The Eagles' 1977 hit song "Hotel California" has captivated music enthusiasts for decades, with its haunting melody, evocative lyrics, and mysterious symbolism. This research paper delves into the true stories and inspirations behind this iconic track, uncovering the multifaceted influences that converged to create one of the most acclaimed and enduring songs in rock history.

 Contrary to popular belief, the "Hotel California" does not refer to a specific hotel, but rather serves as a metaphor for the decadence, excess, and spiritual emptiness that characterized the 1970s in the United States. The song's lyrics, penned by Don Felder, Don Henley, and Glenn Frey, draw upon their personal experiences and observations of the music industry, the counterculture movement, and the societal changes that were unfolding at the time.

Photo courtesy
Photo taken from Photo courtesy

The term "Hotel California" itself was inspired by a real-life experience Henley had while staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where he witnessed the hedonistic and self-indulgent behavior

of the hotel's wealthy patrons. The song's haunting and evocative imagery, such as the "dark desert highway," the "shimmering light," and the "master's chamber," have been the subject of much debate and interpretation over the years. Some have suggested that the "Hotel California" represents a metaphor for the corrupting influence of fame and success, while others have interpreted it as a commentary on the spiritual and moral decay of American society.

 Musically, the song's intricate guitar work, featuring the iconic dual lead guitar lines played by Felder and Joe Walsh, has been widely praised and studied by musicians and music theorists alike. The song's extended instrumental section, which features a virtuosic guitar solo, has become one of the most recognizable and iconic moments in rock music history. The recording of "Hotel California" was a complex and challenging process, with the band spending countless hours refining and perfecting the track.

The song's final form, which features a seamless blend of rock, folk, and classical influences, is a testament to the Eagles' exceptional musicianship and attention to detail. In conclusion, the true stories behind "Hotel California" are multi-layered and complex, reflecting the band's unique perspectives on the social, cultural, and spiritual upheavals of the 1970s. The song's enduring popularity and critical acclaim are a testament to the power of music to capture the zeitgeist of an era and to resonate with listeners across generations. (From many resources)

South Korea is in mourning following the deadliest ever aviation disaster in the country’s history. 179 people were killed Sunday when a Boeing 737-800 aircraft made a crash landing at Muan International airport, The plane skidded off the runway and burst into flames. Only two people onboard survived. Aviation authorities are investigating the cause of the crash.

The Jeju Airlines passenger jet touched down in Muan South Korea the belly of the jet skidding on the tarmac before it slams into a concrete wall exploding into a fireball flight 2216 was carrying hundred passengers from Bangkok Thailand rescue crews immediately launched a search for survivors at least two crew members were pulled out of the wreckage alive and conscious but officials say most of the people on board died in the fire

This This Memorial close to thesight of the crash in the city of muan is already piled with white chrysanthemums left by mourners . Photo from DW Youtube news
This This Memorial close to thesight of the crash in the city of muan is already piled with white
chrysanthemums left by mourners . Photo from DW Youtube news

The airline apologized and said the 15-year-old Boeing 737800 jet was up todate on its maintenance the early focus of the investigation is on why landing gear appeared to denial l function officials have recovered the plane's black box with flight data and cockpit voice recordings and said the air control tower had issued a bird strike warning to the plane before landing In statement Boeing said it is in contact with the airline and quote we extend our deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones and our thoughts remain with the passengers and crew

Some aviation experts are suggesting bird strikes made the pilot’s first attempted landing unsuccessful, subsequently leading to human error in the pilot’s attempt to land a second time. The disaster comes just days after another passenger jet from azerbijan Airlines crashed in Kazakhstan 29 people survived but 38 others were defense systems were firing near the airport as the plane attempted to land Bradley It remains elusive even after 24 hours of the fatal airline disaster in South Korea. (From many resources)

Christmas, a time-honored celebration observed by millions worldwide, has long been shrouded in myths and misconceptions. The origins of this beloved holiday can be traced back to pre-Christian traditions, with its modern incarnation shaped by a complex interplay of religious, cultural, and commercial influences. (Deacy, 2016) (Miller, 2017)

Contrary to popular belief, the exact date of Jesus's birth is not definitively known, and the decision to celebrate it on December 25th was likely a strategic move by the early Christian church to coincide with existing pagan festivals (Miller, 2017).

As one source notes, "most of the festivals and rites that were once celebrated have at least in the more metropolitan areas practically disappeared. By contrast Christmas has been the one festival that has secured official backing and increasing commercial attention, so that today it is as though all the other festivals had been emptied out and replaced by this one last celebration that now stands as the symbol of the very idea of an annual festival" (Miller, 2017).

Photo courtesy Element5 Digital
Photo courtesy Element5 Digital

The traditions associated with Christmas, such as the Christmas tree, gift-giving, and Santa Claus, have their roots in a diverse array of cultural and religious practices. The significance of place in the celebration of Christmas is also noteworthy, with the home often being the ideal locus for the festivities.

While the commercialization of Christmas has been a source of criticism, the holiday's enduring appeal and global reach are a testament to its ability to adapt and evolve over time. As one scholar suggests, "the attention given to composite landscapes and individual dwellings suggests that place, as well as time, is important to the celebration.

By definition Christmas is a season, but as a festival it has a certain locus: to borrow a phrase from Peter Jackson, it literally "takes place."" (McGreevy, 1990) The truth behind Christmas is a complex and multifaceted story, one that encompasses the interplay of ancient traditions, religious beliefs, and modern commercial interests.

Despite the critiques, the enduring appeal of Christmas lies in its ability to bring people together and create a sense of shared joy and meaning, even in the face of a fast-paced consumer culture. (Miller, 2017) (McGreevy, 1990) (Deacy, 2016) .

From many resources

DW News Minggu lalu Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu berdiri di hadapan AS Kongres di Washington dan menempatkan rezim ran dan pejuang proksinya Hizbullah dan Hamas sebagai Teoris dan ancaman bagi Israel.

Namun sayangnya PM Netanyahu tidak sedikitpun menyinggung usual Gencatan senjata. Kini dunia kembali dikejutkan dengan berita Tewasnya Pemimpin Hamas Ismael Haniyeh, seorang komandan Hizbullah dan pemimpin politik Hamas. Sejauh ini belum ada klaim bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan Haniyeh dan bahkan Iran secara tegas menyalahkan Israel dan bersumpah balas dendam AS

Photo taken from DW Youtube Channel

Sahabat Pembaca Blog yang budiman

Seperti yang diberitakan, Haniyeh berada di Teheran Iran,  untuk menghadiri peresmian atau pelantikan presiden Iran yang baru terpilih Dia (Ismail Haniyah-red) dilaporkan terbunuh sebelum waktu fajar.  Banyak analis memperkirakan bahwa serangan udara yang menewaskan Haniyeh ini dikuatirkan aakhirnya bisa memicu perang habis-habisan di Timur Tengah setelah serangan  7 Oktober tahun lalu

Di pihak Israel bersumpah dan , sejak tanggal 7 Oktober tahun lalu memang sudah berjanji untuk membunuh para pemimpin HAMAS (termasuk Haniyeh-rd) dan para pemimpin HAMAS lainnya Pemimpin Hamas.  Ketika Kantor Berita DW mengonfirmasi kematian Haniyeh kepad Israel,Perdana Menteri Israel Benyamin Netanyahu tidak mengatakan apa-apa tentang kematian Pemimpin HAMAS Senior itu dan bahkan mengatakan bahwa Israel akan menepati Janjinya dan menuntut HAMAS akan akan membayar mahal untuk setiap agresi melawannya di front dimanapun

Teori Konspirasi Dan Kejanggalan
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Ismail Haniyeh dan seorang pengawal tewas dalam serangan terhadap tempat tinggal di Teheran  Pihak berwenang di Teheran pun sontak  mengutuk aksi brutal Israel kali ini.

Dan sejumlah Teori Konspirasi dan Kejanggan pun mulai mengemuka.  Banyak analis meragukan kebenaran Berita Tewasnya Ismael Haniyeh ini dan menganggap sebagai TRIK untuk dijadikan sebhgai Justifikasi (Pembenaran) untuk menyerang Israel.  Dalam hal ini sejauh ini belum ditemukan bukti otentik dan fakta fakta Tewasnya Pemimpin Senior Hamas itu.  Tidak ada video bekas penyerangan atau serangan udara terhadap Pemimpin Iran tersebit.  Tidak ada Video jenasahnya ditampilkan. 

Beberpa pertanyaan "Nakal" pun mengemuka.  Jika itu merupakan serangan Udara, mengapa TEHERAN yang dikenal memiliki persenjataan canggih tidak dapat mendeteksi masuknya pesawat asing menyerang negaranya?  Dimana fungsi Intelijen atau Badan Rahasia IRAN hingga bisa "kecolongan seperti itu?  Jika itu berupa serangan rudal, mengapa hanya 2 orang yang tewas yakni Haniyeh dan seorang Pengawalnya, sedangkan dia berada dalam sebuah pemukiman yang banyak penduduknya.

Kesepakatan Pembebasan Sandera
Gencatan Senjata yang digaungkan oleh dunia International, seolah tidak berbekas taau bahkan tidak digubris oleh kedua belah pihak baik HAMAS maupun Israel. Belum lagi dengan keputusan International Court Of Justice (ICJ) Di Denhaag dengan mengeluarkan perintah ISRAEL untuk segera keluar dari Gaza karena pendudukanya atas Gaza adalah Ilegal juga tidak diperdulikan oleh Israel.

Di dalam negerinya sendiri, ISRAEL mendapat tekanan dari rakyatnya sendiri terutama dari para keluarga Sandera yang menekan PM Israel unjtuk segera membebaslan para sandera yang masih ditawan HAMAS dan Sepakati Gencatan Senjata juga tidak diindahkan oleh PM Benyamin Netanyahu.   Dari sini kita bisa melihat bahwa Rakyat Isarel berbeda 100 derajat dengan Para Pemimpinnya.  Israel kini lebih didominasi oleh kemauan dan ambisi pribadi sang Perdana Menteri untuk melanggengkan kekuasaanya di Israel.   

Di sisi lain, ketegangan dan Eskalasi antara ISRAEL dengan Lebanon kian semakin memanas. Berbagai analis memperkirakan jika perang besar terjadi antara HAMAS dan Lebanon dikuatirkan akan menyeret dua negara besar Amerika Serika dan RUSIA untuk turun ke gelanggang peperangan walau tidak secara langsung

Mengapa demikian? Sebab Amerika Serikat memberikan dukungan Politik dan persenjataan untuk Israel menyerang musuh musuhnya, dan HAMAS juag mendapat dukungan dari berbagai front yang didukung oleh Teheran. Di sisi lain RUSIA juga mulai digadang gadang siap merapat ke HAMAS dan memberikan dukungan sebagaimana AS mendukung Ukraina melawan Rusia.  Kini RUSIA punya alasan kuat untuk membantu HAMAS melawan Isarel yang didukung Amerika Serikat.

DAN tentu juga perlu dicatat bahwa masih ada kesempatam dam banyak pihak menilai masih ada peluang Win Win Solution atau melihat solusi diplomatik sebagai jalan ke depan untuk yang lebih damai dan wilayah yang aman (Disari dari beberaoa REFERENSI)
Saat ini ditengah gencarnya pemberitaan tentang Perang HAMAS ISRAEL dan RUSIA UKRAINA, dunia tersentak dengan beredarnya Video Penembakan terhadap Mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump saat berkampanye di kota Pennsylvania. Hari itu adalah hari yang menyedihkan bagi Amerika Serikat tentunya khususnya untuk para Fans dan pendukung TRUMP yang gencar berkampanye untuk pemilihan Presiden Amerika mendatang.

Dan memang,saat ini terasa sulit untuk menemukan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan keterkejutan dan kengerian yang dirasakan orang-orang saat ini setelah banyak dari kita menyaksikan sendiri di televisi secara live (langsung) upaya assassination attempt atau pembunuhan terhadap mantan presiden Donald Trump pada rapat umum kampanye di Pennsylvania.

Kantor Berita SKY NEWS AUSTRLIA menggambarkan kejadian itu sebagai hari yang menyedihkan dunia pada khususnya dan bagi Amerika saat sekarang ini saat ini dimana mana orang-orang mencurahkan isi hati dan perasaan mereka di media sosial dan memposting doa untuk Trump dengan tagar #prayDonaldTrump atau #PrayTRUMP dan tagar lainnya, 

Bahkan dalam beberapa media menggambarkan secara Graphic bagaimana sebuah peluru tampak tertangkap kamera melesat menuju kepala TRUMP membuat banyak orang tersentak. Anda dapat melihat peluru yang mengenai telinga kanannya saat dia bangun dengan darah berlumuran di  telinga dan pelipisnya

DIPANDU : Mantan presiden DONALD TRUMP sesaat setelah terjado insiden penembankan, langsung dipandu oleh Secret Service untuk dipindahkan menuju kendaraan yang sudah disiapkan.  Foto dari Halaman Youtube SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA
DIPANDU : Mantan presiden DONALD TRUMP sesaat setelah terjado insiden penembankan, langsung dipandu oleh Secret Service untuk dipindahkan menuju kendaraan yang sudah disiapkan.  Foto dari Halaman Youtube SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA

Sebenarnya ada lebih banyak lagi video yang beredar yang membahas banyak hal terkait teradap apa yang disebut media barat khususnya AUSTRALIA yang memang merupakan sekutu Amerika Serikat sebagai "Upaya Percobaan Pembunuhan Yang Gagal".  Beberapa video bahlan secara graphic menangkap aksi penembak Jitu yang mengawal Pidato TRUMP yang melakukan serangan balasan terhadap gunman (penembak) yang diduga berusa 20 tahun yang bernama Thomas Mattew C yang menurut media sudah berhasil dilumpuhkan oleh tim keamanan setempat.

Kejadian yang menimpa TRUMP dalam catatan sejarah bukan pertama terjadi yakni adanya upaya pembumuhan terhadap Calon Presiden Amerika Serikat. Sebelumnya hal serupa yakni upaya perconbaan pembunuhan pun pernah terjadi  yakni adanya upaya untuk membunuh orang yang mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden, ketika ada upaya pembunuhan terhadap presiden Republik Ronald Reagan

Teori Konspirasi akhirnya muncul.  Adalah hal yang wajar dalam proses pencalonan Presiden dimana pun diseluruh dunia, lawan POLITIK akan melakukan banyak hal untuk bisa menjegal pesaingannya.  Dan upaya pembunuhan terhadap mantan Presiden Donald Trump selain mengundang banyak dukungan dan simpati, juga menjadi "peluru" bagi lawan lawan politiknya untuk "menyerang" TRUMP. 

Sebagian dari mereka menyebut bahwa Upaya Pembunuhan TRUMP seperti fake (palsu)) dan tidak lebih dari pencitraan (Staged).  Claims that Trump Shooting was staged (Menuduh bahwa upaya penembakan TRUMP seperti dalam pentas atau sandiwara).  Dengan inim TRUMP membuat kesan dirinya sebagai korban dan menujukkan kepada dunia dan kepada para pendukungnya bahwa dia kuat dan berharap mendapat simpati

Sebagia pengamat Militer mengatakan bahwa Secara teknis PELURU yang digunakan penembak (Thomas Matthews C) adalah peluru yang tidak mematikan dalam arti bukan perlu sungguhan.  Sebab, kata pengamat, jika Peluru yang digunakan adalah Peluru ASLI atau Peluru Sungguhan, mereka berkeyakinan bahwa TRUMP sudah pasti tewas saat peluru itu mengenai kepala atau dibagian telinganya.   Analisis ini sepertinya masuk akal, namun benarkah demikian?

Kita semua tahu bahwa  ada lawan Politik TRUMP dalam kampanye pemilihan Presiden Amerika mendatang ini.   Banyak komentar-komentar itu akan datang pada titik tertentu,  atau bahkan justru jmalah menyalahkan Donald Trump disaat banyak dari kita menyaksiskan sendiri bagaimana dia hampir dibunuh di atas panggung, tetapi komentar-komentar miring selalu datang hingga membuat kontes pemilihan Presiden Amerika ini agak "gaduh". dan banyak pakar menganalisis kejadian penembakan TRUMP itu dari berbagai sudut pandang

Miliarder Elon Musk ini dikabarkan memberi dukungan kepada TRUMP dengan memposting di X yang sepenuhnya mendukung presiden Trump dan berharap untuk pemulihannya yang cepat terlepas dari semua kebencian di dunia dan bahkan upaya pembunuhan Donald Trump tidak menyerah tulisnya di Akun X miliknya

Pihak berwenang di AS ,FBI bersama tim kepolisian Butler County di Pennsylvania Barat mengutuk  tindakan keji yang terjadi terhadap Trumpdan pihak FBI telah mengerahkan sejumlah sumber daya kami, termasuk agen investigasi, teknisi bom Tim Respons sebagai bukti keseriusan mereka mengungkap Dalang Sesungguhnya atau MOTIF dibalik upaya pembunuhan Trump ini.

Pihak FBI mengaku memiliki intelijen yang sudah turun ke lapangan dengan sigap  mengidentifikasi individu yang melakukan ini, Thomas Matthews C dan motif apa pun di balik mengapa ini dia lakukan sekarang,  Pihak FBI mengaku merekamembutuhkan bantuan Publik, siapa pun yang berada di tempat kejadian yang melihat apa pun yang mengidentifikasi informasi apa pun bisa melaporkan itu ke FBI menggunakan saluran komunikasi yang sudah mereka sediakan (Dikutip dari Berbagai SUMBER)
Time travel, the concept of moving between different moments in time, has long been a popular topic in science fiction. While time travel is a fascinating theoretical notion, it currently remains firmly in the realm of science fiction.

One of the most well-known examples of time travel in science fiction is Ray Bradbury's short story, which involves a character going back to the Paleolithic era and causing irreparable damage to the future timeline.

Other notable works exploring time travel and its implications include Philip Roth's The Plot against America, which supposes an alternate history where Charles Lindbergh wins the 1940 election instead of Franklin Roosevelt.

Those interested in exploring the concept of time travel further may want to consult academic sources such as William J. Burl For further reading on time travel in science fiction, William J. Burling's "Reading Time: The Ideology of Time Travel in Science Fiction" and Jolie C. Matthews' "Contesting Time and Space: The Politics of Time Travel in Science Fiction."

Image by vecstock on Freepik
Image by vecstock on Freepik

Time travel is a distinctive feature of dystopian literature, and it employs time as a tool for reality detachment. From a scientific perspective, time travel is an intriguing concept that has been explored in various theoretical models based on general relativity. \ However, the scientific community widely agrees that time travel to the past is currently impossible due to a number of paradoxes and inconsistencies, such as the grandfather paradox.

Despite this, some theoretical models suggest that time travel to the future may be possible under certain conditions- such as traveling at high speeds or experiencing extreme gravitational forces. It is important to note that any discussion of time travel must consider the philosophical and ethical implications of altering history. In addition, the concept of time travel raises questions about free will and determinism, as well as the impact that changing past events may have on future outcomes.

Overall, while time travel remains a topic of fascination and speculation in both fiction and academic circles, its practical application remains elusive. Furthermore, it is important to note that any discussion of time travel must consider the limitations and potential consequences associated with altering historical events.

The dangers of time travel and the consequences of altering the past are explored in various works such as a short story where a character goes back to the Paleolithic era and accidentally steps on a butterfly, leading to dramatic changes in the future.

You may read The true story of the Philadelphia experiment.

Therefore, any attempt at time travel should be approached with caution and careful consideration of its potential impact on history and society. It is crucial for any researcher interested in the topic of time travel to consult academic sources such as William J. Burling's "Reading Time: The Ideology of Time Travel in Science Fiction" and Jolie C. Matthews' "Contesting Time and Space:

The Politics of Time Travel in Science Fiction" to understand the various theoretical models and their implications. In conclusion, while the idea of time travel has captured imaginations for centuries, particularly in science fiction literature, its practical applications remain unknown and are still the subject of ongoing scientific inquiry.

As such, any discussion of time travel must be approached with a rigorous scientific and ethical framework that accounts for the potential consequences of altering historical events. It is important for researchers and scholars to continue exploring the concept of time travel in order to gain a better understanding of its theoretical underpinnings and possible implications.

However, it is equally important to recognize the limitations and potential dangers associated with time travel. Careful consideration of the ethical implications, and rigorous scientific inquiry are necessary for any further research in this field. Moreover, it is crucial to recognize that all future insights are influenced by the baggage of history and its impact on future events.

Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is needed that includes perspectives from science, ethics, history, and culture. In the context of new technologies, fictional narratives such as science fiction can offer us valuable insights and imaginative variations .

You may What Do You Know About Fata Morgana.

However, it is important to note that imaginative variation alone might not generate accurate ethical decisions.(Nascimento, 2020) Eileen Botting argues that fictional narratives such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the prototype for science fiction on the ethics of artificial creation and modification of human life, can help us explore the personal, interpersonal, and social implication of certain technological advances.(Nascimento, 2020)

Additionally, science fiction has been shown to have a significant impact on cultural memory and people's interpretations of science. Therefore, it is important for scientists and researchers to keep in mind how science fiction portrays scientific concepts. In summary, time travel remains a fascinating concept in both scientific and fictional communities.

However, any discussions of it should be approached with a rigorous scientific and ethical framework that accounts for all potential risks and consequences. Films that focus on the ethics and implications of technology, such as time travel, have the potential to engage students with ethical considerations they may have found difficult to fully grasp in classroom discussions.

These films can offer a new and engaging medium in which to explore ethical dilemmas related to technology, as well as the cultural impact of technology. Furthermore, science fiction prototyping can be a valuable tool in exploring the ethical implications of technological advancements and providing scenarios for risk management. It is important to cultivate imaginative technological skepticism when exploring potential advancements, and science fiction can provide a valuable source of inspiration in this regard.

Ultimately, a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach is necessary when dealing with new technologies and their potential ethical implications. It is crucial to apply a diverse range of perspectives, including those from science, ethics, history, and culture. By encompassing these different perspectives, we can approach emerging technologies with greater awareness of the possible consequences they might have on individuals, societies, and the environment.   (Taken from many resources)

In the middle of the Second World War there was a technological accomplishment that made the Manhattan Project look easy at least according to a handful of true believers they claimed Albert Einstein and other scientists designed a way to make a ship vanish into thin air literally and reappear somewhere else bizarre or not the story of teleportation has inspired two movies countless books and numerous websites filled with rumors and conspiracy theories.

What actually happened to the USS Eldridge in the fall of 1943?

Busting out warships don't usually make the pages of Playboy yet sandwiched between nude layouts in the October 1996 Greek edition of Playboy there are pictures of a ship called the lay on.  the article is not the usual stuff of Playboy either it describes how the lay home originally an American World War two destroyer is being scrapped after a half century of service and nearly four decades with the Greek movie. 

But as it happens this is no ordinary warship the vessel the Greeks call the lay home has a legendary past life long ago she is known as the USS eldridge back when she is supposedly the subject of an audacious experiment in teleportation and invisibility.

As the story goes the experiment takes place in the early years of World War two as a countermeasure against German u-boats. Allied convoys are a lifeline delivering men Goods and weapons in britain's hour of need but they are slow and clumsy often made up of outdated decrepit ships the warships protecting them are a step behind enemy subs as they have wider turning radiuses .

A u-boat can easily outmaneuver a destroyer slip into the convoy and zero in on a defenseless target. In 1942 alone more than 1,000 Allied ships are torpedoed and sunk. to combat the subs the US Navy develops a more maneuverable kind of warship called the destroyer escort . A destroyer escort is an anti-submarine vessel and it's sort of like a destroyer except that it's not as fast it has a much smaller turning circle.

Better maneuverability might not be the only thing in the works believers in the Philadelphia Experiment say there are plans to give the destroyer escort the supreme advantage over submarines invisibility. The alleged brainchild of none other and Albert Einstein  

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
Photo from Se136 Youtube channel

Einstein in fact works for the Navy at the time officially he is working on ideas for conventional weapons including torpedoes and under warding lines but this is a cover for Einstein's real project at least societal believers among them a supposed I witness to the experiment named Carlos Hyundai.

According to a yawn day the Navy used a variation of Albert Einstein's unified field theory which at that point in time was supposedly uncompleted and they used this unified field theory to to bend light to render the ship invisible because it was encased in this this electromagnetic fog. It is also from a yen day that we learned the identity of the supposed test ship a destroyer escort named the USS Eldridge.

This leap into the technological unknown is not without its terrors pourcel says alfred bellick who claims to have been on the scientific team we were all very concerned and i might add for three days prior from about the 9th onward many of us and that crew and working on that project had that strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was drastically wrong

Nevertheless in july 1943 in Philadelphia Naval Yard the experiment is said to go forward, Powerful electromagnetic fields are engaged around the Eldridge a skeleton crew award. scientists and officers watching at a safe distance. the only other reported eyewitness is Carlos Allende a deckhand on a nearby Liberty ship and when he claims he saw was a ship that was involved in a in a greenish almost a st. Elmo's fire a green fiery fog .

As the electromagnetic fog swallows the Eldridge strange optical effects manifest themselves and then as he watched and was able to even insert his arm and what he called the terrific flow of this energy the ship disappeared.  the amazement of all the onlookers they not only had radar invisibility they had optical invisibility. the Eldridge reportedly achieves the supreme form of camouflage invisibility but then comes an even stranger effect teleportation 

Chroniclers of the Philadelphia Experiment are divided on whether this happens that first day or in a follow-up test but what they do agree on is that as the Eldridge starts to reappear there is a sudden flash of light that the ship vanishes from sight once again and simultaneously begins to reappear in the Naval Yard in Norfolk Virginia 300 miles away 

After a few minutes she D materializes in Norfolk and reappears in the midst of another ozone Laden green fog in Philadelphia throughout this miraculous journey the USS Eldridge emerges unscathed but for a crew it is a different story then were molecularly attached to the ship bonded with a ship as it was teleported they were driven insane men caught fire men went invisible

I'm is terrible horrific things that happened to these crew members as we continue the nightmare that follows and the alleged cover-up family was never told the truth they were told basically that they were lost at sea during the war as part of a war which is of course a very plausible answer . The idea of teleportation first surfaced in the man without a body written by Edward page Mitchell in 1877 in the story the machinery breaks in the middle of a teleportation leaving the subject with his head and bodies separated

Philadelphia Naval Yard summer 1943
according to legend the USS eldridge returns after being teleported hundreds of miles as shiri materializes out of a thick green fog observers are electrified by the achievement but their excitement turns to horror. 

Mmolecules have been scrambled human move mental limbs have been fused to bulkheads gruesome sight first thing they found was to sail is buried in the steel deck the bodies were literally buried in the steel dying or near dead two more were found standing upright in a bulkhead also buried in the steel this man with his hand buried in the steel up to his wrist.

other sailors are simply missing vaporized into thin air for survivors there are still other problems due to the powerful electromagnetic fields they have been exposed to language I've been saying then cut fireman what visible image the terrible horrific things that happen to these crew members

The problem basically was the human nervous system could not take exposure to that level of magnetic and electric fields and who caused neural damage nerve damage so severe that some of the victims are reportedly institutionalized while falsely classified as missing in action.  the family was never told the truth they were told basically that they were lost at sea during the war as part of the war effort which is of course a very plausible answer.  in one version of the story the men are susceptible to something call

This leads to the most surreal episode of the story again according to Carlos a yin day in a waterfront tavern a group of sailors from the Eldridge are drinking one thing leads to another and a fight for example.  it is a garden-variety barbell with one difference the sailors are fading in and out of sight the sailors involved in the fracas became invisible dissipated the thin air in front of frightened patrons and and waitresses and just they just they were there I meant and gone the next

faced with these bizarre after-effects and the carnage aboard the Eldridge the Navy it is said deep sixes the whole operation. The scientific team is dissolved further experiments canceled the Eldridge's logs are said to be altered to show that she was never in Philadelphia Naval Yard witnesses are forced to sign draconian oaths of secrecy and so closes the navy's world war ii experiment in invisibility and teleportation .

Project rainbow as it is called is canceled classified as some say beyond top secret  but as legend has it the Navy hasn't sunk the experiment quite deeply enough a shadowy figure would slip through all their elaborate security precautions to tell the tale of the Philadelphia Experiment

A we continue the Navy's alleged secret is exposed in a legendary book just one revelation among many.  these three writers solved all the mysteries of the universe they talked about modes and methods of travel used by UFO as they talked about the behavior and ethos of them beings the man these outer spacecraft . 

Elsewhere in the world in 1943 in Virginia the Pentagon then the world's largest office building was completed after only 16 months of construction in Germany where there was a wartime shortage of morphine scientists developed methadone as a synthetic painkiller and across the u.s. federal income taxes were withheld from the paychecks of American workers for the first time

How the story of the Philadelphia Experiment originates is a legend in its own right involving UFOs visionary naval officers and the curious life and mysterious death of Morris Cain Jessup.  ] Jessop is a scientist and author one of the early investigators into the paranormal he was always curious about unexplained things and he always thought that science should take a look at the exceptions and the erratic sigh think he used to call them that the things that didn't fit the theories

In 1955 he publishes the case for the UFO. the book is a brave attempt to legitimize a subject that has already been corrupted by pulp magazines and B movies.  now you have to understand that the time period just have decided to become interested in UFOs was possibly the worst possible time to become involved in UFOs for any reason the government cracked down tremendously on any quote believers

This official scorn disguises a real government interest reports are coming in from military pilots of flying objects no one can explain  I had a man working for me a lieutenant by the name of Bill ditch who was one of our real bright ones he was by himself and he said he looked off to the side and he said there was something flying formation on him and he was there for about five or ten minutes and then he said it peeled off he said it was sort of saucer shape and it was glowing slightly

UFO reports from Navy pilots are forwarded to Project Blue Book the official Air Force investigation but the Navy seldom if ever hears a word in return.  we were never able to find out anything from them at all it was a one-way street it was a think as far as we were concerned.  stonewalled by the Air Force some Navy officers begin their own unofficial UFO investigation among them lieutenant commander george hoover and captain sidney Sherby of the office of naval research.

One day in 1955 a mysterious item arrives at onr headquarters that piques the officers interest it comes in a plain manila envelope with a cryptic greeting there was no return address on it the post-office stamp was Seminole Texas and on the backside of it and handwriting was scrawled happy Easter.

Inside the envelope a paperback copy of ma risque Jessup's the case for the UFO its margins are filled with comments in three different colors of ink and apparently three different kinds of handwriting.   the way these people talked and if you read the comments that were scribbled into the book they were talking about being someplace off the surface of the earth aliens if you want to call them that these three writers solved all the mysteries of the universe.

I mean they talked about modes and methods of travel used by UFOs they talked about the behavior and ethos of them beings that the man these outer space craft the writers also claimed knowledge of a top-secret project during World War two to make a warship disappear.  US Navy's force field experiments 1943 October the book reads produced invisibility of ship and crew fearsome results so terrifying fortunately halt further research.

it is the first mention of what's come to be known as the Philadelphia Experiment the birth of a legend.  ] the Navy officers are intrigued by the book they summoned Morris Jessup - all in our headquarters to see if the author can shed any light on its origins Jessup recognizes some of the handwriting in the book strangely he has also received letters in that same unmistakable hand signed by a man who identifies himself as a former Merchant Marine Carlos a yin day

The writing style of Carlos E and a fairly screamed crackpot and yet maybe the man was simply exaggerating something he had seen or heard about.  ever since people have been mystified by the apparent top-level military interest in a book about UFOs 
Morris K Jessup for one is left shaking his head over the Navy's interest he is said to begin his own investigation into the Philadelphia Experiment by 1959 he has reportedly made a breakthrough and is about to share his discovery with a colleague named dr. Manson Valentine.

In April of 1959 Morris jessa called up his friend dr. Valentine and said I think I found something in regards to the Philadelphia Experiment that I've been researching and I really want to show you the what I would have found they made an appointment to have dinner and go over the go over his research the following day

On the next day however April 20th 1959 Jessup's car is discovered in a park in Coral Gables Florida its engine is still running a hose stretches from the exhaust pipe to inside the car inside is Mars K Jessup still breathing though he soon expires from carbon monoxide poisoning . an apparent suicide or is it it's absolutely interesting that instead of arriving dr. Valentine's house II instead chose to go to a park and allegedly commit suicide

Saif316 Youtube Channel
Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico form the general perimeter of the Bermuda Triangle, which is located in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Numerous ships and aircraft are said to have vanished in the Bermuda Triangle, an area that is mysterious and the subject of numerous theories that try to explain the phenomenon. Despite the many conspiracies surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, scientific data indicates that there is no appreciable difference in the amount of recorded events occurring in this area compared to other heavily populated ocean regions.

Recent research also suggests that rather than paranormal or alien activities, many of the instances connected to the Bermuda Triangle were caused by human error, natural disasters, or technical failures. Some ideas contend that supernatural entities like sea monsters, UFOs, or a hidden undersea base reside in the Bermuda Triangle. Such statements, however, are unfounded and rejected by the scientific community. In general, those who are intrigued by mysteries and inexplicable phenomena continue to be interested in the Bermuda Triangle.

But rather than depending on conjecture or hearsay, it's crucial to approach such hypotheses with a skeptical and logical perspective. It is important to note that, aside from the risks posed by natural disasters and human error, the Bermuda Triangle does not offer any substantial threats to ships or airplanes

Bermuda Triangle Illustration taken from Pixabay
Bermuda Triangle Illustration from Pixabay SIte

Study Case
Philippe Rouge's responsibility as the wrecks' custodian is to track and keep an eye on all of the historic shipwrecks that have occurred in Bermuda; in reality, up to 300 ships may have perished in these waters.

Why have so many ships sunk in these pristine waters so close to shore? Philippe once went to a number of wrecks that could be able to provide some light on this subject. First, the Mary Celestia, an iron hold steamship used to transport supplies during the American Civil War, departed Bermuda, traveled along the south shore, and met her end precisely here, which is a really odd occurrence given that we are just about 800 meters from the shore and that it occurred on a flat, quiet day

Mystery Has Been Solved?
How many of the unsettling tales of ships and airplanes going missing in the Bermuda Triangle have been debunked? Have you heard that between Florida Commonwealth and Bermuda, there is a sizable space in the Atlantic Ocean? This area is well-known for its strange phenomena

This area is regarded as the "devil's triangle" because of the enormous number of ships and planes that have vanished there. Some of the fabled disappearances occurred under mysterious and unexplained circumstances, and some of the ships and planes have never been located. There have been a variety of hypotheses on why everything happens in that area, ranging from water spouts to aliens and even sea monsters, but they were merely theories. The first accounts date back to 1945, when five American torpedo bombers and a plane sent to look for them all vanished without a trace.

Since that time, more than a thousand ships and another 75 planes have been lost. The most recent tragedy occurred in 2015 when the cargo ship El Faro vanished in this area. El Faro was an American ship that was sailing from Florida to Puerto Rico when it vanished from radar on October 1 and was discovered at sea on October 31.

Another significant incident occurred on June 20, 2005, when the first Piper PA airplane disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle with three people on board. A second incident of a similar nature occurred on April 10, 2007, when a second Piper PA airplane vanished near Bury Island with just the pilot and no other passengers.

There have been a few minor incidents as well. In 1967, Buraq, who owns a well-known hotel, and his father traveled along Miami's shoreline in a luxury cabin cruiser called the shore guard to report that their boat had hit something and requested towing. When the guard arrived at the scene after 20 minutes, they were unable to locate anyone, and the boat and its crew were left on the water. Neither plane has ever been found.

When examining satellite weather photographs of this notorious area, a group of American researchers from the University of Colorado discovered a number of peculiar hexagonal clouds on them. The Bermuda Triangle riddle may have finally been solved, at least according to a science channel broadcast, according to the meteorologists' hypothesis that these clouds might behave like actual air bombs.

Clouds don't typically form straight edges, but judging from the satellite images, the Bermuda Triangle is an exception to this rule. It is thought that they are the primary cause of the deadly air blasts that can easily exceed 170 miles per hour; these hurricane-force winds literally blow up the air and can generate waves that are more than 45 feet in length; no ship can survive such a storm, and no aircraft can withstand such a wind.

Scientists from all around the world are attempting to determine what the causes of such anomalies are as a result of the publication of this theory.

Do you possess any other Bermuda Triangle lore?
Do you have an other explanation for all those anomalies?

Have you ever noticed what appears to be a mirage when gazing off into the distance? If that's the case, you might have seen a Fata Morgana, an optical phenomenon that can produce some absolutely amazing illusions.

When light travels through layers of the atmosphere with different temperatures, it creates a complex type of mirage called a fata morgana. It is possible for things to occasionally appear lengthened, raised, or even inverted due to the way this temperature difference bends light and causes visual distortions. Because of its renowned ability to produce mirages of fairy tale castles and cities,

Fata Morgana was given the name Morgana le Fay in honor of the Arthurian sorceress. The Fata Morgana is an optical illusion that has been extensively studied and explained scientifically, despite its mystical name. In his writings, W.G. Rees supplied a more thorough explanation of the phenomenon to account for fictitious islands and ships. He also provided a scientific explanation for Fata Morgana.

Floating city in the clouds: Fake or fata morgana? Photo taken from CNN Youtube Channel
Floating city in the clouds: Fake or fata morgana?
Photo taken from CNN Youtube Channelr

You may read
Floating City in the cloud. Fake or Fata Morgana?

Similar effects are also seen near the sea's surface, where various air layers' temperatures cause light to refract and create mirages.The optical illusion known as "Fata Morgana" is brought on by light refraction across layers of the Earth's atmosphere that have different temperatures. Because of this phenomena, things may appear extended or inverted, producing some of the most remarkable mirages.

The complex type of mirage known as Fata Morgana, which was named after the Arthurian sorceress Morgana le Fay, has been extensively studied and scientifically explained. It is important to keep in mind that Fata Morgana might have negative effects, especially on transportation and navigation. For the safety of navigation and transportation, a thorough understanding and identification of Fata Morgana can be essential.

In addition to being a fascinating optical illusion, Fata Morgana can also be dangerous, therefore it's crucial to be aware of it. Additionally, Fata Morgana can alter perception, making it difficult to cross bridges or other bodies of water.

To avoid any potentially fatal mishaps brought on by Fata Morgana, it is essential to rely on reliable weather forecasts and other navigational resources. In conclusion, Fata Morgana is a serious phenomenon that necessitates our attention and comprehension for safe navigation and transportation. It is an optical illusion that may conjure up some of the most stunning sights of fairytale castles and towns.

The complex type of mirage known as Fata Morgana, which takes its name from the Arthurian sorceress Morgana le Fay, is produced when light is refracted across layers of the atmosphere that have different temperatures. It is crucial to be able to spot the mirage and be aware of any potential dangers it poses in order to ensure safe navigation along the roads, bodies of water, and other transport routes impacted by the Fata Morgana.

Since Fata Morgana can alter vision and make navigation difficult, a precise understanding and identification of it might be essential for transportation and navigation safety. To avoid any potentially catastrophic mishaps brought on by Fata Morgana, it is crucial to rely on reliable weather predictions and navigational equipment. Inverted optics, such as the invisibility cloaks and negative refraction lenses described by Pendry, Schurig, and others employing transformational optics, are very intriguing and have the potential to have an impact on a variety of industries.

It can be difficult to assess visual perception in situations with dark surroundings and glare sources, especially when performing tasks like sailing or flying with night vision.

Haloes, glare, starburst effects, and other elements that may hinder our capacity to clearly comprehend our environment must therefore be taken into account and addressed. In conclusion, optical illusions are fascinating and intricate phenomena that can seriously compromise the safety of navigation and transportation.

To ensure safe navigation and transportation, it is crucial to have a complete awareness of these phenomena and the possible risks they may pose. Because Fata Morgana can alter perception and make it difficult to navigate through roads, waterways, and other transport routes affected by this phenomenon, a precise understanding and identification of this phenomenon can be essential for transportation and navigation safety.

The effect of glare and halo on visual perception is another crucial issue that must be taken into account, especially for activities like sailing and nighttime driving.

Paid to click is an online business model that utilizes advertising as its revenue source. In this model, advertisers pay website owners to display their ads on the site. In turn, website owners pay users a small amount to click on these ads and view them for a certain period of time. Paid to click, commonly known as PTC, is an online business model that generates revenue through advertising.

The PTC model is based on advertisers paying website owners to display their ads and the website owners, in turn, paying users to click on these ads and view them for a predetermined amount of time.

This model benefits both advertisers and website owners as they are able to increase their exposure and reach potential customers, respectively. For advertisers, PTC offers a cost-effective way to reach their target audience, and website owners are able to earn revenue by providing space for these ads.

However, for users who participate in PTC programs, the earnings are usually quite small and require a significant amount of time to accumulate. While PTC has been around for many years, it is important to note that not all PTC programs are legitimate. There have been instances where PTC programs were scams, with website owners refusing to pay users or artificially inflating click counts.

It is important for individuals interested in participating in PTC programs to thoroughly research the program and its reputation before investing any time or money. Additionally, users should always exercise caution and never provide personal or financial information to PTC programs.

Furthermore, it's important for users to understand that PTC programs should not be seen as a main source of income. While they may offer some extra income, the earnings are generally very small and require a significant amount of time to accrue.

Additionally, users should be aware that PTC programs often involve click fraud, which is when someone artificially inflates the number of clicks on an ad to benefit financially.As more and more networks adopt PTC programs, a principled approach should become necessary to combat click fraud and ensure the validity of clicks.

In conclusion, while PTC programs can offer a way for advertisers to reach targeted audiences and website owners to earn revenue, it is important for users to exercise caution and thoroughly research any program before participating.

Additionally, users should not rely on PTC programs as a main source of income and be aware of the prevalence of click fraud within these programs. It is crucial for anyone considering PTC programs to approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism and only invest time in reputable ones.

Moreover, as PTC programs become more widespread, it's important for networks and advertisers to implement measures aimed at preventing click fraud and ensuring the legitimacy of user clicks. In summary, pay-to-click programs can provide an opportunity for website owners and advertisers to earn revenue and reach a targeted audience, but users need to be cautious and stay vigilant about the potential risks involved in these programs.

It is important to note that not all PTC programs are trustworthy, and users must conduct proper research before investing time or money. Furthermore, individuals should understand that PTC programs should only be considered as a supplemental source of income rather than relying on them as the primary source of earnings.

In addition, as the use of PTC programs grows, click fraud has become a significant concern that must be addressed. Ad networks and advertisers must implement measures to detect and prevent click fraud, while users must approach these programs with a healthy dose of skepticism. Overall, pay-to-click programs can be a useful tool for those looking to earn extra income or reach a targeted audience, but caution and research are essential to ensure that users do not fall victim to click fraud or other potential risks

As more and more networks adopt PTC programs, it is crucial to implement measures that can combat click fraud for the validity of clicks to be ensured. Furthermore, concerns have been raised about the privacy implications of targeted ads.

Targeted ads can raise ethical and privacy concerns, particularly with regards to surveillance and the use of persuasive technologies. As advertisers continue to target users' vulnerabilities, it is important for individuals to remain aware of the potential risks involved with online advertising. Overall, pay-to-click programs and targeted ads can be useful strategies for website owners and businesses to drive traffic and earn revenue.

However, it is important to approach these programs with caution and conduct proper research before investing time or money. In conclusion, while pay-to-click programs and targeted ads can be effective tools for website owners and businesses, users must remain vigilant about the potential risks involved and take steps to protect their privacy and financial security.

Furthermore, it is essential for advertisers and ad networks to prioritize transparency and implement measures to prevent fraud in order to maintain the trust of their users. As technology continues to evolve and shape the advertising landscape, it is important to continue to monitor potential risks and adapt accordingly. (From many resources)

Pontianak Have you ever seen an image taken from one of so many youtube video channels on the internet which clearly shows amazing image something that forming a thing which looks like a city or castle floating in the cloud. Take a look at a photo taken from CNN down below

Floating castle in the cloud.  Photo taken from CNN Youtube channel
Floating city in the clouds: Fake or fata morgana?
Photo taken from CNN Youtube Channel

This image surfaced out of China and it looks like their city is floating in the clouds. Of course, we can't verify if the video is real or not, but we have seen things like this before.

This is a type of superior mirage called a Fata Morgana, where air temperature near the surface is actually cooler than the air above. It can make objects appear like they are stacked on top of each other, or in this case, like a city floating in the clouds.


Fata Morgana: Understanding the Optical Illusion of Mirages Fata Morgana: Understanding the Optical Illusion of Mirages. Fata Morgana: Understanding the Optical Illusion of Mirages Have you ever looked out into the distance and seen something that looks like a mirage? If so, you may have witnessed a Fata Morgana, an optical phenomenon that can create some truly extraordinary illusions.

A Fata Morgana is a complex form of mirage that occurs when light passes through layers of varying temperatures in the Earth's atmosphere. This temperature gradient bends the light and creates visual distortions, sometimes causing objects to appear elongated, elevated or even inverted.

Fata Morgana is named after the Arthurian sorceress Morgana le Fay because it can famously conjure mirages of fairy tale castles and cities. Despite its mystical name, the Fata Morgana is a well-documented and scientifically explained optical illusion. W.G. Rees provided a scientific explanation for Fata Morgana in his papers, where he offered a better understanding of the phenomenon to account for imagined islands and ships.

Similar effects can also be observed at the surface of the sea where layers of air with different temperatures cause light to refract and produce mirages. Fata Morgana is an optical illusion caused by light refraction through layers of varying temperatures in the Earth's atmosphere.

This phenomenon can create some of the most extraordinary mirages, making objects appear elongated or inverted. Named after the Arthurian sorceress Morgana le Fay, Fata Morgana is a complex form of mirage that has been widely documented and scientifically explained.

It is essential to note that Fata Morgana can have serious consequences, particularly for transportation and navigation. Accurate understanding and identification of Fata Morgana can be crucial for transportation and navigation safety. It's important to be aware of Fata Morgana not only due to its intriguing nature as an optical illusion but also because of the potential hazards it poses

Floating city in the clouds: Fake or fata morgana?
Illustration taken from Top Fives Youtube Channel


The same phenomenon happens when you're driving in your car on a hot day and you see what appears to be water or something liquid on the road in the distance, or you've heard of people walking through the desert and they see water in the distance, and then once you get closer, it disappears.

Light waves travel through the atmosphere from the sun straight to your eye. But they actually travel through the atmosphere at different speeds. A mirage occurs when the temperature on the ground is hotter than the air above.

When light travels through the cooler air into that warmer air near the ground, the light is refracted or bent, and what your eye is seeing is not that U shaped bend, but an illusion.

With so many mountain, ranges and vast terrains over which clouds can form. It's no surprise that China has far more than its fair. Share of unusual, Sky formations, but this one is leagues beyond the others. It looked as if there was a castle set above the clouds because of the interaction between their formation and the Shadows that were being cast over them.

And at first, you might think this was some elaborate forgery. It's actually, though, a type of optical illusion called a fata Morgana mentioned above, which occurs when A well defined area of warm air on top of a layer of much cooler air.

This causes light to refract in an unusual way and can result in the appearance of images that are stacked on top of each other like this, the clouds haven't actually formed a castle. But from a distance, what you're seeing is the outline of a city appearing, much higher in the sky than it truly is  (Taken from several resources )

Pontianak Sebuah foto atau gambar yang diambil dari salah satu dari begitu banyak saluran video youtube di internet yang dengan jelas menunjukkan gambar yang membentuk sesuatu yang terlihat seperti kota atau kastil yang mengambang di awan. Lihatlah foto yang diambil dari CNN di bawah ini:

Kota terapung di awan: Palsu atau fatamorgana? Foto diambil dari Saluran Youtube CNN
Kota terapung di awan: Palsu atau fatamorgana?
Foto diambil dari Saluran Youtube CNN

Foto yang membentuk seperti sebuah kastil atau kota yang mengambang di atas awan di China  dan Tentu saja, pada awalnya banyak yang tidak dapat memverifikasi apakah foto yang diambil dari sebuah video itu asli atau tidak, tetapi kitapernah melihat hal seperti ini sebelumnya. Ini adalah jenis fatamorgana superior yang disebut Fata Morgana, dimana suhu udara di dekat permukaan sebenarnya lebih dingin daripada udara di atasnya. Itu dapat membuat objek tampak seperti ditumpuk satu sama lain, atau dalam hal ini, seperti kota yang mengambang di awan.


Fata Morgana: Memahami Ilusi Optik Mirage Fata Morgana: Memahami Ilusi Optik Mirage. Fata Morgana: Memahami Ilusi Optik Mirage Pernahkah Anda melihat ke kejauhan dan melihat sesuatu yang tampak seperti fatamorgana? Jika demikian, Anda mungkin pernah menyaksikan Fata Morgana, sebuah fenomena optik yang dapat menciptakan ilusi yang benar-benar luar biasa.

Fata Morgana adalah bentuk fatamorgana kompleks yang terjadi ketika cahaya melewati lapisan dengan suhu yang berbeda-beda di atmosfer bumi. Gradien suhu ini membelokkan cahaya dan menciptakan distorsi visual, terkadang menyebabkan objek tampak memanjang, terangkat, atau bahkan terbalik.

Fata Morgana dinamai penyihir Arthurian Morgana le Fay karena terkenal dapat menyulap fatamorgana kastil dan kota dongeng. Terlepas dari nama mistisnya, Fata Morgana adalah ilusi optik yang terdokumentasi dengan baik dan dijelaskan secara ilmiah. W.G. Rees memberikan penjelasan ilmiah untuk Fata Morgana dalam makalahnya, di mana dia menawarkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang fenomena tersebut untuk menjelaskan pulau dan kapal imajiner.

Ilustrasi diambil dari Top Fives Youtube Channel
Ilustrasi diambil dari Top Fives Youtube Channel

Efek serupa juga dapat diamati di permukaan laut di mana lapisan udara dengan suhu berbeda menyebabkan cahaya membiaskan dan menghasilkan fatamorgana. Fata Morgana adalah ilusi optik yang disebabkan oleh pembiasan cahaya melalui lapisan suhu yang bervariasi di atmosfer bumi.

Fenomena ini dapat menciptakan beberapa fatamorgana yang paling luar biasa, membuat objek tampak memanjang atau terbalik. Dinamakan setelah penyihir Arthurian Morgana le Fay, Fata Morgana adalah bentuk fatamorgana kompleks yang telah didokumentasikan secara luas dan dijelaskan secara ilmiah.

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa Fata Morgana dapat menimbulkan konsekuensi yang serius, terutama untuk transportasi dan navigasi. Pemahaman dan identifikasi Fata Morgana yang akurat dapat menjadi sangat penting untuk keselamatan transportasi dan navigasi. Penting untuk menyadari Fata Morgana tidak hanya karena sifatnya yang menarik sebagai ilusi optik, tetapi juga karena potensi bahaya yang ditimbulkannya.


Fenomena yang sama terjadi ketika Anda sedang mengemudikan mobil Anda pada hari yang panas dan Anda melihat sesuatu yang tampak seperti air atau sesuatu yang cair di jalan di kejauhan, atau Anda pernah mendengar orang berjalan melewati padang pasir dan mereka melihat air masuk. jarak, dan kemudian begitu Anda semakin dekat, itu menghilang.

Gelombang cahaya berjalan melalui atmosfer dari matahari langsung ke mata Anda. Tapi sebenarnya mereka melakukan perjalanan melalui atmosfer dengan kecepatan berbeda. Fatamorgana terjadi ketika suhu di permukaan tanah lebih panas daripada udara di atasnya.

Saat cahaya bergerak melalui udara yang lebih dingin ke udara yang lebih hangat di dekat tanah, cahayanya dibiaskan atau dibelokkan, dan yang dilihat mata Anda bukanlah tikungan berbentuk U itu, melainkan ilusi.

Dengan begitu banyak gunung, pegunungan, dan dataran luas di mana awan dapat terbentuk. Tidak mengherankan jika China memiliki lebih dari sekedar adil. Bagian yang tidak biasa, formasi Langit, tapi yang satu ini jauh melebihi yang lain. Sepertinya ada kastil yang terletak di atas awan karena interaksi antara formasi mereka dan Bayangan yang dilemparkan ke atas mereka.

Dan pada awalnya, Anda mungkin mengira ini adalah pemalsuan yang rumit. Sebenarnya, ini adalah jenis ilusi optik yang disebut fatamorgana yang disebutkan di atas, yang terjadi ketika area udara hangat yang terdefinisi dengan baik berada di atas lapisan udara yang jauh lebih dingin.

Hal ini menyebabkan cahaya dibiaskan dengan cara yang tidak biasa dan dapat mengakibatkan munculnya gambar yang ditumpuk satu sama lain seperti ini, awan belum benar-benar membentuk kastil. Namun dari kejauhan, yang Anda lihat adalah garis besar kota yang muncul, jauh lebih tinggi di langit daripada yang sebenarnya (Diambil dari beberapa sumber )

SIMPLYASEP.COM Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa INTERNET memiliki daya tarik yang luar biasa bagi para user (pengguna) disamping manfaat utamanya sebagai sarana komunikasi ke seluruh dunia juga sebagai sarana HIBURAN dan INFORMASI yang tidak terbendung. Namun jika kita tidak waspada, dan memperluas wawasan kita, niscaya kita akan mudahh tertipu dan terpedaya oleh para penipu yang berkeliaran di jagat maya yang semakin merajalela memasuki kehidupan kita.

Kita sudah sering mendengar cerita cerita para korban penipuan yang mendapat kabar SMS SMS yang seolah anaknya kecelakaan dan dibawa ke rumah sakit , dan karena paniknya korban menurut keinginan pelaku dengan mengirimkan uang untuk biaya operasi di rumah sakit dan ternyata semua adalah tidak benar. Anaknya baik baik saja.  Korban baru sadar kena tipu hingga rugi r hingga jutaan rupiah. 

Ada lagi cerita korban tergiur dapat SMS yang mengabarkan si korban menang UNDIAN  MOBIL namun harus mentransfer uang dahulu sebagai pajak dan lain sebagainya. No way.   Kini modus para PENIPU di dunia maya sudah semakin canggih baik CARA maupun modus penipuannya.

Baca juga Jenis Penipuan Konvensional Yang Masih Memakan Korban

Apakah kalian sering berbelanja daring di toko toko online? Bagaimana biasanya cara kamu membayar barang belanjanan online kamu apakah membayarnya melalui transfer Bank? Apakah kamu juga menggunakan sosial media untuk berkomunikasi seperti INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, serta EMAIL,? Sekarang tingkatkan kewaspadan kalian terhadap kejahatan siber yang semakin merajalela di dunia maya. Perdalam literasi mu untuk menangkis dan mencegah aksi PENIPU yang juga berkeliaran di jagat sosial media.

Namun sebekum saya membahasnay dalam tulisan ini, saya ingin menyampaikan informasi bahwa Bank Rakyat Indonesia memiliki banyak faslilitas memanjakan nasabahnya termasuk murahnya  transkasu antar bank khusunya untuk nasabah BRI yang sudah terdaftar di BRImo . kamu bisa unduh Aplikasi BRImo BRI, unduh aplikasi BRImo BRI di sini.   

Baca juga Cara Mendaftar di BRImo BRI 

Para pembaca yang budiman

Saya mengalami beberapa percobaan penipuan yang ditujukan kepada saya melalui INSTAGRAM, Email dan WhasAp namun Alhamdulillah semua usaha mereka tidak berhasil karena saya mencari tahu dan memeriksa informasinya  CHECK dan RECHECK terlebih dahulu.  Nah dalam kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan ceritak pengalaman saya bagaimana menghadapi para PENIPU dan Bagaimana agar kita semua TIDAK BISA TERPERDAYA karena bujuk rayu para PENIPU di Internet ini.


Saya biasa berkomunkasi menggunakan sosial meda yang salah satunya adalah melalui Instagram (IG) sejak beberapa tahun terakhir.  Jumlah followers saya masih terbilang sedikit, tercatat 1.727 followers.  INSTAGRAM juga saya gunakan untuk berjualan produk minuman kesehatan yang sudah saya tekuni beberapa tahun terakhir ini, 

Suatu ketika pada tanggal  10 Mei 2022, sebuah DM (direct message) masuk ke dalam inbox saya mengajak berkenalan.  Dia mengaku bernama James berasal dari Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) dan tinggal di London (Inggris). Obrolan saya dengan Jems pun masih biasa biasa saja seputar perkenalan. Karena saya orangnya suka berteman, jadi obrolannya seru seru saja.   Seminggu kemudia si James mengajak komunikasinya melalui saluran WhasAp (WA), saya pun oke oke saja.  Buat persahabatan mengapa tidak

Kami pun saling bertukar Nomor WA

.  Dia menyapa saya dalam Bahasa Inggris
"Hello brother". Memperkenalkan dirinya dan mengajak berkomunasi dalam bahasa Inggris, mengajak bersahabatan.  Saya suka sahabat dan teman baru dari mana saja, saya sambut dengan segala senang hati

Saya lihat profilnya tertulis nama JAMES dari seorang pria berkacamata yang memperkenalka dirinya mengaku berasal dari Kuala Lumpur (MALAYSIA) sebagai anak tunggal, kedua orang tuanya sudah meninggal, dan sejak kecil sudah pindah ke London (Inggris-.  Dari penulusuran nomor WA nya yang berkode kode area +44 xxxx  xxxx xxxx yang merupakan nomor area di Great Britain, Inggirs Raya  .   

  • Kelak orang ini berusaha menipu dan mengincar informasi perbankan saya.  Penasaran khan? Nah ikuti terus cerita nya 

Seperti yang sudah disebut di atas, si James ini mengaku berasal dari Kuala Lumpur (MALAYSIA) sebagai anak tunggal, keda orang tuanya sudah meninggal, dan sejak kecil sudah pindah ke London (Inggris-red). Obrolan saya dengan si James ini masih normatif saja dalam arti pokok pembicaraan masih di seputar perkenalan seperti hobi, dan lain sebagainya. 

Untuk meyakinkan saya, si James pun pernah Video Call dengan saya dan walaupun hanya sebentar, saya bisa melihat sendiri bahwa si James ini asli wajahnya sesuai dengan foto yang dia kirimkan kepada saya.  Sudah lazim orang berbohong di sosial media. Orang pakai foto orang lain, tapi si James ini tidak.  Dari VC nya, si James ini sama persis dengan foto yang dia foto profilnya

  Ini foto si James.  Bisa jadi ini bukan foto si Pelaku.  Bisa jadi si Pelaku menggunakan foto orang lain.   Asas PRADUGA TIDAK BERSALAH.

Dari obrolan di IG, kemudian menuju obrolan dengan menggunakan saluran WhasAp (WA). 

Topik pembicaraan saya dengan JAMES masih normatif saja seperti kabar keluarga, hobi, kegemaran, pekerjaan, dan juga obrolan tentang traveling dan kuliner.   Lama lama kelamaan obrolan mengarah kepada keinginan si JAMES untuk membantu saya memiliki sebuah rumah idaman.  Saya memang menceritakan kalau saya sekeluarga masih mengontrak rumah.   Intinya:  Si James mau membelikan saya sebuah rumah idaman.  Si James meminta saya memilih sendiri model rumahnya, dan mengirimkan kepada dia informasi lengkapnya termasuk harga rumahm Developer dan lain sebagaimya. Singkat cerita, saya berikan kepada dia info lengkap rumah yang saya inginkan dengan harga tunai dikisaran 350 Juta Rupiah.

James menerima informasinya dengan baik, dan dia  mau kirim uang sebesar $35.000 yang kalau dirupiahkan bisa mencapai angka 400 juta rupiah lebih. Jumlah yang sangat cukup untuk membeli rumah idaman saya itu .  Wowww

Kaget? Tentu.  Bagaimana tidak.  Baru kenal sudah mau membelikan sebuah rumah dengan harga fantastis.  Percaya ? Tentu saja tidak.  Secara logika saja sudah tidak masuk akal.   Mana ada orang yang mau memberikan uang begitu saja tanpa  sebab.  Dari ini saya sudah menaruh curiga kalau si "James" ini adalah salah satu sindikat penipuan internasional.  Saya ikuti saja dia. Sampai dimana dia mau menipu saya

 menanyakan saya apakah ada UANG ditabungan, alasannya agar saya dan si JAMES sama sama "PATUNGAN" untuk membeli rumah yang saya idam idamkan itu.

  • Sebagai nasabah yang BIJAK, saya tidak memberikan data seperti nomor kartu ATM / PIN, Tanggal kadaluarsa kartu , kode CVC, m-Token , User, Password dan OTP Transaksi.
  • Sebagai nasabah yang BIJAK, mohon abaikan jika ada orang lain yang meminta informasi atau data data tersebut.  
  • Saya menghimbau para pembaca blog saya untuk selalu waspada terhadap penipuan yang mengatasnamakan Bank anda, dan selalu menjaga kerahasiaan data data rekening Bank anda dan tidak memberikan kepada orang lain

Oke lanjut ya

Yang lucu dari obrolan WA Si JAMES bilang ji jika saya sudah dianggap sebagai sebagai saudara,  dan rela membantu saya untuk memiliki rumah idaman saya tu.  Si James bilang kepad saya dalam pesan WA nya jika uang $35.000 itu sudah di transfer, saya hanya membayar Biiaya EXCHANGE RATE saja, dan uangnya akan masuk secara otomatis ke Rekening saya.   Cuku meyakinkan.  James pun meminta nomor Rekening Bank saya aja.   Kalau hanya nomor Rekening saja masih aman.   Si James bilang uang untuk membeli rumah idaman saya sebesar # 35.000 segera dia transfer

Kewaspadaan saya tinggi saat si James bilang mau segera transfer uangnya ke Rekening Bank saya. Jadi saya terus sampai dimana si JAMES ini mau menipu saya

Kemudian si JAMES ini meminta nomor rekening saya.   Seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan di atas saya ikuti saja kemauan si JAMES ini, saya mau tau sampai dimana     Karena saya punya rekening di BRI yang biasa saya gunakan untuk transaksi dalam dan luar negeri kepada si JAMES ini.    

Ilustrasi Maling.  Sumber  Radar LOMBOK

CATATAN : Saya sudah sering menerima transfer dana dari luar negeri ke rekening PAYPAL dan melalui Trasnfer Bank seperti dari negara Perancis, Jerman, Czech Republik.   Semua dalam bentuk Dollar Amerika $  dan semuanya FREE OF CHARGE alias tidak ada bayar atau dikenakan biaya EXCHANGE RATE lagi.  Semua transfer mereka dalam US DOLLAR sudah otomatis ke dalam RUPIAHS di rkening BRI saya.

Dan benar saja, sejurus kemudian si JAMES mengirimakan Screenshot (Tangkapan layar-red) yang seolah olah dia sudah "Transfer" uang sebesar $35.000 kepada saya,    

Dan tangkapan layar di atas, sudah jelas FAKE atau PALSU.   Untuk mengirim uang , anda harus ke BANK dahulu, mengisi formulir pengiriman uang, mengisia data alamat rumah secara lengkap, mencantumkan nomor rekening tujuan lengkap dengan SWIFT CODE nya   Dana akan masuk ke rekening saya sudah dalam bentuk RUPIAH tanpa biaya exchange rate dalam waktu 1- 7 hari masa kerja.   Bukan cara seperti di atas.   .  

Namun tetap saya ikuti kemauan dia.  Sampai dimana usahanya mau menipu saya.. 

Si JAMES berpesan nanti jika ada SMS atau WA dari Lembaga Bank Internasional yang menghubungi saya, saya diminta hanya membayar Biaya EXCHANGE RATE saja, dan uangnya masuk ke rekening saya.    

Kami malah sempat VIDEO CALL segala

"Nanti kalau orang BANK nya menghuba kata JAMESungi kamu, kabari saya ya" gitu kira kira kata JAMES yang sudah saya terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.    Maaf struktur GRAMATIKA Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan si JAMES ini agak kurang standar , terdapat banyak kesalahan pemakain auxillary dan lain sebagainya. 

Sejurus kemudian masuk pesan WA dari seseorang yang mengaku dari Lembaga TRANSFER Internasional yang mengabarkan kepada saya (Dalam Bahasa Inggris yang baik) bahwa saya diminta untuk membayar Exchange RATE sebesar 8 juta rupiah dan uang kiriman si JAMES akan masuk ke rekening saya setelah biaya itu dibayarkan.    

Nomor si orang BANK DUNIA  dengan kode INDONESIA. 
Asas Praduga tidak bersalah.  Bisa jadi pelaku menggunakann NO orang lain

CATATAN : Yang membuat saya ketawa geli adalah Nomor WA orang BANK DUNIA ini berkode +62 xxxx  xxxx  xxxx.   Itu kode INDONESIA jelas sudah semuanya.   Apalagi status profi WA nya  bertuliskan "Allah Memberkati".   Hahhahhaha.  Tapi its oke saya masih terus mengikuti .   Saya mau tau ujungnya seperti apa.   Yang saya salut penggunaan bahasa Inggris orang "BANK DUNIA" ini sangat bagus  Sepertinya cukup berpendidikan juga dia


Karena saya tidak melayaninya dan saya tidak meladeninya, si orang "BANK DUNIA" ini sewot juga samipai keluar kalimat "GOOD BYE".   hHahhaha  orang "BANK DUNIA" kok bahasanya pake Good Bye.  HIhiehiehie.   Sudah semakin sewot dia karena GAGAL memperdayai saya.  Si JAMES pun ikut ikutan minta agar saya mematuhi instruksinya, dan tawar aja dari 8 juta menjadi 5 juta untuk biaya EXCHANGE RATE nya.   Saya pun tak kuasa menahan tawa membaca WA dia itu.    Hahhaha.   Bisa turun gitu  Hahhahaha

Para pembaca yang budiman

Sepertinya MODUS penipu ini melibatkan Penipu dari Luar Negeri terlihat dari kode +44 yang memang secara geografis berasal dari INGGRIS, dan penipu Lokal sendiri yang berkode +62 untuk INDONESIA  Entahi dari kota mana, karena saat sata telp si orang  "BANK DUNIA" itu tidak  mau menerima, dan selalu menutup telepon saya

Saya  masih menyimpan bukti obrolan WA si JAMES dan orang :BANK DUNIA" imi sebagai bukti otentik upaya persekongkolan JAHAT dan dugaan upaya penipuan yang mereka lakukan.irektorat Tindak   Saya sudah melaporkan adanya dugaan penipuan ini kepada pihak  KOMINFO dan Direktorat Tindak Pidana Siber Bareskrim Republik Indonesia

WASPADA semuanya ya
Waspada terhadap MODUS baru penipuan seperti ini
CHECK slealu.   Selidiki dahulu.   
Waspada selalu

Bandara Supadio Pontianak From Bali With Love Selfie Dengan Selebritis
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