I Love My Work So Far

Working as one of full time database staff at one of the leading newspaper providers in West Kalimantan has made me lots of things to be done in a day.

It was really lots of work to do every day with every conditions that I had to accomplish with my heart and soul instead of taking care of my own business and family.

I have posted this kind of my own activity daily from my primary website, asepharyono , a few months ago in Bahasa Indonesia and you could have read it anytime you feel like it

Some of you did not know what I did in my office, and some of you did. Perhaps today, I would like to extend my warm regards from Graha Pena Building 5th floor sending this clear message to you and hopefully you will understand what sort of things I have been working for years.

I would like to dedicate this posting to Miss Syahdini, The Kupu, whose question about the work I have been doing so far, well, I was so sorry in very late in answering. I had now had time to post short activities, description in particular, about the work I was dealing with every day.

Website Content Specialist
Have you ever visited any website on the internet right? I was sure of you all have visited so many websites, blogs, and online journals on the net, and you must have written some messages to their forums, guest books and many others.  Have you ever heard about Website Content Specialist (WCS) instead of website owner that you may say?.  Well , basically this kind of person who operate and upload some information in a regular basis to a website or blog.

As one of full time database staff at Pontianak Post daily newspaper, I am responsible for maintaining and uploading daily information especially on the current news and situation happened in Pontianak , the capital city of West Kalimantan and also all major cities in West Kalimantan such as Sintang, Kapuas Hulu, Singkawang, Putusibau, Sekadau , Sambas, Sungai Pinyuh and many other cities all across the island.

I was also retrieving some photos from Jawa Pos News Network (JPNN) and Reuters every day.  I have been doing this kind of activities for years, and fortunately some of this activity can not be done again due to the job has been conducted by someone else.  I have been focusing only for updating and maintaining my only and primary website on the internet, that is the Pontianak Post website. 

The website of Pontianak Post have been published around in 2001 with a new look and interactive format instead of the previous one whose internal interface was very simple.

The brand new look of the Pontianak Post online including some forums for their visitors, and also some connection to social network like facebook.  The website have been visited by more than 500 visitors a day from many countries all over the world.

This is one of the activities I did not do again, taking some JPNN and Reuters Photos from Surabaya. This old photos took around 2001.  Photo documentary from Pontianak Post

Internet. Its been fun. I like my work so far. Photo Asep Haryono

I started uploading news and information listed from the newspaper format of the Pontianak Post to the online version from around 09.00 WIB in the morning and will finish around at noon.  The long time of uploading the information was possible due to I had to edit and resize the photo images for the news by using the Adobe Photoshop and edit some txt format for the website.   It was not easy to do such things especially when you did not have the paper format to assist your work.

The only guidance I was using was about the paper format, due to the online version of the Pontianak Post newspaper is only a back up instead of the paper version. This strategy , in particular, to give the readers more chances to buy the newspaper, and they could read the online version shortly after they have had the paper version.   There was a basic theory from all of us here,  I did not know for sure due to we have not provided the research yet, if the people read the online version, the readers may not bu the newspaper again. This is something we have to avoid in every way.

I could have listened up with music online, and participating in many information resources while I have been working except chatting. I did not have much time to spare my time , instead of working, by chatting with other users from other parts of the world. 

I always read some messages in my inbox, and reply their email shortly after I have finished my work every day.  For the busiest work and activities in a day, I will do my best to read my friend's blog, sending and answering emailsto my friends,  learn something new about information and technology from other resources.  In other words, I love my work so far.  I enjoyed it so much. How about yours?  (Asep Haryono)

1 comment:

  1. Yoiyoi. As I wrote in my previous post couple months ago, we need to do what we love and lovvvee what we do.

    I myself prefer to put what I love to do in the very first priority, coming up the next things which I am supposed to do with less love I have ahaha.

    Anyway, once we enjoy our work, it will be easy for us to love doing it everyday just like you do to yours :)

    Inspiring post kang Asep.


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