Merebaknya wabah Virus COVID-19 ke seluruh dunia telah membuat banyak negara mempersiapkan langkah pencegahan sebaik mungkin termasuk diantaranya adalah memberlakukan lockdown hingga mewajibkan warga negaranya untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan misalnya seperti menjaga jarak (social distancing) , mencuci tangan dengan sabum serta mengenakan masker. 

Selain menerapkan standar ketat di atas,  ternyata diketahui bahwa ada faktor dalam diri manusia yang juga memberi sumbangsih terhadap merebaknya virus Corona ini yakni mereka yang mempunyau risiko lebih besar terkena penyakit mematikan ini dan berpotensi kematian akibat Covid-19. Tina Donvito memberikan catatannya kepada anda

Orang dengan penyakit paru-paru
Seperti yang dikhawatirkan para ahli, orang dengan penyakit pernapasan kronis lebih rentan terhadap Covid-19: Di China, 6,3 persen orang yang memiliki kondisi pernapasan yang mendasari meninggal karena infeksi tersebut.

Virus memfokuskan serangannya pada struktur dan jaringan yang terlibat dengan pernapasan. Komplikasi termasuk ”tidak hanya berkembang menjadi pneumonia yang parah, tetapi ARDS [sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut], yang mencegah jaringan paru-paru mendapatkan oksigen yang cukup,” kata Dr. Glatter.

Penyakit paru-paru yang memiliki risiko komplikasi Covid-19 yang lebih tinggi termasuk asma dan PPOK, atau penyakit paru obstruktif kronik, yang meliputi bronkitis kronis atau emfisema. (Merokok adalah penyebab utama — tetapi tidak hanya — penyebab COPD.)

“Asma jelas merupakan risiko,” kata Dr. Long. “Penderita asma cenderung memiliki sedikit gangguan pada fungsi paru-paru meskipun tidak bergejala. Selain itu, bagi banyak penderita asma, segala jenis infeksi pernapasan adalah pemicu radang saluran napas dan pada dasarnya mengalami serangan asma. ”

Penderita diabetes
Diabetes bersama dengan gangguan endokrin lainnya juga dapat membuat orang pada risiko penyakit yang lebih parah atau kematian akibat Covid-19. Laporan kasus di China menyebutkan angka kematian pada 7,3 persen pada penderita diabetes yang menderita Covid-19. (Tom Hanks, yang dites positif terkena virus dan saat ini diisolasi di Australia, mengidap diabetes tipe 2.) Risikonya mungkin serupa untuk diabetes tipe 1 dan 2, kata American Diabetes Association. (Inilah perbedaan antara diabetes tipe 1 dan tipe 2.)

“Orang yang mengidap diabetes juga cenderung memiliki komplikasi lain kecuali jika ditangani dengan baik yang biasanya tidak terjadi,” kata Libby Richards, PhD, RN, profesor di Purdue University School of Nursing di West Lafayette, Indiana. “Tubuh Anda sudah stres. Itu hanya menurunkan kemampuan Anda untuk melawan infeksi. " lewatkan.)

Orang yang memakai obat penekan kekebalan
Siapa pun yang menggunakan obat yang merusak sistem kekebalan akan lebih kesulitan melawan Covid-19 dan komplikasinya. Ini termasuk orang dengan HIV / AIDS, pasien transplantasi, siapa saja yang memakai kortikosteroid dosis tinggi, dan pasien kanker yang menjalani pengobatan, kata CDC.

“Kebanyakan kemoterapi bekerja dengan menargetkan sel yang tumbuh dengan cepat dan beberapa yang paling cepat tumbuh adalah sel darah,” kata Dr. Long. Dan sel darah sangat penting untuk memastikan sistem kekebalan Anda bekerja dengan sangat baik.

Orang dengan penyakit autoimun seperti lupus atau rheumatoid arthritis juga perlu sangat berhati-hati. Alasan obat biologis yang lebih baru bekerja sangat baik untuk kondisi ini adalah karena mereka menjinakkan sistem kekebalan yang terlalu aktif yang mendorong penyakit.

Orang dengan kondisi kronis lainnya
Orang dengan bentuk penyakit kronis lainnya juga cenderung menderita secara tidak proporsional. Ini termasuk penyakit hati kronis dan penyakit ginjal kronis, kata CDC.

“Kondisi ini merusak kapasitas alami tubuh untuk mengatasi infeksi,” kata Dr. Long. Orang dengan kondisi jangka panjang juga memiliki sistem kekebalan yang rusak, AHA menambahkan.

Pusat dialisis telah diberikan instruksi khusus tentang bagaimana meminimalkan risiko pasien yang datang untuk perawatan. American Kidney Fund merekomendasikan agar pasien bertanya kepada pusat dialisis tentang prosedur apa yang mereka miliki untuk melindungi pasien dan juga menanyakan apakah Anda bisa menunggu di mobil daripada di ruang tunggu.

Orang dengan kondisi lain
Orang dengan kelainan darah tertentu, seperti anemia sel sabit, dan orang yang mengonsumsi obat pengencer darah mungkin berisiko lebih tinggi mengalami komplikasi dari Covid-19, kata CDC.

Institut Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Nasional juga memperingatkan bahwa orang-orang yang menyalahgunakan narkoba mungkin berisiko lebih tinggi, meskipun kami mungkin belum memiliki cukup hasil tes untuk mengonfirmasi hal ini. Orang yang merokok tembakau atau mariyuana atau yang melakukan vape sudah membahayakan paru-paru mereka, sementara opioid dan metamfetamin memberi tekanan pada sistem pernapasan. Ditambah dengan peningkatan risiko tunawisma dan penahanan yang dapat meningkatkan risiko tertular Covid-19. 


Sejauh ini, virus korona baru tampaknya menjadi patogen peluang yang sama, setidaknya dalam hal siapa yang terinfeksi. Tampaknya tidak memilih kelompok atau individu tertentu. “Tidak ada perbedaan dalam risiko penularan yang kami ketahui,” kata S. Wesley Long, MD, PhD, asisten profesor patologi dan kedokteran genom di Houston Methodist Hospital.

Namun, ada perbedaan pada siapa yang lebih mungkin sakit parah atau memiliki risiko kematian yang lebih besar akibat Covid-19. Meskipun 80% orang akan mengalami gejala ringan (atau bahkan tidak ada), diperkirakan sekitar 20% akan menjadi sakit parah atau bahkan sakit kritis. Menurut Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit, kelompok berisiko tinggi termasuk orang dewasa yang lebih tua bersama dengan orang-orang yang memiliki kondisi medis kronis yang serius.

Itu berarti 41 persen orang dewasa berusia 18 ke atas berisiko tinggi tertular Covid-19 baik karena usia mereka atau kondisi medis yang mendasarinya, kata sebuah laporan baru dari Kaiser Family Foundation. Berikut lebih lanjut tentang kelompok yang paling rentan mengalami masalah parah jika terinfeksi virus corona baru.

Selain mereka yang beresiko tinggi terpapar Virus COVID-19 seperti yang sudah disebut di atas masih ada beberapa kelompok lagi yang juga memiliki resiko yang tinggi terkena Virus Corona ini antara lain misalnya mereka yang sudah berusia lanjut,  orang yang memiliki riwayat gangguan pada jantung

Orang yang memiliki penyakit jantung , Laporan China menemukan bahwa tingkat kematian adalah 10,5 persen pada orang dengan Covid-19 yang juga menderita penyakit kardiovaskular. Sekitar 6 persen orang dengan Covid-19 dan hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi kronis) juga meninggal. “Virus ini berpotensi menyerang tidak hanya otot jantung, tetapi juga pembuluh darah,” kata Robert Glatter, MD, dokter darurat di Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.

Menurut American Heart Association (AHA), 40 persen pasien Covid-19 yang dirawat di rumah sakit (orang yang dirawat di rumah sakit cenderung memiliki penyakit yang jauh lebih serius) memiliki penyakit kardiovaskular atau penyakit serebrovaskular (seperti stroke). AHA juga menyatakan bahwa virus dapat mengganggu plak (pada dasarnya timbunan lemak) yang telah menumpuk di arteri. Ini akan meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung. (Tina Donvito)

Sumber Artikel  The HEALTHY

The death toll of COVID-19 in Indonesia: 689 people died. Update: April 24, 2020, at 16:00 WIB Source: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Johns Hopkins. Created with Datawrapper

DETIK.COM confirm on its release that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the higher temperature caused the Corona COVID-19 virus to live in the air and shorter surface. Factors of direct exposure to sunlight also affect.

This was conveyed by Jokowi after hearing statements from the Department of Homeland Security officials from the United States government regarding research into the coronavirus or COVID-19. From these studies, it is known that air temperature, sunlight, and humidity levels greatly affect the speed of COVID-19 virus death in the air and on non-porous surfaces.

"The higher the temperature, the higher the humidity, and the direct exposure to sunlight will further shorten the life span of the COVID-19 virus in the air and on non-porous surfaces," Jokowi said in a written statement from the Presidential Decree, Friday (4/24/2020) .

Jokowi said this was good news because Indonesia has a tropical climate with hot temperatures, humid air, and rich sunlight. However, the President reminded the public to continue to implement the protocol to prevent transmission of COVID-19 in a disciplined manner.

Soetta and Halim Perdanakusuma airports are closedSoetta and Halim Perdanakusuma airports are closed to passengers, only serving cargo. PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) ensures that all airports under its management will continue to operate even though the government has set rules to forbid mudik. Nevertheless, the airports managed by AP II will only serve cargo and special flights.

Passenger flights are temporarily closed so that passengers can no longer travel. Scheduled and non-scheduled passenger flights are temporarily out of service in the period April 24 to June 1, 2020.

Suasana Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dari Gedung 600 Kantor Pusat Angkasa Pura II, Rabu (11/3/2020)( WIRYONO

Also read: Commercial Aircraft are Prohibited from Passenger Transportation From April 24 to June 1, 2020, This is in accordance with Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 25 of 2020 concerning Transportation Control During Season Eid Al-Fitr homecoming 1441 H in the context of Prevention of COVID-19 Distribution.

PT Angkasa Pura II VP of Corporate Communication Yado Yarismano said, the company has four operational pattern options that can be adjusted according to existing conditions. "PT Angkasa Pura II is coordinating with the Ministry of Transportation regarding the implementation instructions and technical instructions related to the Ministry of Transportation and then we will adjust them to operational patterns throughout the airport," Yado explained in his written statement, Friday (4/24/2020).

"Certainly, the airport continues to operate to serve cargo flights and a number of special flights, "he said. Read also: Airlines are Banned from Passenger Transportation, Ticket Refunds Will Be Given Vouchers Angkasa Pura II currently manages 19 airports, namely Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Tangerang), Halim Perdanakusuma Airport (Jakarta), Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport (Palembang), Kualanamu International Airport (Deli Serdang), Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport (Pekanbaru), and Silangit Airport (North Tapanuli).

Then, Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport (Tanjung Pinang), Airport Supadio (Pontianak), Banyuwangi Airport and Radin Inten II Airport (Lampung) Then, Husein Sastranegara Airport (Bandung), Airport Depati Amir (Pangkalpinang), Sultan Thaha Airport (Jambi), HAS Hanandjoeddin Airport (Belitung), Tjilik Riwut Airport (Palangkaraya), and West Java International Airport (Majalengka). Furthermore, Fatmawati Soekarno Airport (Bengkulu), Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport (Aceh), and Minangkabau Airport (Padang)n (
Author Akhdi Martin Pratama | Editor Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan JAKARTA, )


As the ongoing spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) reshapes American lives by the day, and sometimes by the hour, the health and stability of the nation’s essential work force, namely our health care workers and first responders, remains paramount.

To keep themselves and their patients safe, these workers, who may have potentially been exposed to this deadly virus, may have to stay home until they are tested, losing valuable time on a now critical job.Here’s where organizations such as xymbio are stepping up to the challenge. xymbio, an infectious disease testing company, has offered the use of its high-speed testing program to help run tests on health care personnel and first responders to keep them healthy and return them to their demanding roles as soon as possible.

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The Las Vegas based company, uses industry leading technologies from ThermoFisher and operates under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) guidance issued by the Federal Drug Administration and highest diagnostic standards.xymbio is readying to process COVID-19 tests for hospitals and health care systems, and the company can provide both on-site testing and at-home testing kits for employees who believe they may have been exposed to the virus.

In addition, individual physicians can request test kits and testing for patients using forms available online on the xymbio website.

The company has been waiting on a response from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for necessary funding to accelerate its capabilities to acquire test kits so that it can rapidly scale testing capacity."xymbio has developed state of the art qPCR technology using ThermoFisher reagents to detect coronavirus protein n,s,e antigens. Their test is highly specific, accurate and scalable.

They are now only limited by government funding to expand capacity from 500 tests per day to thousands of tests per day. Time is of the essence. They have the fix. They need the support to expand their operations now!" Dr. Larry Emdur, Chief Medical Officer of Alvarado Hospital in California.

"We are in a war against a dangerous virus, and with federal assistance we are prepared to ramp up our testing capacity over the next 35 days to 20,000 tests a day, or 120,000 tests a week, with immediate plans to expand operations to Las Vegas and Atlanta, which would more than quadruple our testing capacity," according to Dr. Heath Wills, CEO and Chief Medical Officers of xymbio.

"We are ready to undertake the rapid action on behalf of many more citizens, and await prompt action on our proposal to the NIH, HHS, CDC, FEMA or the White House Task Force on Coronavirus testing during this national crisis," Wills emphasizes.xymbio has also been working with the Swab for Life campaign of the Give Life Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to raise awareness of blood donation.

"We chose to partner with xymbio because of its extremely accurate COVID-19 testing capabilities that we believe will accelerate help to Americans during this national healthcare crisis," says Bart S. Fisher, chairman of the Foundation.For more information about xymbio and their efforts to work with individual health care providers, hospitals, and the government, visit

Death Toll of COVID-19 in Indonesia updated April 10, 2020  : 306 died. While Spokesperson of the COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention and Management Task Force Jombang Regency Budi Winarno rectified his own statement regarding a positive third Corona patient. According to him, the patient is from Jombang District, not from Kertosono District, Nganjuk.

Previously, Budi explained, the positive patient infected with the Corona virus was isolated in Jombang Regional Hospital since Tuesday (31/3). Because he showed symptoms that led to COVID-19, he was included in the Patient Under Supervision (PDP) category.

lustrasi (Foto: Ist) Image from

However, the patient's swab test showed positive contracting Corona. The certainty of PDP that was stated positive COVID-19 was obtained by Budi from the East Java Health Office and released on the website of the East Java COVID-19 task force.

"The positive patient is male, aged 37 years from Kertosono. Currently in the isolation stage at Jombang Regional Hospital," he explained. However, this afternoon Budi corrected his statement. According to him, the third Corona positive patient was a man aged 50-60 years from Jombang District.

Jakarta First Day: The Road is Very Very Quiet

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan spoke about the condition of the Capital City on the first day of the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). Anies said the road conditions were very quiet.

"The streets in Jakarta are relatively very quiet. Compared to yesterday, it was very, very quiet," Anies said at the Jakarta City Hall, Friday (10/4/2020).

Anies is grateful that Jakarta PSBB today, according to him, is going well. Anies also revealed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has provided assistance to around 20 thousand families. Alhamdulillah, this is the first day of PSBB, so far it has been going well, the distribution of basic needs for poor people is also going well, "said Anies.

"So we give approximately 20 thousand per day for 20 thousand families, later in total there will be 1.2 million, only today 20 thousand and yesterday," Anies added. Anies said actions to prevent the crowd during the PSBB also continued. At present this action is still persuasive .

US Embassy in Jakarta confirmed that the Indonesian government has suspended visa exemptions and visa on arrival for all foreign nationals but is granting emergency visa extensions to all foreign nationals who arrived in Indonesia and received a visa after February 5, 2020. You do not need to apply for the emergency visa extension at an immigration office. Overstay fines are waived and the extension is free of charge. You should coordinate with Immigration to determine your status in Indonesia. (DETIK.COM)

Source   DETIK.COM

A number of victims killed by the Corona pandemic update: April 6, 2020 at 15. 50 WIB originating from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Johns Hopkins. Created with Datawrapper: 209 died

The issue of releasing prisoners of old corruption cases in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) had become a polemic. The opportunity is now closed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

In a limited meeting receiving the report of the COVID-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Jokowi explained the reason for releasing prisoners due to overcapacity in prisons and fear of coronavirus transmission. But it was emphasized Jokowi for prisoners of general criminal acts (tipidum), and not corruptors who are special criminal cases (tipidsus).  

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"I just want to say that for corrupt prisoners we never talked about it in our meetings. So in PP 99 of 2012 (Government Regulation on the Requirements and Procedures for the Implementation of Prisoners' Rights, ed) there is no revision for this. prisoners are only for general criminal inmates, "Jokowi said via video conference on Monday (6/4).

Jokowi looked in the mirror from other countries that released prisoners to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Like in Iran and Brazil which freed tens of thousands of prisoners. The Head of State said that the release of tipidum inmates had strict conditions.
"We also agreed last week, this is also to release prisoners because our prison is overcapacity. So it is very risky to accelerate the spread of COVID-19 in our prisons. But it is not free, of course there are conditions, there are criteria, and supervision, "Jokow said

Corona Case in Central Sulawesi: 5 Positive,
The Central Sulawesi Provincial Government (Central Sulawesi Provincial Government) updated the report in Pusdatina (COVID-19) in Central Sulawesi which increased to 5 people who were confirmed positive for Corona virus. There are an additional 255 people with monitoring status (ODP) and 5 patients with surveillance status (PDP).

Central Sulawesi COVID-19 spokesman, Haris Karimin, said that the addition of new cases came from the scope of the family that had previously been confirmed positive. New cases recorded on Monday (6/4) he said had increased.

"The results of the deceased swab, Mr. Morut Regent, have come out and the results are positive COVID-19, so there are a total of 5 people. Meanwhile, the new ODP case has increased by 255 people, it has increased 200 percent from the previous number. And the new PDP case has added 5 people, which is an additional resident of Palu and Parigi Moutong, "said Haris when contacted on Tuesday (04/07/2020) night.

He hopes that the community implements government appeals such as always wearing masks when doing activities outside the home and maintaining a disciplined distance. This was done so that efforts to break the chain of the spread of the virus can run well.

"Yes, we need cooperation from all parties, both the government and the community. So that we can break the chain of transmission of the Coronavirus," he concluded. (DETIK.COM)


The number of COVID-19 corona virus-positive cases in Indonesia continues to grow. Monday (6/4/2020), there were 2,491 positive cases, 192 healed, and 209 died.

"We have examined specimens of 11,242 people, 8 thousand or 80 percent of whom were not proven positive," said a government spokesman for handling the COVID-19 coronavirus, Achmad Yurianto, Monday (6/4/2020).

Positive cases experienced an increase of 218 cases so that accumulatively to 2,491. Patients who were declared cured after 2 examinations had negative results increased by 28 cases to 192. Meanwhile, patients who died increased by 11 to 209.

Mulai hari ini disarankan semua orang pakai masker (Foto: Pradita Utama)
Mulai hari ini disarankan semua orang pakai masker (Foto: Pradita Utama)

Corona in South Sulawesi Increase 30 Today,
The number of positive Coronaviruses (COVID-19) in South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi) today increased by 30 people to 112 people. Of the 30 that increased today, 15 are local infections in Makassar City.

"Right now as there is data, a positive addition of 30, I can say that of these 30 percent 50 percent are in Makassar, there are 15 in Makassar with all local transmission historical contacts," said the Head of South Sulawesi Health Office, Dr. Ichsan Mustari in his statement in Makassar, Monday (6/4/2020).

Ichsan said that there were currently no Corona cases in Makassar that occurred because of transmission from outside of South Sulawesi or imported transmission. Many cases in Makassar have occurred because of social interaction.

"This local transmission with a partner, with relatives, and friends, this is Makassar," said Ichsan. Meanwhile, overall there were 68 positive Corona people in Makassar. This number makes Makassar the location of the most Coronavirus transmission in the South Sulawesi region.

South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah, who is now directly leading the Task Force for the Acceleration of Coronavirus Disease Handling (COVID-19), has made Makassar the focus of Corona treatment and prevention. Nurdin considered Makassar to be the epicenter of Corona transmission in South Sulawesi.

I control that yesterday it has started to be quiet in the regions (for the Corona case), then we can see how Parepare, who has 2 positive patients, has recovered and has returned home. Makassar (so focused because of many cases). Makassar is the epicenter of transmission, "Nurdin told AFP.

Regencies around Makassar City are also quite high areas in the Coronavirus transmission. In Gowa, there were 16 positive cases of Corona, while in Maros there were 11 positive cases of Corona.

Indonesia Government Urges From Today All Must Use Masks
Following the recommendations of the WHO World Health Organization, the Government of Indonesia recommends the use of masks even when not sick. Fabric masks are recommended.

"Starting today, according to WHO recommendations, we run masks for all. All must use masks," said a government spokesman for handling the COVID-19 coronavirus, Achmad Yurianto, Sunday (4/4/2020).

Yuri reminded, surgical masks and N95 masks are only for medical personnel. For every day, it is recommended to wear a cloth mask. This suggestion is related to the presence of several cases of asymptomatic COVID-19 coronavirus infection which is also a source of disease spread. Therefore, it is recommended for all to wear masks when leaving the house.

For those who use cloth masks, it is recommended not to wear it for more than 4 hours. After that, the cloth mask can be washed with soap water (DETIKCOM)


Source  DETIK.COM - detikHealth

Head of West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Health Service Harisson announced that there were five Patients Under Supervision who were treated in several Hospitals (RS) throughout West Kalimantan negative COVID-19.

"(Negative) Through the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) examination by the Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering (BBTKLPP) in Jakarta," he said, Saturday (4/4) afternoon.

Of these five PDPs, two patients were treated at the Soedarso Regional Hospital in Pontianak. First a 48-year-old woman resident of Pontianak City. Both a 2.7-year-old boy is also a citizen of Pontianak City.Furthermore, in Abdul Aziz Singkawang Hospital there was one PDP, a 38-year-old male resident of Sambas Regency was also stated negatively.

Then one PDP in Sambas District Hospital, a 37-year-old male resident of Sambas Regency, also had a negative result. And the fifth one PDP at Rubini Mempawah Regional Hospital, a 65-year-old male citizen of Mempawah Regency was also stated negatively. Thus there is a reduction of five PDP out of a total of 38 PDP throughout West Kalimantan. 

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The National State Of COVID-19
The sad news again came from the frontline in handling coronavirus in Indonesia. This time six nurses in Indonesia died. This news was conveyed by the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI). Two of them have been confirmed positive, while the others are still in the status of a patient under surveillance (PDP).

When confirmed AFP, Chairman of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), Harif Fadillah, Skep, SH, MKep confirmed this. "There have been six deaths. One status is the positive corona, Nuk, the other results have not come out, still PDP," he explained when contacted by AFP on Sunday (5/4/2020).

Meanwhile, previously there were 17 doctors, and 5 dentists who died. The lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) is also still in the spotlight related to the safety of the front guard in handling corona patients. Given their great risk due to close contact with patients every day

208 Chinese citizens detained at Soekarno-Hatta Airport
A total of 208 Chinese citizens were detained at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Cengkareng, Banten because they could not leave for Guangzhou, the People's Republic of China. Their country of origin refused aircraft from Indonesia landed in China.

They were held at Soekarno-Hatta Airport on Friday (3/4) yesterday. They sang Chinese songs in the hope that the Chinese government would accommodate them.

"208 foreigners who did not go to China are correct," said Head of the Immigration Class I Special TPI Bandar Soekarno-Hatta, Saffar Muhammad Godam, told AFP on Sunday (5/4/2020). Saffar explained, the problem they were experiencing was because the Garuda airplane with flight number GA8900 they were chartering, was not allowed to land in Guangzhou, China. Saffar did not know why planes from Indonesia were rejected by China

The declaration of the coronavirus COVID-19 as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) made the Indonesian government increasingly tighten the rules for crossing people from and to Indonesia.

Travelers from 8 countries will be banned from entering Indonesia.
This rule was conveyed by Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno LP Marsudi in a press conference which was also broadcast on the Foreign Ministry's YouTube channel. Travelers who are prohibited from entering Indonesia if within 14 days of visiting these 8 countries, namely:

1. Iran
2. Italy
3. Vatican City
4. Spain
5. France
6. Germany
7. Switzerland
8. English

"The government continues to pay close attention to reports from WHO regarding the development of the spread of COVID-19," Retno said, Tuesday (3/17/2020).

Corona in Indonesia Can Reach 100 Thousand
The peak phase of the Corona outbreak (COVID-19) in Indonesia is predicted to reach 100,000. China, which has passed the peak phase, the case of Coronary did not reach 100 thousand. How to?

The most recent modeling of transmission of COVID-19 was made by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). The results of this modeling were disclosed directly by the Head of BNPB Doni Monardo as the Head of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19. The results are horrifying. The number of positive Corona in Indonesia in July 2020 is estimated at more than 100 thousand cases.

The model was revealed by Doni in a working meeting with Commission IX of the Indonesian Parliament, which was held virtually on Thursday (2/4/2020). Doni displays the modeling data on the screen.

"Estimated number of cases in March 1,577 BIN input. This is relatively accurate. Estimated end of April 27,300, the peak at the end of June and the end of July," Doni said at the meeting. The data stated that the peak of Corona positive cases occurred in May, with an increase in the number of cases from April to May of 68,144.  (DETIK.COM)

Source : DETIK.COM / Pontianak Post

Bandara Supadio Pontianak From Bali With Love Selfie Dengan Selebritis
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