APR adalah singkatan dari Annual Percentage Rate. Pada dasarnya, ini berarti biaya pinjaman yang sebenarnya. Ini termasuk tingkat bunga ditambah semua biaya tambahan. Biaya Tambahan biasanya mencakup poin, suku bunga prabayar, biaya pemrosesan pinjaman, biaya penjaminan emisi, biaya persiapan dokumen, asuransi hipotek, biaya pengajuan pinjaman, biaya penutupan, dan biaya kepemilikan.

Memahami Tingkat Persentase Tahunan Dengan Kalkulator Online

APR tetap kontroversial karena setiap pemberi pinjaman hipotek Kalkulator Persen. Pemberi pinjaman, bankir, pialang hipotek, dan peminjam mudah bingung dalam perhitungan. Secara hukum, pemberi pinjaman hipotek harus memberikan atau kalkulator persen APR kepada peminjam atau pemberi pinjaman.

Langkah-langkah untuk menghitung tingkat persentase tahunan (APR) - Jumlahkan semua biaya tambahan..

- Hitung pembayaran hipotek bulanan..

- Hitung APR Kalkulator Persen total biaya tambahan dan pembayaran hipotek bulanan.
Pembayaran hipotek bulanan.
Misalkan pemberi pinjaman hipotek meminjamkan $ 250.000 dengan tingkat bunga 6,5%, 2 poin diskon, dan biaya tambahan $ 1.200 untuk hipotek 30 tahun, pembayaran hipotek bulanan reguler sama dengan $ 1.580,17. Pembayaran sama dengan P berarti pokok, r berarti tingkat bunga, dan n berarti jumlah periode. .
Dengan poin diskon dan biaya tambahan disertakan, pembayaran hipotek bulanan efektif Anda sama dengan $ 1619,36. Pembayaran Efektif sama dengan P berarti pokok, a berarti biaya tambahan, d berarti poin diskon, r berarti tingkat bunga, dan n berarti jumlah periode..
Tingkat Persentase Tahunan (APR).
Sekarang, perhitungan Tingkat Persentase Tahunan sama dengan 6,75%. APR sama dengan P berarti pokok, a berarti biaya tambahan, d berarti poin diskon, dan r berarti tingkat bunga..

Look into any bicycle shop in Jakarta and you will find that bikes are either sold out, or the store representative is too busy to answer you - either because they have a lot on their plates answering orders or they are too busy repairing bikes. If you're wondering why this is, this is because Indonesian's are abandoning malls and taking up cycling as their new pastime.

In 2020, data gathered by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy stated the rate of bicycle use has increase by 1,000%, as quotedintheStar news. Oddly enough, not too long ago in early 2019, journalists were expressing their disappointment at how little attention was given to the cycling community and how Jakarta and its municipalities was not a bike and pedestrian friendly city.

PichayadaPromchertchoo, from Channel News Asia, explicitly expressed her concerns on this. However, in 2020 attention towards cycling has made a 180-degree turn, as now almost every household in Indonesia owns a bike and is actively using it. More and more people are slowly shifting their hobbies towards biking, and the root of the cause might be a little more abstract..

Sukarno enjoyed frequent rides on his bike 1938 – 1942.
Photo source : aiya.org.au

Cycling has been in Indonesia before it was even a country.

To understand the cycling craze in Indonesia, it is important to briefly understand the history of cycling in Indonesia, and the role it played pre-independence..

In Tetske T. Van der Wal's novel, "I thought you should know", she documented her grandparent's life in the Dutch-East Indies and partly praised the Dutch for their ideas. She posited how influential the Dutch were in introducing first world inventions to the East Indies. Clever Dutch engineers, as described by Van der Wal, introduced roads, bridges, railways and of course, bicycles, and subsequently velodromes..

The bicycle was first used in Indonesia by the Indies military, but it was quickly used for other activities as a means of getting from point A to point B. There was however, a catch to it..

A caveat of cycling for Indonesians was that they were limited to wealthy Dutch aristocrats. Bikes were expensive, prestigious items and it was a symbol of wealth and power that could only be enjoyed by a small minority of rulers. Fast-forward to the 50s, the Dutch had already pulled out of Indonesia, but left behind their technology. Due to the political climate at the time,

Sukarno had banned Western products from entering Indonesia, including European and American-made bicycles. But that in turn left a vacuum, and the market for locally made bikes were filled by Chinese-Indonesians, as stated by the website 'Bike for Dad' of Chungkalong University, Thailand..

Bicycles started losing popularity in the 60s and 70s, with the introduction of motorbikes and cars. They started going out of fashion and were no longer a convenient mode of transport. What was once a state of the art invention was no longer àla mode. The problem is that Van der Wal's grandparent's didn't realise just how big a craze cycling would be 80 years later..

In Syaiful Afif's research paper "The Rising of Middle Class in Indonesia: Opportunity and Challenge", he predicted in 1998 that there would be 85 million people in the consuming class in 2020. He was right. Indonesia's middle class has money to spend more than ever and this arguably has helped spur at least one industry: bicycles..

Despite no more car-free days for the time being, more people are biking than ever before. The answer to this phenomenon: Coronavirus. With new restrictions on how many people can sit in a car and malls closed, people have started coming up with new ideas on how to tackle boredom and spend their money.

In addition, the roads are also quieter. There is also a consensus that cycling more will keep you fit, and being fit is a good way to combat the coronavirus - even though research shows otherwise.

Pollution levels have also dropped to an all-time low, according to data by IQAir. Recent data showed that Jakarta's air had an Air Quality Index (AQI) of just 74 on average (July, 2020). All these factors came together nicely and thus resulted in the new biking fad..

Cycling now has seen an emergence and it is quickly becoming Indonesia's favourite past time. But the reasons go beyond than just a "past time" to do when teenagers are bored, or when office workers are idle at home..

What's different to then and now? Cycling has changed to become a form of identity - it is a way for individuals to feel like they are part of a community and have a sense of belonging.

The uniforms that some groups wear when they ride are comparable to that of Harley Davidson Groups, or even more extreme groups such as gangsters of the West coast of America and the Punk subculture. It symbolises a form of companionship, just like any other sports team. It is an unwritten agreement to ride together and be friends..

Much like how cycling was associated with status, wealth and power during the Dutch colonial period, it has re-emerged to have its own branding, not necessarily about wealth, but about health, fitness, companionship and solidarity - which are important values to Indonesians.

The filter known as social media has helped spread these values to younger Indonesians, which in turn spread to other groups and this is where we are today, and much like how everyone has a different Harley, everyone has their own unique bike, which may tell a story about the person themselves..

This is why cycling has had a more powerful presence, because we live in times where we lean on each other for support rather than being individualistic. Helping one another has mattered so much more recently and cycling acts as a channel to express these ideas of solidarity.

It is also an activity that appeals to everyone, something not just for rich aristocrats, however, we do take bicycles today for granted but we should remember that bicycles were perceived at one point in time as first world technology being introduced to the new world.

What we regard today as a primitive form of transportation, was once considered a marvellous feat of engineering. Right now, it is uncertain whether or not this hype will continue, or if it will once again be a remnant of history, a mere fad that was "fun at its time", but never taken seriously..

As much as I love writing about bikes, I am also a passionate writer for the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association. There, you will find a variety of articles covering multiple topics about Indonesia & Australia. Visit AIYA to see more of our work at [https://www.aiya.org.au/blog/]..

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10334356.

the term survey is usually confused with the term observation in everyday terms. In the case of the two terms have different meanings, although both are interrelated activities. According to Webster's dictionary, the notion of survey is a certain condition that requires certainty of information, especially for those who are responsible or interested.

ou may be surprised to learn that, when asked to consider the items they can’t live without, Americans rank toothpaste and their toothbrush almost as important as the internet and cell phones, according to a recent study. A new survey on reliability from Cooper Tires is based on data from a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults.

The survey drills down into what Americans rely on most in their daily lives, with some interesting findings. In order to smoothly navigate your day-to-day, it’s likely there are a few key items, whether you really think about them or not, that we all count on to work in order to get things done.

Image source getthematic
Image source getthematic

The reliability of these items

the fact that they consistently perform well – is critical to our day-to-day and impactful on our emotions (both positive and negative) and yet we don’t stop and think about, much less celebrate, the value these items bring to our everyday lives.

Cooper is built on providing quality, reliable tires for drivers since 1914, and understands the value of being a reliable partner for everyday life, whether celebrated or not. And many of the items that Americans named as their top 10 aren’t lauded on a daily basis – but maybe they should be.

Items in the study were ranked according to rational and emotional responses, with these subscores combined to determine the overall reliability scores.

RANKINGThe survey found that Wi-Fi/the internet earned the top ranking for reliability followed by cell phones, but somewhat surprisingly, a toothbrush and toothpaste were third overall. Wi-Fi/the internet scored highest not only on the regularity of use and quality but also contributed highly to both happiness and anxiety – implying that this technological marvel causes a range of emotions, from giving users joy, while at times plummeting them into stress.

This ranking also showcases how ubiquitous Wi-Fi/the internet and cell phones have become for people of all ages and backgrounds. The humble toothbrush actually scored higher on the happiness subscale than laptops, sunglasses, or even makeup.

Also ranking high for rational responses are cars and their tires. Cars scored fourth overall, with tires sixth, but on the emotional subscore, personal vehicles were second-highest, showing that Americans still love their cars, and value reliable tires to get where they need to go, as well as to keep them safe.

Even when the survey findings were divided into subgroups by age (Gen Z, millennials, Gen X, baby boomers, and the Greatest Generation), personal vehicles beat out ridesharing."While high-tech products and advancements are exciting and buzzworthy, it’s much more routine items that we look to and rely on to get through our day," notes Jessica Egerton, director of brand development at Cooper Tire & Rubber Company.

"This shows a clear distinction between the things that are nice to have – such as fitness trackers and tablets – and things that are a critical necessity for most Americans in navigating their every day – such as a personal vehicle."The remaining top 10 items are shampoo, credit/debit cards, glasses or contacts, microwaves, and live TV.

While no food items made the top 10, coffee was the top consumable item, in 12th place, followed closely by chocolate in 14th place (laptops took the 13th spot).

Interestingly, although both coffee and chocolate scored higher on the rational subscale than the emotional, chocolate not only scored significantly higher among women and Gen X, the chocolate had the largest gap of any item between anxiety and happiness on the emotional subscale. It would appear that chocolate brings consumers joy, but does not cause them stress. Enough said. Visit cooperreliabilitystudy.com for the full survey results. 

Copyright protection is to be had for original works of authorship which are constant in a tangible shape, whether published or unpublished. The categories of works that may be protected by copyright legal guidelines encompass artwork, literary works, stay performances, pictures, movies, and software programs.

It's crucial to take into account that copyright regulation covers the "form of cloth expression," not the real principles, thoughts, strategies, or statistics in a specific work.

This is the cause at the back of why work has to be constant in a tangible shape to be able to accumulate copyright protection. A couple examples of works being steady in a tangible form embody testimonies written on paper and unique artwork on canvas.

Image source thebalancesmb
Image source thebalancesmb

What exactly is a copyright? Literary works, musicals, artwork, sculptures and other creative works are generally concern to copyright protection. A copyright protects the shape of expression, as opposed to the subject depending on the expression. There must be some element of creativity and originality inside the paintings.

What can I do with my copyright? The proprietor of a copyright has exclusive rights to reproduce copyrighted works, put together spinoff works, distribute copies, carry out publicly and/or display such works.

How can I protect myself? The judicial regulation allows the safety of "authentic works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression... ". Now you may ask, what makes something an "original design"? "Original" is a manner that the creator adopted without the exact reproduction of someone else's work and that there are at least a few minimal degrees of creativity.

There virtually need not now be any formal registration that will "protect" your work. So, why do people genuinely register for a copyright? Formal registration is required to enforce your copyright. This is the manner with which you will have a registration with the copyright office which will visit court docket to enforce your copyrights. It is needed to stop someone from infringing your work.

Furthermore, a proper copyright registration allows you to sign in the copyrighted work, which can be in a position to forestall infringing works.

I want to copy somebody else's stuff. Can I? It's excellent to be authentic. However, there are some restricted times wherein you can use someone else's paintings, and that is in which the Fair Use Doctrine comes into play.

This is a complex and fact-based evaluation. Generally speaking, if you are criticizing a chunk of labor, commenting, news reporting, teaching, or growing a parody, then you'll be capable of using the elements of a copyrighted work. Safest guess: get permission from the copyright owner to use a piece of their work. And recollect, simply giving attribution to the original author is not sufficient to keep away from claims of copyright infringement. (Written by Madhavi Nagargoje - EzineArticles.com)

Many older adults experience feelings of loneliness and isolation as they age, but pets can provide the companionship and love seniors desire. A new survey conducted by Home Instead, Inc., franchisor of the Home Instead Senior Care Network, found regular interaction with animals can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness in older adults.

The most frequently cited benefits of pet ownership are a company, comfort, unconditional love, entertainment, and improved mood. In fact, 86 percent of pet owners agree they would be lonelier and less happy without their pet, and 58 percent agree that they would not be as physically healthy without their pet. 

Image source carrothealth
Image source carrothealth

The companionship and love provided by a pet can be especially meaningful for those most at risk for isolation. Home Instead found that pet owners who live alone are significantly more likely to report increased benefits of pet ownership.

Owning a pet can also be an important factor for seniors deciding where they will live as they age. According to the survey, 82 percent of older adults say they will not consider moving to a senior living community without their pets.

While interaction with animals has been shown to improve mental and physical well-being in older adults, research from Home Instead confirms that seniors don’t need to own pets to experience the benefits.

Those who regularly interact with, but don’t own, pets report feeling better just spending time with animals owned by family, friends, and neighbors. There are many ways seniors can interact with animals without taking on the responsibility of pet ownership.

Here is a few ideas:* Volunteer at a rescue organization or animal shelter. Many rescue organizations and animal shelters could use an extra hand. Seniors can help provide care for animals, including feeding, watering, restocking supplies, washing dishes, walking dogs, cleaning cages and enclosures, or socializing with the animals.

Volunteers experience the benefits of interacting with pets, and they can provide some care to an animal in need.* Get to know your neighbors’ pets. Seniors who regularly walk their neighborhoods will likely see pet owners walking their dogs.

Asking to join them for a walk might lead to new friendships with neighbors and dogs.* Connect with a therapy animal. Pet Partners therapy teams, made up of a pet owner and his or her registered animal, go into many locations where seniors are living or being treated, such as hospitals, hospice centers, and care communities.*

Visit a pet store. Some pet stores sell small animals, such as guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, gerbils, mice, rats, certain geckos, bearded dragons, snakes, and specific types of frogs, birds, and fish. Visiting can provide a pet fix! With so many options available, finding the right animal interaction for each individual should be as easy as a walk in the dog park.

To help older adults determine what type of pet interaction is right for them, the Home Instead Senior Care® network is offering free information and tips to help seniors incorporate animals into their lives. To learn more about how older adults can bring animals into their lives, visit PetsandSeniors.com or contact your local Home Instead Senior Care office or www.homeinstead.com.

Every human being seeks happiness, even if happiness maybe something different for each of us. When babies are born, they all intuitively cry when hurt and smile when loved or pampered. Some of them later choose pain over pleasure. Why?

Children's natural instincts lead them to love and care.

When a child is born, the kid's natural and intuitive response to loving gestures and affection is a positive one while the response in case of pain or neglect is crying and sadness. This is the natural response in all children, no matter what their origin, ethnic group or social class.

Most of them will also treat those around them the same way they are treated themselves. If love is what they get, love is what they give. Unless something terrible happens, children grow up responding the same way, loving others first. Unfortunately, that is not always like that. Some children are exposed to certain experiences in their early years that teach them to treat other human beings in some other ways.

When children hear threats and see physical dominance as a regular part of their days, such behaviors can become the norm, the example to imitate and copy. If their role models usually insult, criticize, or make fun of others, that is what they will learn and aspire to do.

They will slowly change their innate reactions by gradually convincing themselves that their reality is as should be, even if their innermost feelings seem to contradict what they see others doing. Little by little, the first impulses that lead those children to smile and loving when being smiled at and loved, dwindle, and change because their experience teaches them that those reactions are not OK.

By observing those around them, those whose behavior is their example, they start controlling their intuitive responses and adopt new ones that are more similar to the ones they observe in their immediate environment.

Image source nlc
Image source nlc

Most abusers and bullies learn their behavior from their elders.

Unless there is an alternative behavior to make them question what they see, many of those children will take the example they have in front of them to be the norm.

They will consider abusing others the logical way to be adults. They will understand relationships to require a violent, aggressive discourse. They will expect submission from others if they are to be what they should. Some will adopt the opposite view, true; that of the victim or victims, the only second role they witness in their early years. In this case, they might grow to display similar behaviors, too.

By the time those children are exposed to other models, their early beliefs are already established and strengthened. It will not be until they are much older than the other alternatives become visible or accessible to them. By then, they will reject them because their convictions are already quite firm.

They will reproduce their learned behavior and step on others to gain admiration or preponderance, without even considering that there could be a different way. Let's not forget that, to them, that is the norm.

Most bullies, abusers, tyrants and racists are created this way. They only follow the lead they had in their early years. Unquestioned in their convictions for quite a few years, they were never really given a different chance.

Society needs to offer children, alternative role models, to change learned patterns of abuse.

If society is to change, if violence and aggression are to become the exception instead of the norm, alternative roles should be present in all children's early years.

If negative role models are to be overruled, more positive ones need to be experienced to offer those children the opportunity to question the first ones. Only by making a general, society-wide effort will we be able to uproot those deep, engrained beliefs that travel from generation to generation and perpetuate violence against other, weaker human beings.

Where an abusive parent displays dominance, a young child should be exposed to loving, respectful parents in other families. When witnessing a harsh, critical, insulting discourse, the child should hear others treating their equals with love and respect, maybe from those around, to counterbalance the model the child has.

When an adult abuses other weaker ones, the child should also see how other adults protect the victim and question the abuser. Only then will our society change; when those little children whose beliefs are being settled now are given the chance to adopt and preserve their natural instincts to love, support, and care for others like they first felt upon birth.

It's time to stop the dissemination of abusive roles.

Abuse and violence will not be eradicated by policies, rules or laws. They will not be eliminated from society through treatments and therapies. The only real way is through education, by offering our youngest alternative models that will prevent them from replicating destructive and aggressive behaviors. The effort needed is a global, society-wide one.

No adult should look the other way in the presence of children when inappropriate behaviors are displayed. No adult should laugh when others are being ridiculed or made fun of. All adults should make it their goal to share positive and respectful relationships so that little witness are given a chance to adopt them, too.

No violence should be fought with greater violence. There's no need for that. If we consider that all human beings are born to enjoy being loved and cared for, why not make it a world movement to prevent as many children as possible from changing their beliefs just by offering them an alternative?

That's all it takes, really. When societies publicly display that powerful message of support and care, most children will be exposed to it. It's time to stop looking the other way or to enjoy the show. It's time to lead our younger generations in a more positive direction. Enjoy life... ALL of it, (Written by
Jessica J Lockhart - EzineArticles.com)

Launch Healthline, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. The main benefits of vitamin D to help the absorption of calcium. When calcium is well absorbed, bone can grow optimally and be firmly steady. In addition, vitamin D is also useful for maintaining the immune system, digestion, blood circulation, and nerves.

A healthy immune system is important at all times, but especially so in these days of the novel coronavirus and heightened awareness about the spread of germs.

You can support a healthy immune system by eating well, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising. Supplements with vitamins that support the immune system, such as vitamin D, may help, too. Sunlight remains a key source of vitamin D, but supplements may be increasingly beneficial as people are less able to get outside. This is especially true for those who live in the northern hemisphere. 

Image source Health Kompas
Image source Health Kompas

Vitamin D has the science to back up its potential as an immune- system support. In 2017, the British Medical Journal published a meta-analysis of 25 studies in which vitamin D showed the potential to protect against acute respiratory tract infections, especially among individuals who were also deficient in vitamin D.In addition, Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with Fox News in March that taking a multivitamin containing vitamin D or a vitamin D supplement was good practice for overall health, and it certainly couldn’t hurt when it comes to helping to boost immune resistance to infection.

However, not all vitamin D supplements are created equal. A vitamin D supplement must be easily absorbed by the body in order to provide much value. Many vitamin D supplements offer poorly absorbed forms of vitamin D in doses far too low to replenish a vitamin D deficit, much less offer therapeutic benefits for the immune system.

It’s best to choose a supplement that includes vitamin D3, which is the most easily absorbed form of vitamin D, as well as Vitamin K2, such as the supplement produced by Lively Vitamin Co. Their product, Solar Power, combines vitamins D3 and K2 to provide the body with maximum therapeutic value.

This combination improves total absorption rates and utilization in the body.A blend of these two vitamins is engineered to help promote a healthy immune system and cardiovascular health. But the benefits don’t stop there. Vitamin D3 supplements like Solar Power can also help the body absorb calcium and build stronger bones to help prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D even plays a role in regulating mood and helping to reduce seasonal depression.

However, be sure to check for possible drug interactions with any prescription medications you are taking before you take vitamin D or other supplements. For more information about vitamin D and other ways to improve your health and boost your immunity, visit findyourhealthyplace.com

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