REVIEW : Gajah Mada Hotel Pontianak

Pontianak. Hotel Gajah Mada Pontianak Located in the heart of Pontianak precisely on Jl Gajah Mada No 177-183 Pontianak is designated as a Three Star Hotel by Indonesian Tourism Business Certification PT signed by the Director of Business Drs.SBWiryanti Sukamdani, CHA with certificate number 037 / SUH-B / SUPI / X / 2013 and is valid until the upcoming October 19 2018

To reach this hotel is also relatively very easy. If you have just arrived at Supadio International Airport, you can use the Airport Taxi service or bring your own vehicle directly to Jalan Gajah Mada Pontianak because the location of Gajah Mada Hotel is indeed in accordance with its name on Jalan Gajah Mada Pontianak.

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 Gajah Mada Gajah Mada Hotel is located on Jalan Gajah Mada Pontianak which can be reached in just about 25 minutes and again the geographical location of this three-star hotel is arguably very strategic because it is close to Supadio Airport and also close to urban facilities such as local food, fruitere, banks, shops, travel agencies, restaurants and ATMs, just walking distance. Well it's easy right? 

Hallway the room on the 5th floor which I took the photo for the completeness of this article. Photo of Asep Haryono

PAKET PERLENGKAPAN MANDI  : Inilah highlight atau keunikan yang berhasil saya catat saat menginap di Hotel Gajah Mada Pontianak ini. Paket perlengkapan mandi yang dikemas menarik.  Very cool. Keren.  Foto Asep Haryono
This is the highlight or uniqueness that I managed to record when staying at Pontianak Gajah Mada Hotel. An attractive package of toiletries. Very cool. Cool. Photo of Asep Haryono

TENANG : Salah satu sudut di lobby yang juga difungsikan sebagai tempat bersantap pagi (breakfast) para tamu Hotel Gajah Mada Pontianak. Foto Asep Haryono
One corner in the lobby which also functioned as a breakfast room for guests of the Gajah Mada Hotel Pontianak. Photo of Asep Haryono

WINDOW VIEW :  Pemandangan kota Pontianak dapat dilihat dengan jelas dari balik jendela kamar saya. Mungkin kalau di lantai 6 nya bisa lebih puas lagi. Foto Asep Haryono
WINDOW VIEW : The view of Pontianak city can be seen clearly from behind my bedroom window. Maybe if on the 6th floor it can be more satisfied. Photo of Asep Haryono

MINI BAR:  Mini Bar nya kosong dan belum berisi minuman kaleng yang biasanya umum disediakan hotel.  Kulkasnya kosong, mungkin untuk tamu juga. Foto Asep Haryono
MINI BAR: The Mini Bar is empty and does not contain canned drinks which are usually commonly provided by the hotel. The fridge is empty, maybe for guests too. Photo of Asep Haryono

LUAS :  Salah satu sudut dalam kamar 521 saya foto sebelum check out siangnya.  Cukup luas dan semuanya tertata dengan rapih. Foto Asep Haryono
One corner in room 521 I photographed before checking out in the afternoon. Quite broad and everything is neatly arranged. Photo of Asep Haryono

COMPLIMENT : Ada dua botol air mineral gratis per hari selama menginap dan aneka teh di atas meja ini juga free persembahan dari manajemen Hotel Gajah Mada Pontianak. Foto Asep Haryono
COMPLIMENT : There are two free bottles of mineral water per day during the stay and various teas on the table are also free offerings from the management of Gajah Mada Hotel Pontianak. Photo of Asep Haryono

Unique Toiletry Package
Hotel Gajah Mada Pontianak has 6 (six) levels or floors. When my family stays on Saturday, March 10, 2018, they occupy room 521 or are on the 5th floor. To reach this 5th floor, visitors can use the elevator, which on average all 3-star hotels already have.

It's just that when I first came to the room on the 5th floor while in the elevator the number 5 button where I headed the elevator door didn't close, and the 5th floor number on the control panel on the elevator wall didn't turn on. The elevator does not function in my heart.

My movements were noticed by a room attendant (room service) who helped with the difficulties I experienced. So the elevator must be activated first by the officer using a special card. I don't know what the card is. Room card?

The bathroom was one of the elements of my assessment when staying at any hotel and the bathroom in my room was good there was a shower with a choice of hot and cold water and some knick knacks in it. One thing that captivates my heart is the package of toiletries that are packed in paper bags containing toothpaste, toothbrushes, small combs, shampoo and many more.

Unique, interesting and cute banged. I'm happy to see it. For the room (room) it's cool, it's a 3 star standard. Maybe from the photo photo above that I included in this article, I have told you. My impression during my stay at Hotel Gajah Mada Pontianak was fun, cool and fun.  (Asep Haryono)

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