TIPS : Thinking In English

I am going to give you some tips on how to start thinking in English which is the first step towards fluency if your English is slow if your English is broken it might be so because you're still thinking in your native language and you need to develop that ability to switch and think in English I promise things will be so much easier once you make that step but how do we do it how do we make that step?

first of all some important things to keep in mind this is not something that happens overnight i'm not gonna lie to you thinking in English is like a habit and like all habits it requires some getting used to also this will only be possible and i cannot stress this enough if you truly want to if it's something that you truly want to achieve and if you are willing to put in some effort at first without being said how do we start thinking in another language

English Grammar Book

Surround Yourself With English
It does not mean that you have to go abroad to start thinking in English although that is great if you are able to do so. This is the most important thing in my opinion is to surround yourself with the language people who live.  As I mentioned before that living  in an English-speaking environment are usually able to start thinking in English very early on in their English learning journey because you just cannot avoid English when you're in an English-speaking country but not everyone can move abroad not everyone can have that experience

What you need to do is you need to create those conditions that environment as much as you can and nowadays fortunately it's very easy to do so what you need to do is watch movies and series in English with English subtitles no translations please because we want to keep our mind focused on one language at a time and a translation in that case would be a distraction it needs to be 100 percent English

Do this whenever you can doesn't matter how busy you are whenever you have free time in your lunch break when you come home from work watch something that you like something that you enjoy that makes you laugh that keeps you interested and even if you don't understand everything don't worry about it don't feel discouraged it's perfectly okay it's normal just keep going

Fun Times Not Study Times
you can also watch vlogs youtube videos listen to podcasts just anything really as long as it's in English i usually recommend long series like friends the office you know those series with a lot of seasons because that way they will keep you company for a really really long time and you will also get used to the characters accents because sometimes it can be difficult to learn when there are so many different accents you watch a movie and it's a completely different way of speaking from the other ones which is still good don't get me wrong it's good exercise to learn new accents but you know a series with a lot of seasons will make sure that you really take your time and get used to it

 another thing that you can do to help you enter this mindset is to change the language of your devices to English because let's face it we use them every day whether it's our phone our computer um our iPad our apple watch set the language to English you'll be surprised of how much vocabulary you can learn by just using your phone and playing around with settings for example with the camera adjustments and so on it's such an easy thing to do but it really does make a difference even just reading the date and seeing oh it's Wednesday it helps your mind switch

Now once you've created this kind of artificial English environment and you do it consistently you should already notice a big difference this is when i started to notice a difference this is how i did it i would watch many series videos i would consume so much content in English and then without even realizing it i was thinking in English my inner voice was saying things in English and i wasn't even doing it on purpose it was just so natural another very important thing is to stop translating everything if you want to say something if you want to think of something in English do it already in English even if

it's just your inner voice don't think of the phrase or the word in your native language and then you try to translate it in English that's not gonna do anything for you that's not gonna help you it's only gonna take too much effort and too much time and we don't want that try to think it already in English don't worry about making mistakes don't worry about your pronunciation you're just getting used to thinking in English no matter how incorrect it may be no one can hear you

Talk To Yourself
During the day keep this going keep your mind active try to name what you see try to describe what you see and at the end of the day think of what you did of what needs to be done of what you will do tomorrow in English have small conversations with yourself and if you don't know the words for something try to find alternative ways of saying it

My tip for you is to keep your sentences short and simple you don't need to use complicated structures only use what you feel comfortable with in that moment for example "wow today was very tiring i worked hard i went grocery shopping i cooked for my family and now i would just like to relax"

short simple basic but effective do this every day

keep track of everything you're doing and then when you feel more comfortable add new things describe what you're doing .  For example oh "let's see what's on the tv tonight i don't really want to watch this show i find it silly let's change the channel oh maybe this documentary will be more interesting let's watch this instead"

Try To Be Consistent
it's important that you be consistent with this exercise it's really really helpful and i know what you might think this is too easy it cannot be that easy well trust me it is you don't need to spend hours on grammar books and be desperate and miserable to start thinking in English thinking is the easiest activity comes naturally and that's how it should be in whatever language again it does not happen overnight it does require some practice because like all things your mind needs to get used to it but it will be super easy and effective if you practice consistently

alright guys these were my tips if you have any questions any doubts or if you just want to share your experience of how you started thinking in english leave a comment and i will be happy to read them

Thank you so much   

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