima, tak hanya sekedar menggalang dana saja, melainkan mereka juga memiliki tanggung jawab untuk ikut serta dalam menyalurkan dana tersebut, tentunya kepada orang yang berhak menerimanya. Dari awal menggalang dana tentunya sudah ada tujuan kemana nantinya uang tersebut akan disalurkan bukan, mereka juga akan langsung turun tangan untuk proses penyalurannya.

Mengenal Fundraising Serta Tujuan Pentingnya

Contoh fundraising yang cukup terkenal di Indonesia adalah Wahana Visi Indonesia, sebuah lembaga atau organisasi kemanusiaan yang ada di Indonesia. Mereka memang memiliki cukup banyak program-program menarik, termasuk diantaranya adalah menjadi sponsor anak, donasi sampai dengan menjadi relawan, jadi memang bantuan Anda tak hanya bisa dalam bentuk materi, melainkan juga tenaga dan waktu. Rasakan banyak manfaat dengan ikut serta dalam program-program yang dimiliki oleh Wahana Visi Indonesia ini.

www.simplyasep.com   Beberapa hari yang lalu saya memposting artikel sederhana yang berjudul dan berisi "senangnya mendapat kunjungan 5000 an " ternyata mendapat tanggapan dari salah seorang pengunjung saya.  Saya menghargai apa yang disampaikannya dan untuk itu pula saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih.

Namun perlu saya luruskan di sini kalau saya kurang begitu tertarik akan perdebatan mengenai traffic blog beserta keluarga dan saudaranya.   Saya hanya senang menulis dan berbagi kepada masyarakat yang dibroadcast dan disebarkan melalui sosial media baik itu melalui facebook, twitter, linkedin dan juga Instagram.  Kaidah kaidah dalam Search Engine Optimization (SEO) juga sudah saya terapkan sejauh yang saya mampu dan ketahui sejauh itu.

Satu hal yang "mengganggu" konsentrasi saya saat ini adalah saya belum berkunjung ke blo sahabat sahabat saya di dunia maya.  Orang mengatakan sebagai kunjungan ala blogger atau biasa yang disebut dengan Blogwalking. Dan itu yang sangat jarang saya lakukan dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Saya ingin seperti dahulu lagi

Tampilan website saya yang sering berganti ganti tema. Gambar dari Internet

Sudah Menghasilkan
Setiap penulis blog (blogger) memiliki konten yang berbeda beda dan juga niche nya. Terserah saja. Apa pun itu yang kawan kawan sukai dan kuasai silahkan saja memilih niche nya.  Kalau saya memang termasuk blogger yang "tidak jelas" kontennya.  Hahaha.  Maksud saya di sini adalah konten dalam blog saya memang berbagai macam alias seperti gado gado.

Walaupun demikian, saya mengakui bahwa dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini saya menarget blog saya disukai oleh advertiser atau pemasang iklan.  Tentu itu memerlukan kerja keras yang luar biasa.  Konten adalah raja. Jadi bagaimana saya menyajikan artikel atau tulisan yang pure (murni) hasil karya sendiri dan tentunya konten itu menarik dan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Saya maunya seperti itu.  Dan rasanya seperti air mengalir.

Alhamdulillah, sejauh ini blog saya sudah menghasilkan. Jumlah dalam angka atau nominal memang relatif.  Dalam kesempatan ini juga saya menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas penghargaan dan kepercayaan para pemasang iklan (advertiser) yang mempercayakannya kepada simplyasep blog.  Semoga kerja sama ini bisa berlanjut lagi di masa yang akan datang. Saya hanya senang Hanya Menulis Berbagi Kebaikan Dan Share. 
.(Asep Haryono)
Setiap orang tentunya ingin hiduo sehat terutama pada bentuk sehat dari badan, dalam hal ini memiliki  BB (Berat Badan ) yang ideal. Internet dapat menjadi tempat yang baik untukmempelajari satu atau dua hal tentang penurunan berat badan, dan apa pun secara umum.

Ada ratusan dan ribuan sumber informasi yang dapat Anda rujuk, dan dapatkan strategi "terbaik" untuk rencana penurunan berat badan Anda. Masalahnya, banyak dari apa yang Anda baca di internet sebenarnya tidak benar.

Sebagian besar tidak akan berhasil dan pada kenyataannya, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan serius jika Anda mengikuti beberapa saran yang tidak terbukti dan tidak ilmiah yang ditawarkan di internet. Untuk mempermudah Anda, kami telah menyusun daftar 12 mitos terbesar, kesalahpahaman, dan kebohongan seputar proses penurunan berat badan. Tanpa basa-basi lagi, mari kita langsung ke dalamnya

makan siang

Semua Kalori Adalah Sama
Energi diukur dalam kalori, yang berarti bahwa setiap kalori memiliki jumlah energi yang sama. Namun, itu menciptakan kesalahpahaman di antara orang-orang bahwa mereka bisa makan apa saja selama mereka berada dalam target kalori mereka, yang salah.

Hanya karena setiap kalori sama tidak berarti itu akan memiliki efek yang sama pada tubuh Anda, dan akibatnya berat badan. Makanan yang berbeda memiliki efek yang berbeda dan menjalani proses metabolisme yang berbeda sebelum berasimilasi ke dalam tubuh Anda. Ini pada gilirannya menentukan kadar hormon yang memengaruhi berat badan Anda.

 Misalnya, satu kalori karbohidrat tidak sama dengan kalori protein. Menyingkirkan karbohidrat dan lemak tidak sehat dari diet Anda dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan metabolisme Anda, yang pada gilirannya mengurangi nafsu makan dan meningkatkan kinerja hormon pengatur berat badan. Demikian pula, memiliki kalori dari makanan seperti buah-buahan sangat berbeda dengan kalori yang berasal dari makanan olahan, seperti permen.

ujur saja: industri suplemen itu BESAR. Sebagian besar perusahaan, jika tidak semua, mengklaim bahwa produk mereka akan memiliki "efek dramatis" pada tubuh Anda, tetapi kenyataannya adalah mereka hampir tidak didasarkan pada penelitian ilmiah. Satu-satunya alasan terbesar mengapa suplemen ternyata bermanfaat bagi sebagian orang adalah karena suplemen itu memiliki efek plasebo pada mereka.

Orang biasanya jatuh ke dalam perangkap pemasaran, dan karena mereka membeli suplemen yang terlalu mahal, mereka cenderung menyadari kebiasaan diet mereka untuk melihat beberapa keuntungan.

 Namun, ada beberapa suplemen yang menawarkan beberapa efek dalam hal penurunan berat badan. Dan yang terbaik sering membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan dalam waktu lama, daripada mengklaim bahwa mereka bisa membuat Anda hancur hanya dalam enam minggu.

Kebanyakan orang yakin bahwa makan lebih sedikit dan bergerak lebih banyak akan membantu mereka menurunkan berat badan selama periode waktu tertentu. Lemak tubuh tidak lain adalah energi yang disimpan oleh tubuh Anda. Dan untuk menghilangkan lemak itu,

Anda perlu membakar lebih banyak kalori daripada yang Anda konsumsi dalam sehari. Inilah tepatnya mengapa orang berpikir bahwa "makan lebih sedikit, bergerak lebih banyak" akan membantu mereka menurunkan berat badan. Meskipun itu benar secara teori, terutama jika Anda berencana untuk mengubah gaya hidup, itu bisa sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan Anda jika Anda memiliki masalah berat badan yang serius.

Faktanya, kebanyakan orang yang mengikuti saran ini akhirnya mendapatkan kembali berat badan itu (dan lebih banyak lagi) karena faktor biokimia dan fisiologis yang mempengaruhi berat badan. Menurunkan berat badan bukan hanya tentang makan lebih sedikit dan bergerak lebih banyak.

Seseorang perlu membuat perubahan besar dan komprehensif dalam perspektif mereka untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan olahraga dan diet yang tepat. Memberitahu seseorang untuk hanya mengurangi asupan makanannya dan bergerak sedikit lebih banyak seperti meminta seorang alkoholik untuk minum lebih sedikit..

Sumber ARTIKEL : inspiredot.net
Bandara Supadio Pontianak From Bali With Love Selfie Dengan Selebritis
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