:: What is the problem of English Learning ::

What’s the problem?

There are lost of problem when learning English as foreign or second language. Here are some list of English language problems that might be arising when you are dealing with the language. Some students find it hard to cover all these sort of problems while others don't feel the same way.

1. Singular and Plural Form of Nouns
2. Article
3. Pronouns
4. some/any and much/many
5. Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
6. Date and Time
7. Prepositions
8. Comparison of Adjectives
9. Form and Comparison of Adverbs
10. Adjectives and Adverbs
11. Affirmative Sentences (Word Order)
12. Positions of Adverbs
13. Negative Sentences
14. Questions
15. Use of Tenses
16. Form of Tenses
17. Conditional Sentences (if clauses)
18. Auxiliary Verbs
19. Short Answers
20. Phrasal Verbs
21. Infinitive
22. Gerund
23. Participles
24. Relative Clauses
25. Reported Speech
26. Passive Voice

1 comment:

  1. Hentikan Diam Kita, Tolak Kekerasan!
    Duka cita yang dalam.
    Bunga Bukan Bom….
    Kasih Bukan Kekerasan….

    Pembunuh-pembunuh itu memang pengecut. Tapi kita mestinya juga tegas menolak siapa pun yang mempolitisir musibah ini untuk kepentinganya, alias memanfaatkan kesempatan dalam kesempitan. Mereka sama pengecutnya. Dalam kasus bom ini mereka sama-sama berlaku pengecut, yang pertama pengecut dan pembunuh, yang kedua pengecut dan pembohong.......

    Jangan dilupakan pula kita mesti melawan kekerasan oleh negara dan kekerasan sistimik/struktural karena tatanan sosial ekonomi yang tidak adil.....


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