Top 10 Hotel Logo Inspirations For New Business Owners

Hotels and resorts are one of the lucrative industries and if you’re thinking to enter in it, you must start paying attention to your marketing strategy, now. Let’s start with the hotel logo design that holds a key place in making your marketing strategy a hit. 

Below are some of the suggestions if you’re new to this hotel logo design part of the marketing. Keep reading and discover a few creative hotel logo design inspirations for your new hotel business.

Below are some of the ideal logo designs inspired by famous hotels around the world.

Monogram Logo: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\830ec46b1700010b9e21e37bf7cfd5e0.png

If your intentions are to remain strictly classy with your hotel logo design, you may want to look at Brown’s Hotel logo. Because with its initials used as the monogram logo, it’s the perfect example to get your monogram logo designed. 


C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\cbe9bd22c02c830abe09913cb05418fc.jpg

In case if your plans include to have your hotel’s full name in the logo, look at the La Mamounia’s hotel logo design. This gives your hotel logo proper weightage to be remembered by your customers when they think of a good hotel like yours. 

Abstract Logo: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\bda6984cfc495451f339ceafa76e414b.jpg

Similarly, if your plans are to associate your hotel logo design with something abstractive to give it an amusing feel, you must consider The Brando’s logo design. The way they’ve included seahorses into their logo really connects their brand with the relaxing feel of French Polynesia. 

Combination Mark: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\f856b30f8f044bd1d82a06484ee670c5.jpg

If you want to include both letters and abstract in your hotel logo design, you should consider studying Claridge’s logo design which is the perfect example of combination mark. Be sure to use subtle fonts in accordance with the abstract that you use to amplify the appeal of your hotel logo design. 

Emblem Logo: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\The_Plaza_Hotel_Logo.png

If you’re more inclined to use an emblem logo design, you should follow The Plaza Hotel’s logo design. It demonstrates the perfect picture of an emblem hotel logo design just as you are seeking in yours. 

Letter-ish Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\604865.jpg

If you don’t want to confuse yourself with deep design knowledge, just go with simple letterish logo designs. Look at Atlantis Bahamas and how smartly they’ve designed their simple yet attractive hotel logo design using this approach. 

Plain Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\Taj_mar20_1.jpg

If your plans are to keep your hotel logo design extremely simple to the eyes of your customers, consider following Taj Mahal Hotel’s design approach. 

Pictorial Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\rtx4mr0j-e1521434946697.jpg

Pictorial logos also contribute to your business’s branding with their amusing feel. For example, you may want to examine Ritz Paris’s logo design to fully understand the pictorial logo’s functions. 

Typographic Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\BOSPAR-2880x1870.jpg

Typographic logos such as Omni Parker House’s logo never go out of fashion. They give you as elegant feel and an element of relation with your customers, too. Give it a thorough look and you’ll find plenty of ideas for the hotel logo design.

Symbolic Logos: 

C:\Users\Tauseef Ahmed\Downloads\download (73).png

Sometimes using symbols as the hotel logo design uplifts the whole branding manifolds. If you pay close attention to The Shelbourne’s logo, you’ll understand its mechanics.

Comment below and let us know your preference for the hotel logo design.

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