Sheikh Ali Jaber Stabbed By Unknown Person

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ulama Syekh Moh Ali Jaber was stabbed by an unknown person while completing a study at the Falahuddin Mosque, Taemin, Tanjungkarang, Pusat, Bandarlampung, Sunday (13/9) afternoon. Sheikh Ali Jaber sustained a wound on the top of his right hand.

When interviewed by Tv One, Syekh Ali Jaber said the incident started when he had just asked a child to come on stage. "The program was just the beginning, I called a 9-year-old child for a reading test because it was a graduation ceremony for memorizing the Koran when the family finished asking for a photo. At that time, there was a young man running onto the stage," he said.

Shaykh Ali Jaber was stabbed by a stranger while completing a study at the Falahuddin Mosque, Tanjungkarang, Bandar Lampung, Sunday (13/9). F Phto source SPECIAL / Republic
Shaykh Ali Jaber was stabbed by a stranger while completing a study at the Falahuddin Mosque, Tanjungkarang, Bandar Lampung, Sunday (13/9). F Phto source SPECIAL / Republic

Syekh Ali Jaber continued, he was fortunate that at that time he had warded off the unknown youth's stab. "Alhamdulillah, I had time to see, if not possible, the stab could hit my neck or chest," he said.

After that, Sheikh Ali Jaber was then rushed to the nearest Puskesmas to be given help. "Alhamdulillah, it has improved, it has been sewn deep enough to almost recede more than 10 stitches in the upper right hand," he said.

The congregation who was present then immediately arrested the man who carried out the stabbing of Sheikh Ali Jaber, whose identity was still unknown. The police apparatus immediately secured the perpetrator to the police post.

Kapolsek Tanjungkarang Barat AKP Dvid Jacson said the perpetrator had been secured by the police, and was undergoing examination. "The perpetrator has been secured by officers," he said.

The incident surprised the congregation who attended the Koran Graduation ceremony. Some of the congregation shouted, especially mothers and young women who witnessed the event on the honor stage.

"Suddenly the man got on stage and waved his knife at the shaykh. Everyone was shocked hysterically," said Wati, a young female congregation. (Rep: Mursalin Yasland/ Red: Bayu Hermawan)

Article Source   REPUBLIKA

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