Bakmi Ayam

Hello there. This is Asep Haryono again, back to you this day to write some easy things during my "mudik" times I have had in Bekasi (East Jakarta) by the beginning of last November 2010. This is a story of my self at my parent home in Bekasi, in particular at Komplek Jalan Sarbini, Kranji Bekasi. Having finished taking care of my wife and son in Jogjakarta a week before, then I have to return to Pontianak, a capital city of West Kalimantan.

Unfortunately, during the way to Pontianak, I did not direct my road to the city, but I spent a few days before the date of my flight to Pontianak. I was there at my parent's home, doing some memorable activities including visiting to friends , relatives, and my neighbor as well. If you read the title of this posting, then you will certainly understand where the stories goes, yes this all about the "Bakmi Ayam". How do you say it in English?. Just do tell me, and I will edit the posting real soon after you are telling me the word. Okay?

Bakmi Ayam is a good Food

Well, this time is about the "Mie Ayam", then our memories will certainly refer to the noodle that usually ate by students at university, oh really Asep?. 

Well I am afraid yes is my right and correct answer. I could not thrieve my memories and counting to the amount of "mie" or noodle I have eaten during my studies at Tanjung Pura University Pontianak for the period of around 1990 to 1995.  As student at the university,  having those food is usual for the student at the university instead of other simple and cheap ones.

Just look back a moment in around 1990, and I was talking about one of Padang restaurant located precisely at front of the gateway of the University of Tanjungpura.  I forgot the name , but what I still remembered quite well was about the price of a "nasi bungkus" there was quite cheap in 1990.  You can purchase a slice of small rendang, two "bakwan," small vegetables, green chili (or cabe hijau for Padangnese can recognize) and also a simple amount of rice or nasi for short.  You can purchase them with only Rp.500,00,- (Five hundred rupiahs), and you can see how cheap the food is.

How about today's price for a small nasi bungkus just like I mentioned above?.  If you walked through along the  street of around Jalan Gajah Mada Pontianak, then you will find another Padang restaurants called "Simpang Ampek".

Unfortunately I did not have any picture describing about the building of the "simpang ampek" restaurant.  I will do that in the next posting Insya Allah.   Just provide your money at the sume of Rp.6.000,- (Six Thousand Rupiahs), then you will get a small portion of that "nasi bungkus" including a small size of rendang, one single "bakwan", small portion of vegetable, and green chili.  It was really yummy, delicious and good food to eat for a day of your lunch. 

I have enclosed a photo of a banner of the Simpang Ampek restaurant.  The photo I took from other resource I came across on the internet site. The actual image  address is Sembako Wordpress which you can easily accessed and visited.   The Simpang Ampek is a Padang restaurant located in Jalan Gajah Mada, very close to my office , just take around 3 or 5 minutes and you will not miss them.  Based on the information listed on the banner, we can see that the restaurant is under the management of Jakarta.  I have an opinion that they are from Jakarta administration.  What else I can say for this?   No big deal.

Let's back again about the Bakmi Ayam.  As I have mentioned before that during my spare times in my parent's home in Bekasi, I have met my wonderful "Bakmi Ayam" salesman, Pak Anen dan Pak Nasir.  I have enclosed those photos of the man right.  Their products (I mean the "gerobak" ) located very close to my parent's home, and I only need a few metres to reach them.  Very close right, and that is why each time I get the opportunity to "mudik" at my parent's home in Bekasi, I will never let the chance of having "mie ayam" of them, at least twice a day.  Woilaaaaa

This Mas Anen. My fave Mie Ayam salesman in Bekasi.  His good Mie Ayam impressed me always.  I knew his Mie Ayam since I was at SMA in 1989.  You can order mie ayam here.  Trust me "enak bangedss".  Photo by Asep Haryono

Me and Mas Anen. I just had a plate of mie ayam here.  Yummyyyyyyyy

Mas Nasir, anothe Mie Ayam Salesman in Bekasi, my other fave one.  I knew his mie ayam for years, and I can eat them with pangsit and bakso. Wolaaa.   Enyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak

This is Mie Ayam from Mas Anen.  A mie Ayam with bakso, and chicken. You can purchase this food with only Rp.5.000,- (Five Thousand Rupiahs) only.  Photo by Asep Haryono

There are still lots of my "jajanan pasar" food that I would love to have them during my trip to Bekasi, in particular at my parent's home , Kranji, Bekasi, such as "Es Campur" , "Es Teller", "Pempek Palembang", "Sate Ayam" , "Tahu Sumedang" , "Pecel Lele" (I will talk about "Pecel Lele Lela" in some other times Insya Allah), and also some other relate food.  Did you have all those sort of food you like?  Did you have your own fave food to discuss with?    Just share ideas , and tell them to me, and I will do my best to read them all too.  I love food, and I might be "certified food lover" in Pontianak.

Lokasi       : Depan Masjid Al Ikhlas, Komplek Inkopol Bekasi
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  1. Haha, I certifiy you officially as the food lover of Pontianak, then :p

    Yesss, I also love bakmie ayam a lot. In Sekadau, my very first time I notice that some javanese bakmie seller put fried nuts in the bakmie. It surely varies the taste! Nyammm deliciosooo.

  2. I miss Bekasi, especially Harapan Jaya. I lived there during my childhood until I was around ten. But at the time I did not like bakmi ayam. I loved tahu pong and pempek a lot since it was very easy to find the sellers over there.

    Really looking forward to 'napak tilas' to Bekasi, hopefully.


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