Read one of the traffic accident news published in Pontianak Tribune Daily edition January 31, 2020 which reported a death accident at the Kapuas 2 Bridge, Kubu Raya, on Friday (01/31/2020) which claimed the life of one of the teachers of SMAN 1 Sepauk

When I read the news I felt sadness and deep sorrow over the loss of human lives in a tragic accident that actually could still be avoided.

Apart from my concern and sadness over the accident that has happened for the umpteenth time on the highway, it is my duty to remind myself again to remain obedient in driving on the highway and public transportation. Comply with all traffic rules both for me as a road user and myself as a driver.

Why should there be another traffic accident on a highway that takes casualties? Why should casualties occur due to road accidents? What should we do to avoid the calamities and accidents that claimed lives on the highway?

MARKA THROUGH: A pair of motorcyclists were caught on camera by me crossing the mark line at the Pontianak New Town intersection some time ago. Photo of Asep Haryono
MARKA THROUGH: A pair of motorcyclists were caught on camera by me crossing the mark line at the Pontianak New Town intersection some time ago. Photo of Asep Haryono

Driver and Vehicle Safety
Basically, traffic safety is divided into 2 (two) main parts, namely the safety of the driver himself and the safety of traffic on the highway and public transportation. Now for the safety of the driver himself there is much to consider.

A simple example is the use of Standard Helmets. Not a half-round helmet that only covers part of your head. Standard Helmet socialization has been carried out for a long time and now in the era now many riders are aware of the importance of using SNI standard quality helmets. This is welcome news.

Standard helmets that cover all parts of the head provide much safer protection than pad helmets that only cover and / or protect half of your head. Various records say many fatal accident rates usually deal with head parts. So from now on use a standard helmet that covers all parts of your head.

While driving safety also deserves attention for all drivers of two-wheeled vehicles or non-two-wheeled vehicles (read Cars). One rule that is often underestimated by many road users and motorists is to first check the vehicle's worthiness before use.

Re-check the front brakes, rear brakes, rear view mirror, seat belts for owners of four-wheeled vehicles, and also the use of standard helmets for sure. The rest can be created for your own convenience. Do not just because you are ashamed because you use a complete rearview mirror right and left, ashamed to be teased for using a mirror that is "praying", then you ignore it. Safety first, the rest may be fashion or style.

Obey driving rules on the highway and public transportation. Do not overtake other vehicles without first checking whether there is a vehicle in one direction with your position. Turn on the penny lamp in the direction you are going. This is often the subject of ridicule and teasing on social media. Netizens often post jokes about this. The person gave the penny left, but the person turned right.

You are afraid of being hit by a vehicle raid that is usually carried out by the Joint Police Team, Dispemda in a Zebra operation, for example, then you run helter skelter running scythe so that driving against the direction (contra flow). This is very dangerous and very risky for the rider himself. And there are many more that you should pay attention to before deciding to drive on the highway.

Disasters are indeed unpredictable. Those whose names are unfortunate traffic accidents can happen at any time and the arrival (calamity) no one knows and the arrival never gives know. If all that you have done with all your heart and sincerity, but disaster still comes it all because of the will of Allah SWT. Be a Pioneer of Traffic Safety and Cultivate Safety as a Necessity (Asep Haryono)

Catatan Asep Haryono

Ketika saya berangkat dari rumah menuju Graha Pena kantor saya di bilangan jalan Gajah Mada Pontianak tadi siang, saya dikejutkan dengan kecelakaan lalu lintas antar Bis dengan seorang pengendara motor. Saya tidak tau persis kejadiannya karena saat karena posisi motor saya (saya pake MIO tadi siang, honda digrounded dulu-red) dengan mereka cukup jauh.

Dan saat saya melewati mereka tampak jelas motor pria itu sudah masuk ke kolong BIS yang terhenti, saya sempat melihat kondisi pria malang itu. Berdiri tertatih tatih dan saya melihat tidak ada ceceran darah. Semoga pria malang itu tidak mengalami luka luka serius, dan dalam beberapa menit saja sudah banyak orang mengerumuni lokasi kecelakaan tersebut.

Saya pun berlalu sambil melihat kerumunan orang orang di lokasi kecelakaan tersebut melalui kaca spion mini MIO saya itu. Dalam hati saya membatin ada apa sebenarnya dengan kejadian itu apakah pengendara motor itu kurang hati hati, atau gimana. Tidak ada jawaban yang jelas atas pertanyaan saya di dalam hati ini. Duile bahasanya.  

Musibah Bisa Datang Kapan Saja
Ini memang unik diluar kemampuan kita sebagai manusia. Yang namanya musibah tidak selalu menjadi monopoli armada angkutan udara (pesawat terbang maksud saya-red). "Jangan sering naek pesawat loh nanti jatuh" kata orang. "Jangan naik kapal laut loh nanti tenggelam" katanya lagi.  Lah kala pertanyaan pertanyaan konyol seperti ini terus haunted (menghantui-red) diri kita bisa jadi nda berangkat berangkat kita.  Semua itu selalu menjadi rahasia Allah SWT dan kita tidak pernah tau.

Pernahkah kawan kan membayangkan lagi asyik asyik nonton televisi di rumah bersama keluarga, tetapi tiba tiba ada pesawat nyasar jatuh di rumah? Ini memang benar benar terjadi beberapa waktu lalu di pemberitaan nasional di tanah air.   Nah keselamatan kita di jalan raya memang sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab kita sendiri seperti mempersiapkan kendaraan dengan baik seperti mencek rem, angin di ban, dan lain sebagainya. Namun semua itu hanyalah rencana dan rancangan manusia, karena kapan dan dimana musibah itu datang tidak ada yang tau.

Ini juga pernah saya dan istri alami beberapa waktu yang lalu,  Padahal motor yang kami kendarai sudah dibawah kecepatan 20 KM karena segera akan mendekati lampu merah di persimpangan Mapolda Kalimantan Barat (Yang dari kota Pontianak pasti tau dehh-red).  Nah padahal saat itu kendaraan yang kami bawa sudah berhenti wis plek, tiba tiba dari arah belakang seorang pengendara yang membawa banyak kaleng kaleng kecil berisi kerupuk menabrak kami dari belakang. "brakkk" sampai motor saya bergerak ke depan, namun anehnya yang terjatuh malah si penabrak.

Jadi kalaw sudah begini pilihannya ada 2 (dua) kalaw nda kita yang menabrak ya ditabrak orang. Walaupun kita sudah super hati hati misalnya, kata orang kalaw sudah waktu nya, atau kalaw lagi kurang beruntungnya musibah bisa datang menghampiri.    Musibah memang tidak pernah kita ketahui datangnya, dan musibah datang pun tidak pernah memberi tahu oleh karena itu saya selalu berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar diberikan keselamatan dalam bepergian hingga selamat sampai di jalan.   Berhati hatilah di jalan. karena keluarga menanti di rumah dengan selamat. (Asep Haryono)
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