KangGURU Website Presentation on One Day Workshop

At Aula Perpustakaan Daerah
By Asep Haryono

I was invited to give presentation at one day workshop for SMA Students administered by Pro Education English course on Saturday 25th of September 2010 at Aula Perpustakaan Daerah located in Jalan Soetoyou Pontianak. here are two sessions in the workshop .

One is presentation came from Ibu Eni Rosnija,MA from English Department of Tanjungpura University. Her presentation was about "how to speak English with effectively and fun" by using power point.

The main master of the ceremony during this event was Dwi Sasta Kanaya or well-known as DwiRaEmon have been working very good work presenting the schedule and the program during the day. She loved DoraEmon so much and her blog named after her fave anime of Japan.  As the keynote speaker during the workshop was Mr Ucup Supriyadi.  He did a great job in his awesome presentation about his visions and projects of his English Club

Two was mine.   My presentation is about "Learn English with KangGURU Indonesia online".  Learning English online is a great and fun too instead of getting information and entertainment, right. 

I decided to useKangGURU Website (www.kangguru.org) and explained on many aspects from the website which they might find interesting including some English materials they might find on the website and podcast they could listen to. 

I suggested the audiences to be more actively in the KangGURU FOrum on the website too. I presented in front of around 250 SMA students in Pontianak. The presentation was successful and lots of questions from students about the role of KangGURU Website to improve their learning of English.   Some of the students were really interested in getting latest Magazine of KangGURU Indonesia. 

At the end of my presentation , there were a small contest.    I only had two small KG packages to give away.    Unfortunately, I did not receive KangGURU 2010 bulletin to show to audiences during the workshop.According to Principal of Pro Edcuation English course , Mr Ucup Supriadi , that the workshop has been closed one day before that day and more and more students were coming to our registration desk to be enrolled as participant.  

Just take a look at some photos I took during this awesome event. The photos have not been published before, and I decided to post some of the photos here.  All right reserved by me absolutely. 

KangGuru Champion and Dwi. 

Around 250 students attended the workshop. Awesome

Did you a teacher seated on the left side of the students. Did you recognized here.  The photo was small, right. Well she was Madam Yeti Suyasti S.Pd. My senior in English Dept FKIP UNTAN

Ibu Eni Rosnija S.Pd asked a question to one of the participants during the workshop

Dwi in Action.  She holded Kang Guru goodies to give away

This is a place where the committee met and discussed before the workshop

Two excellent people during the workshop. Good person. Bang Ucup And Dwi Sasta Kanaya.  They did a great job organizing the workhop.  Well done
The Workshop
Meals.  We celebrated our succesful workshop with meals at KFC Ahmad Yani.  Awesome

I worked with a few friends from our course to handle more than 250 participants for this a half day workshop, and it was really amazing.  A lot of students must have been suspended to avoid too many people in this room" said Ucup Supriadi.  

He also confirmed that the roadshow of Pro Education English course will be running to several cities in West Kalimantan such as Sintang, Ketapang, Sambas, and many other cities of West Kalimantan.   "We also planned to conduct a workshop for English teachers for SMA Students real soon after this one, and I hope anyone can let me know if they knew facilitatior or material providers to be contacted" said Ucup.

On behalf of the Kang Guru Indonesia based in Bali, I would like to express my gratitude for this invitation and I am pleased to work you again in the future.  I have had great times during the workshop, and I am looking forward to work together again with you all real soon.  I hope so and I know so.  (Asep Haryono)


  1. It seems really interesting.. But there is no presentation at my school. Would you like to come to my school? hehe :D

  2. Wowww, Ibu Eni, Kak Dwi, and Bang Ucup, I know them all hehe..

    Nice workshop kang Asep.

    You must have had a lot of experience with Kang Guru Indonesia and got soooo many pictures from that ^^


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