REVIEW: Gekikara Ramen Spicy Instant Noodle

The culinary review this time I want to try one of the "Japanese" instant noodle products, namely the spicy Geikara Instant Ramen Mi Mi. For Ramen lovers throughout West Kalimantan in particular, and all of Indonesia in general, it is permissible to enjoy warm and seductive dishes from the Spicy Instant Geikara Mi Ramen Mi. I have tried it. What is fun about this Spicy Instant Geikara Ramen Mi Mi?

Before reviewing, I tried to dissect first what content or content was compared to 1 pack of Spicy Instant Taste of Geikara Ramen Mi Mi which was priced around Rp. 5,700, at this Indomaret outlet.

In this 1 pack of Geikara Ramen Instant Instant Spicy Flavor, I only got 2 (two) main items, namely reddish flavorings, and dried sauran vegetables. There is no chili sauce, no vegetable oil, and no soy sauce. Only those two items. Simple

Fresh Gravy Flavor. From some of the made-in-Japan Instant noodles, the taste of Geikara Instant Mi Ramen Spicy Flavor is quite fresh, not too tasty and does not smell of garlic and flavor that is too strong. Sprinkles of seasoning if it has been stirred in boiling water with a standard portion for 1 bowl of thick soup

UNBOXING : Saat umboxing di dalam Geikara Ramen ini hanya terdapat bumbu (flavour) dan sayurankering saja. Tidak ada saos dan minyak sayur. Foto Asep Haryono
UNBOXING : When unboxing inside the Geikara Ramen, there is only flavor (flavor) and vegetables only. There is no sauce and vegetable oil. Photo of Asep Haryono
CARA PENYAJIAN : Dibagian belakang bungkus Geikara Ramen ini memuat cara penyajian yang benar.  Mudah untuk diikuti. Foto Asep Haryono
PREPARING WAY: The back part of the Geikara Ramen wrapper contains the correct presentation method. Easy to follow. Photo of Asep Haryono

SIAP DISAJIKAN  : Geikara Ramen Mi Instan ini siap disajikan, Taburkan sabos sambal atau topping lain sesuai selera anda. Foto Asep Haryono
READY TO BE PROVIDED: This Instant Mi Ramikara Ramen is ready to be served, Sprinkle chili sauce or other toppings according to your taste. Photo of Asep Haryono

Jepang Kuah Noodle has a soft texture. And just so you know that in a pack of Geikara Ramen Instant Mi Flavors, the spicy is not 120 grams, this is a big portion. I myself have tried 1 pack of Spicy Instant Noodles, Geikara Ramen has felt enough. No need to add carbohydrates (read: rice) again. Because a large portion is enough to eat 1 adult. Moreover, eaten by children, well it can be eaten by 2 children.

For the composition of this spicy Geikara Ramen Instant Noodles, especially the noodles are made from wheat flour, vegetable oil, tapioca, salt and vegetable oil.

While Seasoning itself is made from Salt, Taste Enhancer (Monosodium Glutamate), Sugar, Garlic, Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Ginger Powder (Garlic Powder), Black Pepper, Class IV Caramel Dyes, Ginger Powder and several other elements which, if it is read, is strange. Hehehe. Its okay, the composition is a lot too.

Dried vegerables in transparent plastic wrap are Carrot, Green Union, Mushrooms and also chilli. This Spicy Instant Geikara Ramen Mi Mi is produced and distributed by PT Masuya Graha Trikencana Bekasi, and the 120 gram Geikara Ramen Instant Instant Flavor product is indeed the company's Nissin Groip production limit on March 21, 2019. a

Up Your Life Spices. For you Ramen lovers and soupy dishes, you may enjoy the freshness of this Spicy Instant Geikara Ramen Mi Mien. Good luck
 (Asep Haryono)

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