Memories Of November 19th to 22nd , 2009
By Asep Haryono

Having returned from Kuala Lumpur , attending Youth Engagement Summit 15 to18 November 2009 at Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia , my flight with KLM landed succesfully at Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have another plan to Bali tomorrow, so I did not have much time to return to my parent's in Bekasi.

I decided to stay one night at a friend located around the SOETTA to catch up the flight to Bali tomorrow morning. I was staying at Muhammad Arif Julianto (Seachange participant too-red) at her war house around Grogol.

I was not able to return home to Pontianak that day due to I had to catch up the flight to Bali to attend 20 years of Kang Guru Indonesia celebration. Today a little bit different posting due to I have to mix Indonesia and English to give a better understanding the entire articles for those whose reading habit is using Bahasa Indonesia. All this actual event conducted last November 2009, and I wrote again for my memories only. Basically you may read this one too absolutely

Ogi Yutarini , Project Manager of KangGuru Indonesia, have planned to give all Kang Guru Indonesia champions to stay at one of the budget hotels in Bali, around Sanur location , and the selection goest o Puri Dalem Hotel located in Jalan Hang Tuah 23 around Sanur. The Puri Dalem Hotel is just a short walking distance stroll to Sanur Beach where white sandy beach make the sunrise the most beautiful thing to memorize in Bali.


I flew from Soekarno Hatta International Airport exactly at 11.35 WIB , Thursday, at 19 November 2009, again with Garuda Indonesia Aircraft flight number GA 406. Flying to Bali can be reached around 1,5 hours from Jakarta.

Having landed smoothly at Ngurah Rai International Airport , I took a cab from the air port to take me at the Puri Dalem Hotel located in Jalan Hang Tuah. I paid around Rp.95.000,- , the driver took me to the hotel as I have planned before.

Telah menunggu di hotel Puri Dalem, 6 (enam) Perwakilan KangGURU Indonesia (biasa disebut dengan istilah Champion-red) antara lain Suryadi Ningrat (Champion Madura), Ririn Pudya (Champion Jakarta-Kediri), Fadhil (Champion Mataram – NTB), Saptari Wibowo (Champion Medan-SUMUT), dan Sri Keyko Rahayu (Champion Semarang- Jawa Tengah).

I was there quite late in the hotel, and there are my Kang Guru Indonesia champions were there already waiting for me absolutely. They were Suryadi Ningrat (Champion Madura), Ririn Pudya (Champion Jakarta-Kediri), Fadhil (Champion Mataram – NTB), Saptari Wibowo (Champion Medan-SUMUT), and Sri Keyko Rahayu (Champion Semarang- Jawa Tengah).

Selain dari para Champion yang memang langganan di undang ke Bali hampir setiap tahun oleh KangGURU Indonesia, dalam momen ulang tahun KangGURU Indonesia 20 tahun ini, hadir juga 15 orang yang merupakan para pemenang lomba KangGURU 20th Anniversary Writing Competition dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, beserta undangan lannya yang berasal dari Klub Bahasa Inggris KGCC KangGURU yang memang diundang secara khusus oleh KangGURU Indonesia.

Instead of the Kang Guru Indonesia Champions invited to Bali to attend the 20 years celebration of the Kang Guru Indonesia, there were also around 15 people special guest being invited by the Kang Guru Indonesia either. Those 15 people selected from the Kang Guru Indonesia member whose partcipation actively in many competitions and quiz held by Kang Guru Indonesia magazine and website as well.

Salah seorang pemenang KangGURU 20th Writing Competition, Iwan yang berasal dari Palembang “ Saya kenal KangGURU sedang tahun 2004 melalui majalah yang diterimanya dari seniornya saat membuat karya tulis, dan aktif di segmen Who Is Who yang ada di majalah KangGURU. "Kesan saya mengikuti kegiatan KangGURU sini sangat senang terutama karena kesan mereka sangat ramah terhadap saya yang baru pertama ke Bali dan pertama naik pesawat ini”. Dia berharap KangGURU memberikan workshop di daerah Palembang (Sumat
era Selatan)

PURI DALEM : Salah satu sudut dalam hotel tempat saya menginap, Hotel Puri Dalem. Jalan Hang Tuah, Sanur, Bali (19/11/2009). One secret : I cannot swim. I really do. Photo by Asep Haryono

PURI DALEM : Salah satu sudut dalam hotel tempat saya menginap, Hotel Puri Dalem. Jalan Hang Tuah, Sanur, Bali (19/11/2009). My room located upstair with Syahrir Badulu from Makasar. Photo by Asep Haryono

By night, around at 19.00 Bali's time absolutely , all of us here got general information and briefing from Ogi Yutarini, Project Manager Of Kang Guru Indonesia as usual. She took care of every information and cover up many things needed to succeed our programs during in Bali for years. Having finished her briefing, we all have to have for dinner.

Menjelang malam hari, sekitar pukul 19.00 Waktu Bali (FYI waktu di Bali lebih cepat 1 jam dari waktu di Pontianak-Red), seluruh perwakilan KangGURU Indonesia mendapatkan pengarahan singkat dari Ogi yang merupakan project coordinator KangGURU Indonesia.. Ogi ini merupakan salah satu petinggi KangGURU Indonesia karena dari tangan dialah, seluruh keperluan Champion selama di Bali ditangani dengan baik olehnya.

Having finished her briefing, we all have to have for dinner. We went to Padang Small Restaurant "Sari Ratu" in different area of the hotel and can be reached within a walk. As I have mentioned in my posting before that having meals in Bali need more attention and handle with care. Regarding having meals in Bali should be very much my concern due to the area of Bali was not Moslem areas and all kind of the food available in Bali will be my priority to select from.

For Moslem like me is not allowed to eat pork, and all of the Kang Guru Champions are moslem too. We are not interested in "jajan" or buying some yummy food on the street like Bakso, Siomay, Batagor around in Kuta' street. We did not know for sure the material content of the meat they are selling, and well I think it is a good idea for us to find moslem warung around Kuta by noticing the "moslem mark" or moslem labelled in front of the warung.

DAY 02- Jumat , 20 Nopember 2009

Para perwakilan KangGURU Indonesia, Champion , sudah bersiap siap di Hotel Puri Dalem pada pukul 08.00 WIB. Saya dan 6 Champion KangGURU se Indonesia lainnya bersantap makan pagi (breakfast –red) di Ruang Restoran Hotel Puri Dalem, Menu menu yang lumayan istimewa dan cukup menggugah Selera. Dalam resto Puri Dale mini juga sudah dilengkapi fasilitas WiFI untuk koneksi internet para penghuninya.

All Kang Guru Indonesia champions , including those 15 people special guest from all over Indonesia, the winners of KangGuru Indonesia competitions were ready to head to the Kang Guru Indonesia office located at IALF Building Jalan Sesetan Denpasar, Bali. We ate our free break fast first , with the voucher we had already , and we were having the break fast in relax way.

SIAP GO : Mau jalan ke IALF, moto dulu di depan air mancur Hotel Puri Dalem, Sanur Bali. Taksi sudah menunggu ku hehehe sabar ya Bli, moto dulu ya (20/11/2009). Photo by Fadel/Mataram

Namun tidak semua orang bisa mengakses Internet di hotel ini karena harus memiliki password khusus untuk bisa Log In dengan koneksi internet hotel. Hanya tamu tamu yang menginap di Hotel Puri Dalam inilah yang diperkenankan oleh manajemen hotel untuk mengakses internet. Jam ditangan saya sudah menunjukkan pukul 09.00 Waktu Bali, dan kami pun segera menuju gedung Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (I/A/L/F) yang terletak di jalan Sesetan, Denpasar, Bali.

Not all guest at the lobby of the hotel could get access to the internet facilities, and the services were only for the hotel members only. If you were staying at the hotel, then you were able to access free 24 internet access any time. If you were guest only, then you were not able to. My watch in my hand showed 09.00 WIB, and we all ready to go to the IALF with two cabs.

Dengan menggunakan taksi argo, kami pun menggunakan dua buah taksi guna membawa kami ke gedung IALF, dan ongkosnya pun terbilang murah, Mungkin karena jarak antara hotel kami menginap, Puri Dalem, dengan gedung IALF Sesetan cukup dekat, jadi kami hanya membayar sekitar 40.000 rupiah saja. Itu saja sudah lengkap dengan receipt (kuitansi) yang bisa didapatkan dengan mudah, Anda tidak akan mendapatkan penggantian atas biaya yang sudah anda keluarkan.

With those argo cabs, not the blue bird groups as usual we took , the driver took me and the other six Kang Guru Indonesia champions to the IALF Building, while the other 15 people were using a small minibus to the same direction. We just paid around Rp.40.000,- (forty thousand rupiahs) only to cover the fees due to the location was quite close with the place we are staying at.

REGISTER : Dua orang pemenang KangGURU 20thn Aniversarry Competition sedang mengisi
formulir registrasi kepada KangGURU Indonesia (20/11). Photo Asep Haryono

All guest of the Kang Guru Indonesia, 15 people from all over Indonesia , the winners of the Kang Guru Indonesia competitions, were requested to fill in the form of participation to attend the 20 years of Kang Guru Indonesia anniversary in Bali which will be conducted tomorrow morning at the IALF Bali and also at the Australian commissions. It will be posted in the next parts, Insya Allah

Tepat pukul 10.00 Waktu Bali, saya , Saptari Wibowo (Champion Medan), dan Suryadi (Champion Madura) memberikan presentasi kecil selama lebih kurang 30 (tiga puluh) menit di hadapan George Crewes (Manager IALF), Pak Kevin Dalton (Project Manager), Sue Rodger, Maggi , para Champion lainnya dan juga undangan..

Kami bertiga (saya, Bowo dan Suryadi) memberikan presentasi atas hasil hasil yang sudah dicapai saat kami bertiga mewakili KangGURU Indonesia menghadiri International Youth Forum (IYC) 2009 yang berlangsung di Banten dari tanggal 28 September s/d 2 Oktober 2009 yang lalu.

During at the IALF Building, around at 10.00 WIB, all the Kang Guru Indonesia champions get together again and received general briefing again delivered by Kevin Dalton , Project Manager of The Kang Guru Indonesia, at the building.

I , Suryadi (Madura) , and Saptari Wibowo (Medan) were requested to give around 30-minute-presentation about our attendance at International Youth Conference (IYC) which succesfully held in Bali last 28th September to 2nd October, 2009. The three of us were representative of the KangGuru Indonesia in the meeting.

Saptari Wibowo (Champion Medan) gave first presentation to the forum about his attendance at the IYC 2009 conference along with his awesome slide slow presentation. The next turn was me presenting the small presentation about my impressions during the conference and the last one was Suryadi.

The next posting were some stories of the celebration of Kang Guru Indonesia 20 years and some parties held at the Australian Commission in Sanur in the different articles. (Asep Haryono)

Bersambung - To be continued

Bandara Supadio Pontianak From Bali With Love Selfie Dengan Selebritis
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