Hotels and resorts are one of the lucrative industries and if you’re thinking to enter in it, you must start paying attention to your marketing strategy, now. Let’s start with the hotel logo design that holds a key place in making your marketing strategy a hit. 

Below are some of the suggestions if you’re new to this hotel logo design part of the marketing. Keep reading and discover a few creative hotel logo design inspirations for your new hotel business.

Below are some of the ideal logo designs inspired by famous hotels around the world.

Monogram Logo: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\830ec46b1700010b9e21e37bf7cfd5e0.png

If your intentions are to remain strictly classy with your hotel logo design, you may want to look at Brown’s Hotel logo. Because with its initials used as the monogram logo, it’s the perfect example to get your monogram logo designed. 


C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\cbe9bd22c02c830abe09913cb05418fc.jpg

In case if your plans include to have your hotel’s full name in the logo, look at the La Mamounia’s hotel logo design. This gives your hotel logo proper weightage to be remembered by your customers when they think of a good hotel like yours. 

Abstract Logo: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\bda6984cfc495451f339ceafa76e414b.jpg

Similarly, if your plans are to associate your hotel logo design with something abstractive to give it an amusing feel, you must consider The Brando’s logo design. The way they’ve included seahorses into their logo really connects their brand with the relaxing feel of French Polynesia. 

Combination Mark: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\f856b30f8f044bd1d82a06484ee670c5.jpg

If you want to include both letters and abstract in your hotel logo design, you should consider studying Claridge’s logo design which is the perfect example of combination mark. Be sure to use subtle fonts in accordance with the abstract that you use to amplify the appeal of your hotel logo design. 

Emblem Logo: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\The_Plaza_Hotel_Logo.png

If you’re more inclined to use an emblem logo design, you should follow The Plaza Hotel’s logo design. It demonstrates the perfect picture of an emblem hotel logo design just as you are seeking in yours. 

Letter-ish Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\604865.jpg

If you don’t want to confuse yourself with deep design knowledge, just go with simple letterish logo designs. Look at Atlantis Bahamas and how smartly they’ve designed their simple yet attractive hotel logo design using this approach. 

Plain Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\Taj_mar20_1.jpg

If your plans are to keep your hotel logo design extremely simple to the eyes of your customers, consider following Taj Mahal Hotel’s design approach. 

Pictorial Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\rtx4mr0j-e1521434946697.jpg

Pictorial logos also contribute to your business’s branding with their amusing feel. For example, you may want to examine Ritz Paris’s logo design to fully understand the pictorial logo’s functions. 

Typographic Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\BOSPAR-2880x1870.jpg

Typographic logos such as Omni Parker House’s logo never go out of fashion. They give you as elegant feel and an element of relation with your customers, too. Give it a thorough look and you’ll find plenty of ideas for the hotel logo design.

Symbolic Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\download (73).png

Sometimes using symbols as the hotel logo design uplifts the whole branding manifolds. If you pay close attention to The Shelbourne’s logo, you’ll understand its mechanics.

Comment below and let us know your preference for the hotel logo design.

Hello travelers...

Bahasa Indonesia or Indonesian language is the only one spoken by all people across the islands of Indonesia.  The language became national one for years.  

The Bahasa Indonesia is a mother tongue for all Indonesian people however almost all the islands of Indonesia has their own local expression such as Sundanese , Javanese and many others. Our national language unity everything in one national language :  Indonesia.

While you are in business , pleasure or just hanging around in Indonesia in general or while in Pontianak in particular, short or long term of staying, I suggest you, foreigners or travelers , to learn basic communication in Bahasa Indonesia.  

You don't have to be an expert for the language of Indonesia.  Learn Bahasa Indonesia a little bit for your comfortable trip while in this beautiful country. Trust me.  It will help you greatly.

You absolutely need to talk with local people.  By understanding our national language, you will be nationally recognized, and our friendly people will always be with you in every way.  Again it  is highly recommended that you obtain a working knowledge of the bahasa Indonesia 

For some certain situations,  Indonesian do not speak any International language including English which is considered as one of the international one spoken around the globe.   Not all people of Indonesia spoke English, and we are proud to speak our national language every day.  

Indonesia is famous for their hospitality, friendly and smile, so you don't have to worry about the ability of your language of Indonesia which can be extremely something worth to be critized. The people of Indonesia will understand and appreciative of foreigners that working very hard to learn Bahasa Indonesia and try to build relationships with them. 

Let's learn basic phrases in Bahasa Indonesia.
Practical daily Indonesian language.  Image from Internet

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From Bali With Love

Kuala Lumpur Reports

Hello travellers,

Traveling is now a life style of almost all families nowadays, and can be a good sample of how the stress can be solved outside of our life by go traveling to other beautiful places on this planet.   Since the work load and boring activities we have had every day at school, working place or business activities,  peopl need a while to relax themselves and fresh their mind from those busy times.  Traveling can be a good answer of those difficult and boring situations.

Bali Carnival in 2003
Bali is stil number one tourism place people love to go.  Photo Asep Haryono

In Indonesia, particularly people from Jakarta and its surroundings would love to travel outside the city heading to Bogor , Puncak or even Bandung.   As we all knew the last city I mentioned , Bandung, has been a place of Asia Africa Conference which successfully held a few months ago.   I love Bandung too.   

Why those people would love to travel to those cities especially at the end of the week?   This can be right step to take because of the cities (Bogor, Puncak and Bandung) located were not too far from Jakarta however from the time management, heading to those places can be very tiring.  

People will understand the traffic jam or "macet" will be the most horrible experience people will face when heading to those places.  People will not notice that things, and would love to enjoy the "macet".  This can be very interesting.

The problem of the traffic jam or "macet" during heading to Bandung,  Bogor or Pucnak will become worst when the free day which in Indonesia normal calendar marked with "the red date" or "tanggal merah" is exactly the same time with the weekend. The "macet" will be a nightmare of all those travelers.  Again, people will never think about it, and always enjoy the "macet" and moving forward to those tourism places around the cities. 

Just think about the cost or expenses during traveling.   Just like I mentioned above : traveling or make a trip to Bandung and Bogor were not too much expensive. In some cases, especially regarding the facilities around the objects , those areas offers a wide range of its tourism facilites instead of Jakarta which people can be considered as too much boring things for every one to enjoy.

The question now is " is that really the cheap price of thoss traveling worth with the effect after returning from the activities of the trip?"  Do you feel really relax way or in contrary become more stress and feeling exhausted after doing traveling?  To answer the question, at least you need a comparison.  With what way?   Try to make a plan to trip to abroad or other Island. You could have used any travel agent to help you plan to go those places.  

If you plan to make a trip to abroad or other island,  you could choose any travel agent you love and let them help you arrange everything.  From arranging the tickets, itinerary, flight schedule and any travel needs.  Many travel agent is pleased to take care of the visa when traveling to abroad.  Don't worry about it.  Perhaps it will need extra money, but you can relax and sit back as they work for you.  

banner information
The tourist package price list offered by the travel agent is not too far or not too much different when you decide to travel to Bogor or Bandung.  You can even get much cheaper. OMG?  Really?  Absolutely.   Just imagine.  If you trip to Bangkok for 4 days 4 nights and staying at star hotels, you just need to purchase the cost around 1,85 million rupiahs only. Just compare with your own way.  Which one is better.  Traveling to Bogor or Bandun or even to abroad with the same cost?  You decide. 

You can even plan a trip to further distances such as Vietnam.  With only purchasing about 2,1 million rupiahs per individual or person , you can free traveling Ho Chi Minh City for 5 days 4 nights and staying at Saigon Royal Hotel, a three star one in Vietnam.   So you can compare those things mentioned above.

If you can calculate : total cost per day should you pay to travel in Bangkok or Ho Chi Minh City is not really farther expensives  compared with traveling to Bogor or Bandung.  If you dare to find something new regarding the tour package , you can search for the information from your travel agent, browsing on the net, or attending to any tour exhibition in your surroundings. 

If you got complete information you need, you just decide what country or city you would like to visit as your destination , prepare the financial things , and just contact or calling any travel agent you want.   Have fun with your traveling. 

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