Today I am very happy again to get money at the sum of $ 4,00 USD from Lang Tech Comp on behalf of Blogsvertise today February 9th and I am pleased to tell you once again that the Blogsvertise is one of the most trusted paid review website that I have known. I hardly remember the total amount of those payment I received until today.

I still remember the very first payment I received from the Blogsvertise, and I got money from that trusted paid review continuously through my verified paypal account. Do you have any paypal account? The paypal account is one of the best method of payments to get paid and pay for services or goods online every where and in every way. I prefer to use the paypal account to receive money transfer from any paid reviews and other ads providers.

Once your paypal balance is enough to withdrawal your paypal balance , then you can get the money instantly to be transferred to your permanent bank account between 2 or 5 days of business hour. If your paypal balance is under Rp.2.00.000,- (Two Million Rupiahs) then the amount of Rp.16.000,- (Six Teen Thousand Rupiahs) will be deducted from your balance. It depends on your bank policy, and I have experience in this matter, and that is why I am able to tell this one to all of you here.

I was very lucky when I was registering the paypal account a few years ago. Having finished the application form for getting one account at the paypal , then I was required to submit any bank account number. Having submitted the bank account number, then the paypal sent me a small number of money around Rp.700,- (Seven Hundred Rupiahs). Do you want to know why the paypal sent me the small number of money for free during my registration?

Well , the paypal sent me the small number of money just to verify that my bank account number I have submitted was true and correct. The paypal required me to let them know that that small number of money have been officially received. Having submitted the information that the small number of money I have received already, then the paypal confirmed me that my paypal account was valid, and has been verified. Making money online is fun. (Asep Haryono)

I have finally received my 2nd payment transfer from one of the most advance and trusted adsense publishers, AdsenseCamp, the sum of $ 10,08 USD at my only one verified pay pal account a few days ago. Since I was involved at the adsense publisher, I have found many good earning from publishing ads text and image to generate revenue from the website. The total amount of that $ 10,08 USD is from the December 2011 earning and much bigger than the 1st payment I received around less than $ 7,00 USD.

Nah Well from the screen shots I have enclosed herewith, it can be seen clearly the amount I received at the sum of that $ 10,08 USD . Unfortunately the admin of the AdsenseCamp send me the money a little bit late than normal times in which among 5 to 10 of each month will get the transfer.

This is because of the second week of this January , they have to set up and maintain the server.
They clearly state on their TOS or the Terms Of Service of the Adsense Camp that the transfer payments made ​​every year on 5th to 10st for each month.

The calculation of the above earning is very simple I am afraid. The earning of December 2011 is about that $ 10.08 by the end of December 31, and they will be on their way to my pay pal account will receive between September 5 to 10 January 2012. Now I have received 2nd payment from AdsenseCamp, and I am so happy. Alhamdulillah (Asep Haryono)
Tag : paypal - Asep Haryono | Paypal Account - Powered by Blogger
Do you like to go shopping online through Internet? What I mean is shopping by using the Internet as media for trading and exchanging goods or service and you have to purchase them by using your credit card? Well there is plenty of outstanding credit cards available here that you might find interesting such as Master Card, Visa, and many other credit cards from local and international services.

How about purchasing goods or services through PayPal account? It is sound weird if you are not familiar with that wonderful and useful method of payment these days. What do you know about the PayPal as method of payment or purchasing goods or services? What is their primary benefits if we have the account today? A brief little stories about the paypal account will be on their way to you over this personal website

What is Paypal?
According to their official website on the Internet, I can find some basic information that the PayPal is one of the most important, steady, customizable and valuable way of purchasing and sending money to third party. Why we say the paypal is the safer and easier way to pay goods and services? That is because of you do not have to write down your credit card account number to the website in which could be very dangerous and could have detected by the third parties or hacker. You can just simply link your credit card number or bank account to your paypal account. There is no so simply as the paypal can do for you right now. Everything is so simply.

Many customers , and advertisers would love to accept the paypal account rather than directly sending money by exposing any credit card number online on the Internet.

Paypal emang serba bisa buat bisnis online, Banyak fasilitas yang diberikan guna menunjang bisnis kita .Yupsz dalam postingan kali ini saya akan membahas Cara Transfer Uang Dari Paypal Ke Rekening Bank Kita. Namun sebelum saya menjelaskan Cara Transfer Uang Dari Paypal Ke Rekening Bank .

Saya akan memberi tahu biaya-biaya dari pengambilan uang tersebut.Jika kita ingin mentransfer uang dengan tujuan rekening tabungan,Biaya pengambilan pengambilan gratis dengan nominal Rp1.500.000 atau lebih . tapi jika kita menarik dana dibawah nominal tersebut akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp16.000 per transfer .dan untuk pengambilan dengan tujuan kartu kredit akan dikenakan biaya sebesar $5 USD. yuk langsung aja ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk transfer uang dari paypal kerekening kita :

1.Log in ke Paypal dengan akun Paypal kamu,dan yang pasti status rekening Paypal kamu sudah verified, dan nama pemegang rekening juga harus sama dengan nama di akun Paypal Kamu.

2.Setelah Log in fasilitas paypal yang akan kita gunakan untuk mengambil uang adalah fasilitas withdraw

3.Klik Withdraw Funds To Your Bank

4.Lalu masukan data bank kamu Di Add A Bank Account In Indonesia. Berikut adalah data-data yang harus dimasukan :

-Country :Isikan dengan indonesia.
-First Name :Isikan dengan nam depan kamu.
-Last Name :Iasikan dengan nama belakang kamu.
-Nama Bank Tujuan :Isikan dengan nama bank yang kamu gunakan.
-Bank Code :Isikan dengan Code bank yang kamu gunakan . kode bank tersebut terdiri dari 7 digit ,3 digit pertama adalah kpde bank yang kamu gunakan dan 4 digit terakhir adalah kode cabang bank yang kamu gunakan . kamu bisa mendapatkan kode bank tersebut di website bank yang kamu gunakan atau melalui kontak service bank yang kamu gunakan .

5.Klik continue,lalu masukan jumlah uang yang ingin kamu ambil pada kolom Amount dan klik continue.

6.Klik Submit pada halaman konfirmasi . Selesai.. Kalo ga ada masalah uang yang kamu ambil dalam 1 minggu akan masuk ke rekening bank kamu

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