A Fashion Blogger Friend From Japan , Akiko Hiramatsu

simplyasep.com  I searched for some personal blogs on the Internet a few days ago and surfing for some references on Travel and cuisines from different countries. I also got some information on fashion design too.   For the first searching, I have found some Fashion Bloggers from Poland, Russia, and some other countries.

I have contacted some of the Fashion bloggers.  I was not happy with them because of the always talked about business proposals.  I was not the type of man who always talking and discussing business and work every day. There was a time for me to find new friends all across the world. 

I wish I could find many more friends from different countries, finding new Friendships and learning about their culture, and language as well. I would love to learn another foreign language in addition to English I was speaking right now.

Time goes by, and 
I finally came across some International Bloggers whose passions and hobbies are fashion and design. One of the fashion bloggers I visited was from Japan.  Beauty and smart career woman from the country, Her name is Akiko Hiramatsu    Take a look at one of her picture profiles I have put as follows :
 Akiko Hiramatsu.  Photo taken from Kimonosnack, her personal Blog.

This is a gift from me. A banner of Akiko Hiramatsu.  I will be more than happy to put the banner on my blog as an appreciation of a new friendship that has just begun with her 

A glance about Akiko Hiramatsu I took from her official website.  Akiko Hiramatsu is an international illustrator, a fashion blogger, and a Japanese dancer. She currently lives and works in Tokyo. 
Akiko Hiramatsu  currently working as an illustrator and blogger for various mediums such as kate spade new york, Numero TOKYO, LINE, KAMEDA SEIKA, and Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan.

I have seen many portfolios from her amazing skills, and guess what, Akiko Hiramatsu's work has been featured in many publications around the funny elegant world. Very impressive. I was so lucky to know a very talented and professional Fashion blogger like Akiko Hiramatsu. I have contacted over her blog, and I got the information that Akiko Hiramatsu used to business visit to Bali last year. Owawww. That is cool.

In one of  Akiko Hiramatsu's post, there was a photo of her together with her son Anji (19 years) who are still in Junior High School and a dog, Goro is eleven years old.  In Indonesia, a Junior High School student is called "Anak SMP" or SMP schoolboy.  Akiko Hiramatsu's son lives separately. Her son lives in an apartment near her house and it takes about fifteen minutes by taxi.

Akiko Hiramatsu, a holder of a diploma in Kamigata Mai (Japanese dance) and gives lessons and have been always learning real elegance from Mai. She was also very easy laughing at everything that is so funny to her.  I sometimes laugh at any funny things too.  I think we have something in common here.

If you would like to propose a collaboration with 
Akiko Hiramatsu you may contact her from her awesome blog at kimonosnack.blogspot.com   (Asep Haryono)

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